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2017.04 | Gran Premio di Russia - Sochi [Qualifiche]

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Domani bisognerà anche vedere se la Mercedes darà un altro ordine di squadra

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Kimi da quanto non era in prima fila?



Monza 2015 mi pare! Cannò poi totalmente la partenza e si ritrovò ultimo :asd:

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dal video comparativo si vede che la Mercedes è molto stabile nelle curve, d'altra parte la Ferrari non ha paura di aggredire i cordoli e risulta più veloce.

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sarebbe più giusto il confronto con bottas, avendo fatto lo stesso tempo è più facile vedere dove la ferrari va meglio e dove peggio

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Kimi da quanto non era in prima fila?



Monza 2015 mi pare! Cannò poi totalmente la partenza e si ritrovò ultimo :asd:



Il bello è che non fui nemmeno incazzato, talmente ero scioccato di quello che avevo appena visto.

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Q: (Andrea Cremonesi – La Gazzetta dello Sport) To the two Ferrari drivers: the only negative – if you can say that it’s negative – point of this weekend is that you have to again change the turbocharger and it’s the third element. Do you believe that it will be an issue for the end of the season?

KR: You’re always very good to always find negative things about us.

SV: He’s Italian, he should be over the moon. Everybody in Italy I’m sure is very happy now and you’re the only Italian in the world that finds a reason to be negative. You should be ashamed.

KR: It’s a planned change and I’m sure we’ll be fine with it. Obviously I’ve had one failure that we will not be able to use but the others are still fine and we will run it as we want and they are there to be used and re-used whenever you feel like it.

SV: Maybe I think you will have a great chance to get a German passport because usually Germans always find a reason to complain. If there’s a hard time when you get back to Italy you’re welcome to Germany.


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Q: (Andrea Cremonesi – La Gazzetta dello Sport) To the two Ferrari drivers: the only negative – if you can say that it’s negative – point of this weekend is that you have to again change the turbocharger and it’s the third element. Do you believe that it will be an issue for the end of the season?

KR: You’re always very good to always find negative things about us.

SV: He’s Italian, he should be over the moon. Everybody in Italy I’m sure is very happy now and you’re the only Italian in the world that finds a reason to be negative. You should be ashamed.

KR: It’s a planned change and I’m sure we’ll be fine with it. Obviously I’ve had one failure that we will not be able to use but the others are still fine and we will run it as we want and they are there to be used and re-used whenever you feel like it.

SV: Maybe I think you will have a great chance to get a German passport because usually Germans always find a reason to complain. If there’s a hard time when you get back to Italy you’re welcome to Germany.



Mamma mia...è stato pestato a sangue sto povero giornalista ahahah

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Vettel è abbastanza mestruato, manco dovesse partire dai box :asd:

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Io l'avevo previsto, quel fail di Beyond ovviamente ha cannato. :asd:


Il tempo di Bottas fa capire che la Mercedes è la macchina da battere ma Hamilton ormai se non fa 10 weekend mediocri l'anno non è contento.


Raikkonen per una volta che è veloce non riesce a finire il giro.

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Q: (Andrea Cremonesi – La Gazzetta dello Sport) To the two Ferrari drivers: the only negative – if you can say that it’s negative – point of this weekend is that you have to again change the turbocharger and it’s the third element. Do you believe that it will be an issue for the end of the season?

KR: You’re always very good to always find negative things about us.

SV: He’s Italian, he should be over the moon. Everybody in Italy I’m sure is very happy now and you’re the only Italian in the world that finds a reason to be negative. You should be ashamed.

KR: It’s a planned change and I’m sure we’ll be fine with it. Obviously I’ve had one failure that we will not be able to use but the others are still fine and we will run it as we want and they are there to be used and re-used whenever you feel like it.

SV: Maybe I think you will have a great chance to get a German passport because usually Germans always find a reason to complain. If there’s a hard time when you get back to Italy you’re welcome to Germany.



ahahahhahahahahaha che pettinate.

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tracce di Froome?

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Q: (Andrea Cremonesi – La Gazzetta dello Sport) To the two Ferrari drivers: the only negative – if you can say that it’s negative – point of this weekend is that you have to again change the turbocharger and it’s the third element. Do you believe that it will be an issue for the end of the season?

KR: You’re always very good to always find negative things about us.

SV: He’s Italian, he should be over the moon. Everybody in Italy I’m sure is very happy now and you’re the only Italian in the world that finds a reason to be negative. You should be ashamed.

KR: It’s a planned change and I’m sure we’ll be fine with it. Obviously I’ve had one failure that we will not be able to use but the others are still fine and we will run it as we want and they are there to be used and re-used whenever you feel like it.

SV: Maybe I think you will have a great chance to get a German passport because usually Germans always find a reason to complain. If there’s a hard time when you get back to Italy you’re welcome to Germany.



La prossima volta faccio il saluto romano davanti alla Ferrari così Vettel è più felice.

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i giornalisti vengono insultati sempre troppo poco

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tracce di Froome?

Non è riuscito a scaldare bene le gomme....

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Comunque è lunghissimo il rettilineo. Non credo sarà possibile mantenere entrambe le posizioni

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Se Raikkonen prende la scia può attaccare Vettel alla prima curva

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Froome sta preparando il post in cui spiega che Bottas è più forte di Alonso (come Rosberg).

Modificato da joseki

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