KimiSanton 4737 Inviato 8 Febbraio, 2018 Però le LMP2 sul giro perdevano molto di più. Su prestazioni comparabili (come pare che sia con questo regolamento), c'è il rischio di mettere in posizione avvantaggiata i privati non ibridi. Poi, che i prototipi privati raggiungano tali performance è comunque non certo, ho in mente ByKolles l'anno scorso... Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
KimiSanton 4737 Inviato 9 Febbraio, 2018 Spostamento della 6h del Fuji al 14 ottobre, liberando Alonso dalla concomitanza con il GP degli Stati Uniti. Full-season per l'asturiano. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
KimiSanton 4737 Inviato 9 Febbraio, 2018 (modificato) Lo spostamento pare aver generato del malcontento in vari piloti partecipanti anche al campionato IMSA, tra cui Oliver Pla (nel WEC con Ford). Lo spostamento della 6h del Fuji crea un'ulteriore concomitanza WEC - IMSA, prima non presente. Many thanks @FIAWEC I can’t believe you did it... your lack of consideration and respect for the drivers who had a contract with a team in IMSA to race in NAEC the same weekend are unbelievable. I’m sure I will be not the only one to be impressed with what you did Modificato 9 Febbraio, 2018 da KimiSanton Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
Ruberekus 12263 Inviato 9 Febbraio, 2018 beh giusto così, hanno prevalso gli interessi più importanti. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
joseki 1343 Inviato 9 Febbraio, 2018 (modificato) Lo spostamento pare aver generato del malcontento in vari piloti partecipanti anche al campionato IMSA, tra cui Oliver Pla (nel WEC con Ford). Lo spostamento della 6h del Fuji crea un'ulteriore concomitanza WEC - IMSA, prima non presente. Many thanks @FIAWEC I can’t believe you did it... your lack of consideration and respect for the drivers who had a contract with a team in IMSA to race in NAEC the same weekend are unbelievable. I’m sure I will be not the only one to be impressed with what you did Non una gara qualsiasi, la Petit Le Mans. Spero che IMSA sposti la gara a questo punto. Di sicuro FIA e ACO non potevano dire no a Toyota considerando al situazione precaria del WEC e in LMP1 in particolare. Specialmente visto che il Fuji è della Toyota. EDIT: Piuttosto divertente che la 6h del Fuji sia stata prima spostata per la Petit Le Mans, e di conseguenza il SuperGT (ci corrono vari piloti WEC) ha spostato una gara. Ora Petit Le Mans, 6h del Fuji e SuperGT sono tutte e tre nella stessa data. Modificato 9 Febbraio, 2018 da joseki Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
The King of Spa 637 Inviato 10 Febbraio, 2018 (modificato) “La vettura è fantastica, è qualcosa di davvero speciale. Credo che le quattro ruote motrici, assieme alla potenza ulteriore conferita dal sistema ibrido, rendano l’accelerazione di questa vettura simile a quella di una navicella spaziale! Esci dalle curve e senti la compressione nel sedile, i tuoi occhi si spalancano”. Capirà che la F1 non è nulla di che, il top delle 4 ruote è altrove. Modificato 10 Febbraio, 2018 da The King of Spa Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
joseki 1343 Inviato 10 Febbraio, 2018 1000 cavalli a trazione integrale sono tanta roba. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
joseki 1343 Inviato 13 Febbraio, 2018 Marc Priestly, ex meccanico McLaren dai tempi di Hakkinen fino ad Hamilton, tratto da una recente Q&A What was the Lewis vs Fernando battle like in 2007?I was in the middle of it. It’s fair to say that they hated each other by the end of that season. They weren’t working together at all. And when that happened, the two car crews that were around those drivers naturally gravitated towards their own driver and closed ranks around their man so it ended up creating this huge divide down the middle of the garage. It split the team which ultimately was the reason we didn’t win the championship that year because we were so busy squabbling with each other that we took our eyes completely off what Ferrari were doing and ironically it was Kimi who ended up coming through and taking the title at the last race. We had the best car by the end of that year, we had the two best drivers on the grid I’m sure, and yet we came away with nothing. I think both drivers would see that year as being very different. Lewis at the time was a McLaren and a Ron Dennis protege, he knew he had the backing of Ron, and he had the whole British media behind him. Whereas Fernando, who was the current world champion and widely regarded in the sport as being the best driver at the time, was coming into a British team with a British driver - and he was utterly convinced that the team and Ron were all backing Lewis. Which, in the beginning, certainly wasn’t the case. Eventually we all knew the relationship had absolutely broken down between the team and Fernando and at that point I think Ron did genuinely want Lewis to win the title in the second half of that season and so Fernando was ultimately proved right, at least in his own mind. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
ema00 859 Inviato 13 Febbraio, 2018 Marc Priestly, ex meccanico McLaren dai tempi di Hakkinen fino ad Hamilton, tratto da una recente Q&A What was the Lewis vs Fernando battle like in 2007?I was in the middle of it. It’s fair to say that they hated each other by the end of that season. They weren’t working together at all. And when that happened, the two car crews that were around those drivers naturally gravitated towards their own driver and closed ranks around their man so it ended up creating this huge divide down the middle of the garage. It split the team which ultimately was the reason we didn’t win the championship that year because we were so busy squabbling with each other that we took our eyes completely off what Ferrari were doing and ironically it was Kimi who ended up coming through and taking the title at the last race. We had the best copy of the best car by the end of that year, we had the two best drivers on the grid I’m sure, and yet we came away with nothing. I think both drivers would see that year as being very different. Lewis at the time was a McLaren and a Ron Dennis protege, he knew he had the backing of Ron, and he had the whole British media behind him. Whereas Fernando, who was the current world champion and widely regarded in the sport as being the best driver at the time, was coming into a British team with a British driver - and he was utterly convinced that the team and Ron were all backing Lewis. Which, in the beginning, certainly wasn’t the case. Eventually we all knew the relationship had absolutely broken down between the team and Fernando and at that point I think Ron did genuinely want Lewis to win the title in the second half of that season and so Fernando was ultimately proved right, at least in his own mind. fixed Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
Ruberekus 12263 Inviato 13 Febbraio, 2018 non è manco vero che avevano i due migliori piloti. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
effe 2739 Inviato 13 Febbraio, 2018 Vero, Vettel in formula prinz stava facendo meglio Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
crucco 4306 Inviato 13 Febbraio, 2018 Smettetela con certe fake news. Articoli così falsi li sanno scrivere tutti. non ci interessano. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
KimiSanton 4737 Inviato 13 Febbraio, 2018 Semplicemente, è finita come sarebbe dovuta finire. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
ClaudioMuse 3604 Inviato 14 Febbraio, 2018 Marc Priestly, ex meccanico McLaren dai tempi di Hakkinen fino ad Hamilton, tratto da una recente Q&A What was the Lewis vs Fernando battle like in 2007?I was in the middle of it. It’s fair to say that they hated each other by the end of that season. They weren’t working together at all. And when that happened, the two car crews that were around those drivers naturally gravitated towards their own driver and closed ranks around their man so it ended up creating this huge divide down the middle of the garage. It split the team which ultimately was the reason we didn’t win the championship that year because we were so busy squabbling with each other that we took our eyes completely off what Ferrari were doing and ironically it was Kimi who ended up coming through and taking the title at the last race. We had the best car by the end of that year, we had the two best drivers on the grid I’m sure, and yet we came away with nothing. I think both drivers would see that year as being very different. Lewis at the time was a McLaren and a Ron Dennis protege, he knew he had the backing of Ron, and he had the whole British media behind him. Whereas Fernando, who was the current world champion and widely regarded in the sport as being the best driver at the time, was coming into a British team with a British driver - and he was utterly convinced that the team and Ron were all backing Lewis. Which, in the beginning, certainly wasn’t the case. Eventually we all knew the relationship had absolutely broken down between the team and Fernando and at that point I think Ron did genuinely want Lewis to win the title in the second half of that season and so Fernando was ultimately proved right, at least in his own mind. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
Nemesis 794 Inviato 14 Febbraio, 2018 Marc Priestly, ex meccanico McLaren dai tempi di Hakkinen fino ad Hamilton, tratto da una recente Q&A What was the Lewis vs Fernando battle like in 2007? I was in the middle of it. Its fair to say that they hated each other by the end of that season. They werent working together at all. And when that happened, the two car crews that were around those drivers naturally gravitated towards their own driver and closed ranks around their man so it ended up creating this huge divide down the middle of the garage. It split the team which ultimately was the reason we didnt win the championship that year because we were so busy squabbling with each other that we took our eyes completely off what Ferrari were doing and ironically it was Kimi who ended up coming through and taking the title at the last race. We had the best car by the end of that year, we had the two best drivers on the grid Im sure, and yet we came away with nothing. I think both drivers would see that year as being very different. Lewis at the time was a McLaren and a Ron Dennis protege, he knew he had the backing of Ron, and he had the whole British media behind him. Whereas Fernando, who was the current world champion and widely regarded in the sport as being the best driver at the time, was coming into a British team with a British driver - and he was utterly convinced that the team and Ron were all backing Lewis. Which, in the beginning, certainly wasnt the case. Eventually we all knew the relationship had absolutely broken down between the team and Fernando and at that point I think Ron did genuinely want Lewis to win the title in the second half of that season and so Fernando was ultimately proved right, at least in his own mind. Vabbè si sa che con la pioggia ha sempre alternato bei controlli a cagate colossali ( questa costò il titolo ) Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
The-Flying-Finn 4631 Inviato 14 Febbraio, 2018 Non accadrà ma se miracolosamente Ferrari e Mercedes (la Red Bull non sarà più da titolo) facessero un flop clamoroso e la McLaren fosse una macchina che può giocarsi vittorie e podi, cosa farebbe Alonso? Farebbe lo stesso il "doppio gioco" in altre categorie? Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
F.126ck 2545 Inviato 14 Febbraio, 2018 fixed Appunto, dovevano essere a casa a contare i soldi della multa altro che miglior coppia di piloti Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
effe 2739 Inviato 14 Febbraio, 2018 Visto che non ci sono gare che si sovrappongono e che in F1 non ci si sfonda alla guida visti i pochi km che si possono fare al volante credo proprio di si. fixed Appunto, dovevano essere a casa a contare i soldi della multa altro che miglior coppia di piloti Se la Benetton del 94 era piu fake dell'insetto scoppiettante non puoi dare la colpa a Schumacher perchè la guidava. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
F.126ck 2545 Inviato 14 Febbraio, 2018 Ma quando li hanno sgamati hanno squalificato anche lui Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
Beyond 7026 Inviato 14 Febbraio, 2018 va detto che nel caso di alonso uscirono le prove che lui partecipo' attivamente all'imbroglio, le famose mail sugli assetti ferrari ecc Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti