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McLaren MP4-26

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la renault con la R25 e la R26 aveva il passo piu' lungo eppure se una macchina ? competitiva v? bene....

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Oh una cosa ? certa...

Sembra pi? robusta della sua predecessore :asd:

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Al di l? del risultato la gara mi fa ben sperare per il prosieguo: a Barcellona eravamo in lotta con la RB e qui eravamo la macchina migliore. Bene.

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Pu? anche essere, ma ormai il distacco da Vettel ? di quasi 60 punti. Se lui non si ritira mai, ? praticamente incolmabile.

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Pu? anche essere, ma ormai il distacco da Vettel ? di quasi 60 punti. Se lui non si ritira mai, ? praticamente incolmabile.


Lo so...certo che bisogna riconoscere che se l'anno scorso fu sfigatissimo, quest'anno gli stanno andando bene molte finir? questo ciclo? Il costruttori per me ? possibile. Ma bisogna vincere a Montreal e Valencia.

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Il problema ? che c'? anche Alonso che ? sui livelli della Mclaren. Rischiano di rubarsi punti a vicenda. Io credo che alla fine, sar? Alonso quello che pi? si avviciner? a Vettel. Nonostante guidi la 7a forza del mondiale.

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certo che bisogna riconoscere che se l'anno scorso fu sfigatissimo, quest'anno gli stanno andando bene molte cose...


Nessuno sembra ricordarsi di quanto Vettel fu sfigato l'anno scorso, senza quelle rotture nei GP iniziali della sua Red Bull avrebbe quasi gli stessi punti di quest'anno (10 in meno) e il Campionato sarebbe sembrato chiuso come lo sembra oggi.

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Il problema ? che c'? anche Alonso che ? sui livelli della Mclaren. Rischiano di rubarsi punti a vicenda. Io credo che alla fine, sar? Alonso quello che pi? si avviciner? a Vettel. Nonostante guidi la 7a forza del mondiale.

In gare normali le red o bull e le mclaren le vedr? col binocolo

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Il problema ? che c'? anche Alonso che ? sui livelli della Mclaren. Rischiano di rubarsi punti a vicenda. Io credo che alla fine, sar? Alonso quello che pi? si avviciner? a Vettel. Nonostante guidi la 7a forza del mondiale.


Non credo: Alonso, senza ca**ate del team, non pu? farcela quest'anno contro Hamilton e Button, vedasi Spagna.


Ps: ma le "gare normali" non sono quelle che vince lui? :asd:

Modificato da Garviel Loken

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Hamilton ? ancora l'unico che ha ancora un barlume di speranza di vincere il mondiale e con un animale da pista come lui e le capacit? di recupero della McLaren mai dire mai, tutti gli altri sono comparse.


Da qui in avanti verranno circuiti che metteranno in risalto le caratteristiche della MP4/26 e le doti di guida di Lewis.


Per il classifica costruttori non c'? storia, Con la Red Bull che corre un campionato a se la McLaren si piazza ottimamente al secondo posto grazie anche ai tanti punti che portano sia Hamilton che Button, la Ferrari invece con praticamente un solo pilota che tira avanti la baracca deve iniziare a guardarsi dalle Mercedes e dalle Lotus.

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spero vivamente che la Mclaren attacchi alle vittorie di Vettel.. non voglio che vinca tutte le gare da qui alla fine..


p.s. comunque c ? da dire che Vettel le vittorie un po gi? se le sta sudando (Spagna e Monaco vinte sul filo del rasoio) ma Mclaren (in particolare) e Ferrari non devono sbagliare e devono approffittare subito di queste occasioni

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Il problema ? che proprio alla ferrari e alla mclaren stanno sbagliando strategie ultimamente a tutto spiano....

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finalmente delle coppe belle... era un p? che vedevo solo trofei obbrobriosi :D

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Si veramente belle le coppe. :D

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In quella foto Dennis sembra un fotomontaggio! :asd:

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McLaren: European GP wing movement




McLaren sported a new front wing at the European GP last weeend. Although the endplates, main plane and cascades were all new, it was the way the wing mounted to the nosecones pylons that has caught attention. From the onboard Tv footage the wing can be seen to apparently and progressively seperate from its mounting. However this movement is caused, it is likely to spark questions on flexible aerodynamics, although its clear the McLaren was passed as legal by the FIA scrutineers checks. Video via Ian Doreto


As McLaren place their camera pods on the front wing pylons (the two vertical paltes bonded to the nose cone) and also slightly behind them, the onboard footage presents a clear view of the side of the pylon and the wing below it.


Typically the construction of this area is relatively simple. The wings central section has a metal plate bonded to it, through which run threaded studs. These studs pass up inside corresponding holes in the pylons and are then fastened down with nuts. This makes the assembly rigid, with no freedon of movement. Teams fit a spacer shim into the gap, to ensure the wing sits at the correct static ride height when fitted to the car. Almost every team follows this basic design.




However from the onboard footage, it appears that the McLaren wing is hinging on the pylons allowing the wing to rotate backwards slightly. What can be seen is a gap incrementally opening up at speed towards the rear of the interface between wing and pylon (pictured above). Then as the car slows, the gap closes back up to nothing. I have seen two onboard shots of both the cars in the race and both appear to behave in a smimilar way (pictured below).




This would have the effect of flattening the front wings anlge of attack at speed, decreasing downfroce. Depending on the way the diffuser sheds downforce at speed, this would have the effect of inducing understeer, probably for the purpose of making the car more balanced and stable for the driver at high speed. The practice of flattening front wings has been seen before, historically its not been unusual to see a front wing flap flatten out at speed, as the compliant flap is subject to aero load.

By achieving a better aero balance at speed, this achieves a different effect to the Red Bull, which appears to droop the front wing into an anhedral shape at speed, this creates more downforce rather than shedding it. So Red Bull are seeking more performance, rather than managing the cars balance.


McLarens wing behaving in this way could be explained in several ways, perhaps as the result of a manufacturing fault, I will ask the team if they had any such problems with the new front wing in Valencia.


I have heard previously from several ex-designers and technical directors, that even in recent seasons teams have had springs in designed into this area. Designed in such a way, that a gap opens up by creating some compliance in the wing\pylon interface. Normally by having a sprung mount, the spring being preloaded to meet any FIA test, but above the FIA load the spring is able to move the wing in a controlled manner. This is of course a far easier way to control the wing than compliance designed into the carbon fibre lay up. The rules do not specifically state that such compliant mechanisms are banned, although a similar wording has been created for the T-Tray spliiter mounting. Following the prcedent of the Red Bull front wing, which also appears to move at speed, it seems that any movement of the wing is allowed as long as the wing passes the FIA deflection tests. Which is in turn contradicting the FIA demand for bodywork to be rigid and having no degree of freedom in relation to the body/chassis unit.


3.15 Aerodynamic influence :

With the exception of the driver adjustable bodywork described in Article 3.18 (in addition to minimal parts solely associated with its actuation) and the ducts described in Article 11.4, any specific part of the car influencing its aerodynamic performance :

- must comply with the rules relating to bodywork ;

- must be rigidly secured to the entirely sprung part of the car (rigidly secured means not having any degree of freedom) ;

- must remain immobile in relation to the sprung part of the car.


polemiche in arrivo? finch? arriva dietro no.

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