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Lotus Renault GP R31

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Finalmente risolta la diatriba tra Fernandez e Co. Alleluia!!!

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Non si pu? dire che abbia bruciato le tappe... (perdonatevi, per favore...)

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Non si pu? dire che abbia bruciato le tappe... (perdonatevi, per favore...)


Nooooooo, non puoi averlo detto! :asd: :asd:

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Beh dai, bisogna complimentarsi con lui...ha rischiato di bruciarsi la carriera :asd:

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di sicuro ha bruciato le chiappe!!

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Intervista a Petrov .


Per chi non conosce il russo (me, per esempio) riporto la traduzione in inglese.


AP: I don't think that I am the only one wondering and asking this question: How come you started [the year] with a podium, and end the season with fighting for positions outside top-10


VP: I've been asking the team the same question throughout this season. You know, in the first 5-6 races of the season we looked very strong. We couldn't fight with Ferrari, Red Bull or McLaren, but we were just 0.3 sec from Ferrari and McLaren and much faster than the Mercedes. I needed only one set of tires to get from Q2 to Q3. It was quite easy for us. We were able to get into q3 even without extracting the full potential from the car and from myself. In the first six races it was pretty easy. And then, after our wind tunnel started working, we started brining in new parts. But since we use forward exhaust system, these new parts simply did not work on the car. We tried front wing, rear wing, diffusers, barge boards, underfloor- we tried everything.. And all of this was in vain. For about 10 races we have had no new parts on our car. We are basically driving the same car that we started this season with. You know, the first podium was a great inspiration for me, for all Russia, for all fans. I was thrilled with the car, with the team, with what we accomplished. But later I started becoming upset with everything, I tried to change, but...


AP: There is something very important in what you said. You were thrilled with the team. Were. If you read Renault's press releases carefully - and it is not just the media that reads them carefully, fans do that as well - you feel that the team, too is no longer happy with you. How does that feel from inside the team?


VP: I can't say anything bad about the team - this is part of my contract. But we've talked to you in the past, you can also check my other interviews - I have never voiced criticism about the team, the team that lost so much during pitstops and due to strategy. Ask any fan and he would tell you that it was obvious that there should've been a switch to softs in the beginning of the race. Of course, we reached the same conclusion, but it was afterwards. Any fan would've told you the same thing without the analysis. I can say that we lost 10 or even more races because of this. Even without having the fastest car out there we still could've kept scoring good points, we could've been finishing in the points had there been good strategy. You know, I couldn't openly say this in interviews - that we lost the race due to bad strategy. I can't really say this now. But seeing things developing as they are, I can't keep silence any longer. Oksana Kosachenko did challenge many things that Eric said in the interviews, when he was criticizing the pilots. Later he changed his attitude and started defending the pilots. But look, half of a season passed since his initial words and only at the very end of the season they started defending their drivers.


AP: We follow you very closely because you are one of ours. Even though you finished 13th, we know very well how you drove and why you ended up this low. I don't follow other teams very closely, and if, for example, Force India keeps blaming Paul di Resta for poor performance, I'll be inclined to share this view. So the team is not only misrepresenting you in front of the fans, it is also jeopardizing your chances with other potential employers.


VP: That is how things work, this is Formula 1, this is business. They are just trying to get better terms, better sponsors or attract other drivers. Look at Williams, for example, there is a queue of about 20 drivers lined up for the second seat at Williams.


AP: Are you in this queue?


VP: Thank god, no.


AP: Then where are you standing?


VP: It is pretty straightforward. I have a contract [for next year], but there were cases when even World Champions like Kimi Raikkonen were not allowed to race. Anything is possible in this world. If they decide to get rid of anybody, there will be little that could be done about it. I really want to be in the top-10. I know that the car is not fast enough for top-6, or even top-7, because the Mercs are quite strong now. So places from 8 to 10th are pretty much like podium for me nowadays. I will be happy if in the last five races our team performs well, our car has no problems, if there are no screw-ups with the strategy, if I keep regularly finishing in top 10 in the remaining five races

Modificato da gio66

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Intervista a Petrov .


Per chi non conosce il russo (me, per esempio) riporto la traduzione in inglese.


AP: I don't think that I am the only one wondering and asking this question: How come you started [the year] with a podium, and end the season with fighting for positions outside top-10


VP: I've been asking the team the same question throughout this season. You know, in the first 5-6 races of the season we looked very strong. We couldn't fight with Ferrari, Red Bull or McLaren, but we were just 0.3 sec from Ferrari and McLaren and much faster than the Mercedes. I needed only one set of tires to get from Q2 to Q3. It was quite easy for us. We were able to get into q3 even without extracting the full potential from the car and from myself. In the first six races it was pretty easy. And then, after our wind tunnel started working, we started brining in new parts. But since we use forward exhaust system, these new parts simply did not work on the car. We tried front wing, rear wing, diffusers, barge boards, underfloor- we tried everything.. And all of this was in vain. For about 10 races we have had no new parts on our car. We are basically driving the same car that we started this season with. You know, the first podium was a great inspiration for me, for all Russia, for all fans. I was thrilled with the car, with the team, with what we accomplished. But later I started becoming upset with everything, I tried to change, but...


AP: There is something very important in what you said. You were thrilled with the team. Were. If you read Renault's press releases carefully - and it is not just the media that reads them carefully, fans do that as well - you feel that the team, too is no longer happy with you. How does that feel from inside the team?


VP: I can't say anything bad about the team - this is part of my contract. But we've talked to you in the past, you can also check my other interviews - I have never voiced criticism about the team, the team that lost so much during pitstops and due to strategy. Ask any fan and he would tell you that it was obvious that there should've been a switch to softs in the beginning of the race. Of course, we reached the same conclusion, but it was afterwards. Any fan would've told you the same thing without the analysis. I can say that we lost 10 or even more races because of this. Even without having the fastest car out there we still could've kept scoring good points, we could've been finishing in the points had there been good strategy. You know, I couldn't openly say this in interviews - that we lost the race due to bad strategy. I can't really say this now. But seeing things developing as they are, I can't keep silence any longer. Oksana Kosachenko did challenge many things that Eric said in the interviews, when he was criticizing the pilots. Later he changed his attitude and started defending the pilots. But look, half of a season passed since his initial words and only at the very end of the season they started defending their drivers.


AP: We follow you very closely because you are one of ours. Even though you finished 13th, we know very well how you drove and why you ended up this low. I don't follow other teams very closely, and if, for example, Force India keeps blaming Paul di Resta for poor performance, I'll be inclined to share this view. So the team is not only misrepresenting you in front of the fans, it is also jeopardizing your chances with other potential employers.


VP: That is how things work, this is Formula 1, this is business. They are just trying to get better terms, better sponsors or attract other drivers. Look at Williams, for example, there is a queue of about 20 drivers lined up for the second seat at Williams.


AP: Are you in this queue?


VP: Thank god, no.


AP: Then where are you standing?


VP: It is pretty straightforward. I have a contract [for next year], but there were cases when even World Champions like Kimi Raikkonen were not allowed to race. Anything is possible in this world. If they decide to get rid of anybody, there will be little that could be done about it. I really want to be in the top-10. I know that the car is not fast enough for top-6, or even top-7, because the Mercs are quite strong now. So places from 8 to 10th are pretty much like podium for me nowadays. I will be happy if in the last five races our team performs well, our car has no problems, if there are no screw-ups with the strategy, if I keep regularly finishing in top 10 in the remaining five races


Intervista moooolto interessante, soprattutto (almeno per me) la parte grassettata

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Pi? che altro mi ha impressionato come Petrov si sia lasciato andare a critiche molto pesanti nei confronti del team, pur affermando che "I can't say anything bad about the team - this is part of my contract."


Mi viene da pensare che si sia rotto qualcosa.

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Pi? che altro mi ha impressionato come Petrov si sia lasciato andare a critiche molto pesanti nei confronti del team, pur affermando che "I can't say anything bad about the team - this is part of my contract."


Mi viene da pensare che si sia rotto qualcosa.



Ma questa intervista a quando risale ? Mi pare almeno a due mesi fa. Insomma, ha parlato senza peli sulla lingua. Inoltre la cosa che mi ha colpito ? stato lo stigmatizzare la gestione del team delle strategie. Posso capire che le modifiche non abbiano dato frutti, in fondo non ? facile migliorare in corso d'opera quando si hanno problemi tecnici gravi, ma la strategia ? comunque qualcosa dipendente dalle scelte umane e mi pare di aver letto cose molto chiare a riguardo.


O Petrov sa benissimo che non verr? riconfermato il prossimo anno, oppure c'? dell'altro che mi sfugge. Non si parla cos? chiaramente se non si ha lacertezza di andarsene. Vero anche che a fronte di simili "accuse", Petrov avrebbe dovuto essere silurato gi? da un pezzo eppure ? ancora li.

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due mesi fa? dice 14 novembre

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due mesi fa? dice 14 novembre



tratto dall'ultima risposta di Petrov:


"I will be happy if in the last five races our team performs well, our car has no problems, if there are no screw-ups with the strategy, if I keep regularly finishing in top 10 in the remaining five races".

Modificato da luke36

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tratto dall'ultima risposta di Petrov:


"I will be happy if in the last five races our team performs well, our car has no problems, if there are no screw-ups with the strategy, if I keep regularly finishing in top 10 in the remaining five races".

Non vorrei fosse un errore di traduzione.

L'intervistatore parla di 13? posto, risultato che Petrov ha ottenuto solo domenica scorsa. All'inizio del filmato il giornalista in studio parla di Abu Dhabi.

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Non vorrei fosse un errore di traduzione.

L'intervistatore parla di 13? posto, risultato che Petrov ha ottenuto solo domenica scorsa. All'inizio del filmato il giornalista in studio parla di Abu Dhabi.



...... beh ...... allora Petrov ? fuori dal team, gi?. Non avrebbe avuto nessunissima ragione di "essere cos? chiaro" se solo fosse certo di rimanere. In alcuni momenti ........ non potevo proprio dargli torto. Soprattutto quando parlava delle strategie, riferendosi addiruttura ai fans che avevano occhi per giudicarle.

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...... beh ...... allora Petrov ? fuori dal team, gi?. Non avrebbe avuto nessunissima ragione di "essere cos? chiaro" se solo fosse certo di rimanere. In alcuni momenti ........ non potevo proprio dargli torto. Soprattutto quando parlava delle strategie, riferendosi addiruttura ai fans che avevano occhi per giudicarle.


Neanche io gli do torto, ha oggettivamente ragione. Per?, se fosse vero, Lotus fa benissimo a sbarazzarsi del russo, che secondo me non ha margini di miglioramento.

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ma come, proprio quest'anno che dicono tutti che ? migliorato...

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ma come, proprio quest'anno che dicono tutti che ? migliorato...


Migliorare rispetto all'anno scorso non era proprio difficilissimo. Specie con la Renault di inizio stagione.

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Migliorare rispetto all'anno scorso non era proprio difficilissimo. Specie con la Renault di inizio stagione.

bhe per? Senna non mi sembra sia questo "siluro".

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