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Addio al professor Sid Watkins

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Visitatore Rhobar_III

Peccato, mi spiace.

Se non sbaglio lo si era visto di recente in un GP; mi sembrava tutto sommato ancora molto arzillo.

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Davvero un peccato

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Ho letto anche io di Sid Watkins...parlavamo di lui proprio durante il week end monzese...addio a un pezzo della F1...

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Addio Sid... quante ne ha viste nella sua vita in F1.

Modificato da Nick the Quick

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RIP Sid,una colonna portante della F1...

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E' venuto a mancare un grande personaggio della Formula 1, il professor Sid Waktins che per ben 26 anni ? stato il medico ufficiale dei Gran Premi di Formula 1. A lui tanti meriti per aver migliorato la sicurezza dei piloti e aver insistito affinch? l'automobilismo sportivo si dotasse di strutture in grado di offrire un aiuto rapido ai piloti coinvolti in incidenti.


Addio Prof!





So che se ne stava discutendo in Notizie Varie, ma credo che questo avvenimento meriti un topic apposito.


Il mondo della F1 rende omaggio a Sid Watkins:




"Today the world of motor racing lost one of its true greats: Professor Sid Watkins. No, he wasn't a driver; no, he wasn't an engineer; no, he wasn't a designer. He was a doctor, and it's probably fair to say that he did more than anyone, over many years, to make Formula 1 as safe as it is today.


"As such, many drivers and ex-drivers owe their lives to his careful and expert work, which resulted in the massive advances in safety levels that today's drivers possibly take for granted. But, more than that, Sid was a dear friend of mine, and I'll miss him bitterly.


"To his widow Susan, and to his family, I extend my sincerest condolences. He was a truly great man, and the world of motor racing simply won't be the same without him."




Motor sport has lost a true visionary +character with death of Prof Sid Watkins, 84. Great man, funny too. Saved my left foot being amputated.


Sid W would often prescribe 'a stiff whisky and aspirin' unless your leg was hanging off. His way of saying 'just put up and get on with it.'


Sid was the 'go to' man for health in Motorsport. He helped, saved, or made more comfortable, numerous people who never sat in a racing car.




It was Sid Watkins that saved my life in Imola 94. Great guy to be with, always happy...tks for everything u have done for us drivers. RIP




Rest in Peace Sid Watkins...Motorsport wouldn't be what it is today without u. Thank you for all you've done, we as drivers are so grateful.


"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." ~Albert Einstein. RIP Professor Sid Watkins.




Sad to hear professor Sid Watkins has past away, one of the true greats in motorsport. R.I.P




It's a sad day, with the loss of professor Sid Watkins. Without his incredible contribution to the sport, our lives as drivers would be a risk. My condolences go out to his family.




Sid Watkins was one of the best Men I have met in my life, totally selfless and the world has lost a great.

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E' stato una parte fondamentale della F1. Addio Sid.

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Una delle colonne portanti della F1,sicuramente la pi? importante per quanto riguarda la sicurezza.RIP.

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se non ci fossero i dottori.... RIP

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Ha salvato direttamente e indirettamente molte vite, per questo ? da considerare un eroe.

Speriamo che rimanga per sempre l'ultimo medico della F1 ad aver assistito alla morte di un pilota. E' anche merito suo, se possiamo sperare questo.

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Adesso lui e Ayrton potranno andare a pesca insieme

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