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Test Stagione 2009

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Visitatore AlKa105
un guadagno del 3-4% ? secondo me tanto, specialmente su motori del genere


Dipende dai parametri che hanno potuto modificare e se si parla di potenza massima: se hanno lavorato sulla camera di combustione, pistone, valvole, ecc ? possibile.



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Dipende dai parametri che hanno potuto modificare e se si parla di potenza massima: se hanno lavorato sulla camera di combustione, pistone, valvole, ecc ? possibile.




questo implicherebbe che il motore dello scorso anno era davvero un catorcio

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questo implicherebbe che il motore dello scorso anno era davvero un catorcio



Ho visto il tuo Avatar. Che tu sappia esiste per caso un programma che simuli i flussi aerodinamici su un corpo?


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Esiste Cruise(avl) e molti altri ma sono tutti software molto costosi, impiegati a livello industriale e che spesso richiedono ingenti risorse Hardware

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Ho visto il tuo Avatar. Che tu sappia esiste per caso un programma che simuli i flussi aerodinamici su un corpo?



si esistono

ma oltre agli indubbi benefici hanno tante problematiche


la prima ? senza dubbio la difficolt?: se non sai un po' di fluidodinamica non parti neanche (fluent non ha nemmeno l'interfaccia grafica)

cerca fluidodinamica computazionale su google

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leggi di navier-stokes rul

oggigiorno qualcuno ha ancora coraggio di usarle senza programmi di calcolo?

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Visitatore AlKa105
questo implicherebbe che il motore dello scorso anno era davvero un catorcio


Potrebbe essere che il motore vecchio fosse molto guidabile, con un graduale rilascio di energia quindi ad elevata turbolenza. In tal caso il coefficiente di riempimento decresce in maniera sensibile agli elevati regimi e quindi riduce il valore di potenza massima. Modificando il valore di turbolenza (aumentando lo "squish" e riducendo lo "swirl") si perde in potenza ai bassi regimi e nella distribuzione di coppia ma si guadagna in potenza massima.


Questa ? solo una delle tante ipotesi sulle quali possono aver lavorato.



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leggi di navier-stokes rul

oggigiorno qualcuno ha ancora coraggio di usarle senza programmi di calcolo?


qualsiasi ingegnere capace lo fa!! le soluzioni al primo ordine si trovano!

? la differenza tra un tecnico e un ingegnere

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Il buon vecchio "colpo d'occhio" aerodinamico.

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La prossima sessione quand'

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Domenica il 1o Marzo

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che squadre ci sono ai prossimi test di valencia il 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 febbraio??

e chi a jerez i giorni 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 marzo?

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sperando di fare cosa gradita ho fatto le classifche generali dei tempi migliori dei test visti fino ad ora, anche se i migliori tempi sono stati ottenuti in giorni diversi e probabilmente in condizioni di pista diverse emerge comunque un quadro forse piu chiaro delle prestazioni.


Classifica finale sessione 4 giorni di test jerez 10 ? 11 ? 12 - 13 febbraio

1. L. Hamilton McLarenMP4-24 1:19.632

2. F. Alonso RenaultR29 1:19.846

3. S. Vettel Red Bull RacingRB5 1:20.738

4. H. Kovalainen McLarenMP4-24 1:20.799

5. K. Nakajima WilliamsFW31 1:20.898

6. N. Rosberg WilliamsFW31 1:21.123

7. M. Webber Red Bull RacingRB5 1:21.313

8. N. Piquet Jr. RenaultR29 1:21.908

9. N. H?lkenberg WilliamsFW31 1:22.443


Classifica finale test Bahrein 10 ? 11 - 13 - 16 ? 17 ? 18 - 19 febbraio

1. K. R?ikk?nen FerrariF60 1:32.102

2. F. Massa FerrariF60 1:32.162

3. N. Heidfeld BMW SauberF1.09 1:32.225

4. J. Trulli ToyotaTF109 1:32.230

5. T. Glock ToyotaTF109 1:32.445

6. C. Klien BMW SauberF1.09 1:32.544

7. R. Kubica BMW SauberF1.09 1:33.702


a jerez ce sicuramente una superiorit? di mclaren e renault, con la redbull che debuta bene per essere la prima volta con la nuova vettura e nakajima molto vicino a kovalainen segno che la williams non fa pena come dice qualcuno..

in bahrein si nota come la ferrari forse ? un peleto pi? su di toyota e bmw che sono praticamente allo stesso livello...


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Per? la McLaren ha girato con l'ala vecchia e ha fatto un giro specifico a serbatoio vuoto, mentre la Renault non neanche spinto a fondo, facendo long run.

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che squadre ci sono ai prossimi test di valencia il 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 febbraio??

e chi a jerez i giorni 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 marzo?


Dal 23 al 26 non credo che provi nessuno, i prossimi test dovrebbero essere proprio quelli a inizio Marzo, in cui testano tutti, tranne forse Force India.

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Per? la McLaren ha girato con l'ala vecchia e ha fatto un giro specifico a serbatoio vuoto, mentre la Renault non neanche spinto a fondo, facendo long run.

vero vero..giuto...ce lo avevo in testa e mi sono dimenticato di scriverlo nelle considerazioni finali...

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a jerez ce sicuramente una superiorit? di mclaren e renault, con la redbull che debuta bene per essere la prima volta con la nuova vettura e nakajima molto vicino a kovalainen segno che la williams non fa pena come dice qualcuno..

in bahrein si nota come la ferrari forse ? un peleto pi? su di toyota e bmw che sono praticamente allo stesso livello...


no infatti...? kova che fa pena :hihi:

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Non ? facile, ma comincio a credere in Briatore

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Little round up from testing last week and other bits of news (msa) :


- On Thursday Massa and Heidfeld set their best times at the end of long runs. Glock already set his best time in the fourth lap because in the afternoon Toyota was only doing short stints in order to try out as many set-ups variants as possible. The change in plan was necessary because it took a long time to resolve a hydraulic failure. Vasselon: ''The hydraulic fluid had become filthy. For a long time we've tried to change the easily-accesible parts until we found the real cause of the problem.'' That day Glock had to stop testing 20 minutes before the end due to there being oil on the clutch.


- BMW Sauber struggled to get to work the medium and hard compound Bridgestone brought to the test. Ferrari's struggled to get the front tyres to work in case they were of the medium sort. (Overall the medium and hard compound were deemed a bit too hard for Bahrain). For a good part these tyre problems were related to the weight distribution that KERS forces the teams to have. Not using KERS, Toyota understandably didn't have as many problems in this respect. Vasselon: ''All four compounds are rather on the 'hard side'. We've used all three compounds that we had at our disposal here. The super soft one is rather a super medium one: fast and very consistent.''


- Looking at the top speeds in sector 3, Raikkonen and Heidfeld - having KERS on board - were 5 to 7 km/h faster than without being equipped with the device. Ferrari and BMW Sauber didn't use the recovery system all the time. Theissen on the times the F1.09 was being serviced in the pitbox because of a problem: ''They're not related to new developments.''


- For the first time the interaction between KERS and the new aerodynamics (moveable frontwing) could be seen. (On a straight), despite less downforce, you cannot come that close to a driver in front that KERS would then actually allow you for a (successful) overtaking manoeuvre. For now it seems that for ovetaking, KERS is only going to work on really long straights on circuits like Monza and Shanghai, or at the start of a race as soon as the drivers hit a speed of 100 km/h.


Theissen on KERS: ''We expect it to be race-ready come Melbourne. (But) we will decide on whether it will be used or not depending on the driver and track characteristics.'' Within BMW Sauber there appear to be two 'camps': 'light-weight' Heidfeld is willing to drive with it, Kubica, clearly not being a fan of KERS, doesn't.


- Williams, like most other teams is still uncertain whether it will have KERS (during the first race). In any case, a decision has yet to be taken. Michael: ''And I don't say that because there's a great deal of secrecy to it. It's simply because we really don't know yet. Everything will depend on the progress we are going to make in the coming months.''


There's not even a deadline on when the decision is to be taken, Michael (smiles) : ''Theoratically we can wait with that till Thursday evening in Melbourne.''


Prospects are not looking too bad though: at Jerez KERS was in the car but wasn't switched on. In this way the team simulated the effects (on the tyre wear etc.) of the high weight. Despite the extra kilo's the FW31 was fast. So if the weight were to be taken out, the car would be even quicker and in case the extra weight would be replaced by KERS itself, then more power, that so far wasn't available, can be called up.


- At the moment Williams is willing to find out whether extra weight can improve the balance of the car in such a way the tyres will be used better. Tyre management will be key this year and getting that right brings you more than KERS does.


After the tests in Jerez and Bahrain the teams are working hard in the factories trying to improve the car and manufacturing new parts. Michael: ''We now have a solid basis on which we can start our development. But we also have to develop in an extremely forced way because there's going to be a decisive phase now: those that do not make progress intensively will quickly fall behind the other teams.''


Domenicali is aware of the situation: ''This year a lot of the work will shift to the testbenches and the factory. You have to risk a lot more: everything that's not working and isn't on the car in Melbourne can hardly be made up for during the season.'' Therefore the amount of progress that can be made will vary from team to team.


McLaren is working on a completely new interaction between the floor and the rearwing. That's were most potential is hidden. Haug: ''In the coming weeks our car will transform. We very accurately know what can still be expected in terms of downforce levels.''


According to Eeckelaert (ex-Honda) Renault hast he most room for improvement. Least is expected from Red Bull (and Force India) because the car has the most up to date development status, it being introduced at such a late stage.


thanks to afca

Modificato da cek

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Little round up from testing last week and other bits of news (msa) :


- On Thursday Massa and Heidfeld set their best times at the end of long runs. Glock already set his best time in the fourth lap because in the afternoon Toyota was only doing short stints in order to try out as many set-ups variants as possible. The change in plan was necessary because it took a long time to resolve a hydraulic failure. Vasselon: ''The hydraulic fluid had become filthy. For a long time we've tried to change the easily-accesible parts until we found the real cause of the problem.'' That day Glock had to stop testing 20 minutes before the end due to there being oil on the clutch.


- BMW Sauber struggled to get to work the medium and hard compound Bridgestone brought to the test. Ferrari's struggled to get the front tyres to work in case they were of the medium sort. (Overall the medium and hard compound were deemed a bit too hard for Bahrain). For a good part these tyre problems were related to the weight distribution that KERS forces the teams to have. Not using KERS, Toyota understandably didn't have as many problems in this respect. Vasselon: ''All four compounds are rather on the 'hard side'. We've used all three compounds that we had at our disposal here. The super soft one is rather a super medium one: fast and very consistent.''


- Looking at the top speeds in sector 3, Raikkonen and Heidfeld - having KERS on board - were 5 to 7 km/h faster than without being equipped with the device. Ferrari and BMW Sauber didn't use the recovery system all the time. Theissen on the times the F1.09 was being serviced in the pitbox because of a problem: ''They're not related to new developments.''


- For the first time the interaction between KERS and the new aerodynamics (moveable frontwing) could be seen. (On a straight), despite less downforce, you cannot come that close to a driver in front that KERS would then actually allow you for a (successful) overtaking manoeuvre. For now it seems that for ovetaking, KERS is only going to work on really long straights on circuits like Monza and Shanghai, or at the start of a race as soon as the drivers hit a speed of 100 km/h.


Theissen on KERS: ''We expect it to be race-ready come Melbourne. (But) we will decide on whether it will be used or not depending on the driver and track characteristics.'' Within BMW Sauber there appear to be two 'camps': 'light-weight' Heidfeld is willing to drive with it, Kubica, clearly not being a fan of KERS, doesn't.


- Williams, like most other teams is still uncertain whether it will have KERS (during the first race). In any case, a decision has yet to be taken. Michael: ''And I don't say that because there's a great deal of secrecy to it. It's simply because we really don't know yet. Everything will depend on the progress we are going to make in the coming months.''


There's not even a deadline on when the decision is to be taken, Michael (smiles) : ''Theoratically we can wait with that till Thursday evening in Melbourne.''


Prospects are not looking too bad though: at Jerez KERS was in the car but wasn't switched on. In this way the team simulated the effects (on the tyre wear etc.) of the high weight. Despite the extra kilo's the FW31 was fast. So if the weight were to be taken out, the car would be even quicker and in case the extra weight would be replaced by KERS itself, then more power, that so far wasn't available, can be called up.


- At the moment Williams is willing to find out whether extra weight can improve the balance of the car in such a way the tyres will be used better. Tyre management will be key this year and getting that right brings you more than KERS does.


After the tests in Jerez and Bahrain the teams are working hard in the factories trying to improve the car and manufacturing new parts. Michael: ''We now have a solid basis on which we can start our development. But we also have to develop in an extremely forced way because there's going to be a decisive phase now: those that do not make progress intensively will quickly fall behind the other teams.''


Domenicali is aware of the situation: ''This year a lot of the work will shift to the testbenches and the factory. You have to risk a lot more: everything that's not working and isn't on the car in Melbourne can hardly be made up for during the season.'' Therefore the amount of progress that can be made will vary from team to team.


McLaren is working on a completely new interaction between the floor and the rearwing. That's were most potential is hidden. Haug: ''In the coming weeks our car will transform. We very accurately know what can still be expected in terms of downforce levels.''


According to Eeckelaert (ex-Honda) Renault hast he most room for improvement. Least is expected from Red Bull (and Force India) because the car has the most up to date development status, it being introduced at such a late stage.


thanks to afca


sintesi in italiano, please


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