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OFFICIAL: The Australian Grand Prix is cancelled #F1 #AusGP

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Adesso, KimiSanton ha scritto:

OFFICIAL: The Australian Grand Prix is cancelled #F1 #AusGP



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Senza il ritiro di McLaren si sarebbe corso regolarmente. 

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Purtroppo Mercedes in questo caso ha meno potere rispetto alle penali da pagare. 

Fia e Liberty risponderanno che Mercedes e' libera di ritirarsi come ha fatto Mclaren. 

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1 minuto fa, KimiSanton ha scritto:

OFFICIAL: The Australian Grand Prix is cancelled #F1 #AusGP


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2 minuti fa, KimiSanton ha scritto:

"The physical and mental health and wellbeing of our team members and of the wider F1 community are our absolute priority. The team will begin pack-up preparations this morning.


In light of the force majeure events we are experiencing with regards to the coronavirus pandemic, we no longer feel the safety of our employees can be guaranteed if we continue to take part in the event.


We empathise strongly with the worsening situation in Europe, most especially in Italy, and furthermore we do not feel it would be right to participate in an event where fellow competitors such as McLaren are unable to do so through circumstances beyond their control."

tra l'altro questo vuol dire che mettono in serio dubbio la partecipazione anche ai prossimi GP

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Finita. Finalmente, direi.

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che pagliacci. buonanotte.

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Comunicato ufficiale FIA:


Following the confirmation that a member of the McLaren Racing Team has tested positive for COVID-19 and the team’s decision to withdraw from the Australian Grand Prix, the FIA and Formula 1 convened a meeting of the other nine team principals on Thursday evening. Those discussions concluded with a majority view of the teams that the race should not go ahead. The FIA and Formula 1, with the full support of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation (AGPC) have therefore taken the decision that all Formula 1 activity for the Australian Grand Prix is cancelled.

We appreciate this is very disappointing news for the thousands of fans due to attend the race and all ticket holders will receive a full refund and a further announcement will be communicated in due course.

All parties took into consideration the huge efforts of the AGPC, Motorsport Australia, staff and volunteers to stage the opening round of the 2020 FIA Formula One World Championship in Melbourne, however concluded that the safety of all members of the Formula 1 family and the wider community, as well as the fairness of the competition take priority.

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7 minuti fa, Raton87 ha scritto:

Ora che lo ha chiesto Mercedes possiamo andare a dormire

Come non detto, sono bastati due minuti dopo la lettera di Mercedes, che vergogna sto ex sport

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Cancellato non rinviato. Questo dettaglio farà la differenza in futuro, quando altri eventi salteranno. 

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Adesso, KimiSanton ha scritto:

Comunicato ufficiale FIA:


Following the confirmation that a member of the McLaren Racing Team has tested positive for COVID-19 and the team’s decision to withdraw from the Australian Grand Prix, the FIA and Formula 1 convened a meeting of the other nine team principals on Thursday evening. Those discussions concluded with a majority view of the teams that the race should not go ahead. The FIA and Formula 1, with the full support of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation (AGPC) have therefore taken the decision that all Formula 1 activity for the Australian Grand Prix is cancelled.

We appreciate this is very disappointing news for the thousands of fans due to attend the race and all ticket holders will receive a full refund and a further announcement will be communicated in due course.

All parties took into consideration the huge efforts of the AGPC, Motorsport Australia, staff and volunteers to stage the opening round of the 2020 FIA Formula One World Championship in Melbourne, however concluded that the safety of all members of the Formula 1 family and the wider community, as well as the fairness of the competition take priority.



cioè quindi sti idioti lo sapevano dalla serata/notte tra giovedì e venerdì? madonna mia.

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1 minuto fa, KimiSanton ha scritto:

Comunicato ufficiale FIA:


Following the confirmation that a member of the McLaren Racing Team has tested positive for COVID-19 and the team’s decision to withdraw from the Australian Grand Prix, the FIA and Formula 1 convened a meeting of the other nine team principals on Thursday evening. Those discussions concluded with a majority view of the teams that the race should not go ahead. The FIA and Formula 1, with the full support of the Australian Grand Prix Corporation (AGPC) have therefore taken the decision that all Formula 1 activity for the Australian Grand Prix is cancelled.

We appreciate this is very disappointing news for the thousands of fans due to attend the race and all ticket holders will receive a full refund and a further announcement will be communicated in due course.

All parties took into consideration the huge efforts of the AGPC, Motorsport Australia, staff and volunteers to stage the opening round of the 2020 FIA Formula One World Championship in Melbourne, however concluded that the safety of all members of the Formula 1 family and the wider community, as well as the fairness of the competition take priority.

pensano di cavarsela così ? :rotfl: "GP cancellato, non c'è niente da vedere qui"

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Beh, la farsa doveva arrivare fino in fondo, no?

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13 minuti fa, L.Costigan ha scritto:
Che figura dimmerda, veramente roba da dilettanti. Adesso scatterà la quarantena per il paddok e saltano pure Bahrein e Vietnam. La Cina già non c'è quindi ci vediamo in Olanda, sempre che le situazione europea lo permetta.

Oppure se vogliono possono ripetere questa pagliacciata altre 3 o 4 volte in giro per il mondo.


da ieri in Olanda sono vietati gli eventi con più di 100 persone

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Marko ha detto che la stagione inizierà a Baku (7 giugno)

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Si è molto probabile. In Olanda i contagi salgono, Spagna sta nella cacca totale da oggi, Baku sarà un buon tracciato con spettacolo e rettilinei, meglio di sta m***a . Ci sarà modo se vorranno di recuperare 1 -2 gare. Unica possibilità Montecarlo ma la vedo difficile e i ricchi non vorrebbero rischiare 

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In tutto questo Räikkönen e Vettel han praticamente detto "ciao ciao" e stan tornando a casa prima degli altri. Stima, già alta, che va alle stelle.



(Non assomiglia ad un pacchetto Marlboro? :asd: )

Modificato da KimiSanton
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