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Lotus Renault GP R31

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E' l'occasione della vita per Nick.

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E' l'occasione della vita per Nick.


Mah... correr? con una Renault che ? inferiore a Red Bull, Ferrari, Mc Laren e Mercedes... facendo i conti lotter? per entrare nei primi 8 - 10. Avrebbe avuto l'occasione della vita se fosse finito in Ferrari o Red Bull!!!

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Io vado un p? controcorrente e credo che Heidfeld possa essere un ospite scomodo per la lotta mondiale. E' un altro Button, regolare e costante ed ha la macchina per infilarsi in un'eventuale lotta fratricida tra i top team. E visto che i piloti di questi top team non sono nuovi a simpatiche castronerie bisognerebbe fare attenzione. Kubica ? un pilota pi? veloce, ma ? sempre stato anche un p? pi? casinista. Ovvio, il campione prende pi? rischi e fa pi? cappelle, ma heidfeld ha lottato contro ottimi driver e non ne ? mai uscito bastonato. In ogni caso per le soluzioni tecniche adottate questa... boh Proton? Renault? Lotus Cars? Evora decappottabile? Mi sembra l'auto pi? interessante del lotto e la seguir? con attenzione. Se la soluzione degli scarichi sar? vincente lo capiremo subito, nel caso in cui il motore non lavorasse adeguatamente dovremmo assistere a qualche scintilla.


Per?, ragioniamo pensando che Renault ? fornitore Red Bull, e guardiamo quanto sono sempre rastremati i posteriori delle ultime auto di Newey.. evidentemente l'unit? propulsiva ben si presta a questi giochini. Sar? interessante vedere quale filosofia pagher? di pi?. Entrambe sono comunque abbastanza estreme.

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Mah... correr? con una Renault che ? inferiore a Red Bull, Ferrari, Mc Laren e Mercedes... facendo i conti lotter? per entrare nei primi 8 - 10. Avrebbe avuto l'occasione della vita se fosse finito in Ferrari o Red Bull!!!

Cazzarola oh ma sei incontentabile :asd:

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Mah... correr? con una Renault che ? inferiore a Red Bull, Ferrari, Mc Laren e Mercedes... facendo i conti lotter? per entrare nei primi 8 - 10. Avrebbe avuto l'occasione della vita se fosse finito in Ferrari o Red Bull!!!

Ma sei davvero incontentabile secondo me Nick non doveva pi? correre e invece eccolo alla renault accontentati :asd:

Ps:W Bruno Senna

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Cazzarola oh ma sei incontentabile :asd:


Io sono contentissimo ci mancherebbe, ma da qui a dire che sar? un protagonista per la lotta al titolo e in grado di vincere gare ce ne passa di differenza!

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Brutte nuove per Proton... alla fine corrono il rischio di essere "affondati" da Lotus Cars... altro che pensare in grande e sbarcare in F1.

Iniziano a scontare le manie di grandezza di Mr. Dany Bahar... già, lui vuol portare il marchio a dar fastidio alla sua ex Ditta, a Porsche, Lamborghini & Co... con l'avventura in F1

i "profitti" aumenteranno di sicuro. :asd:

Modificato da Lotus

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Proton boss Sayed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir has become a director of Lotus Renault GP Ltd

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I'm Vitaly Petrov and I'm Lotus :asd:

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Renault R31 – Cooling solution and diffuser performance




Renault are not only unique in their exhaust location, but also their sidepod cooling set up. Its possible that the two solutions are related.


Teams have to find the most efficient way to vent hot air from within the sidepods. This air has to pass through the radiators and coolers, as it passes from the sidepod inlet to the tail of the coke-bottle shape. In order to keep the car as slim as possible for reduced and drag and better airflow to the diffuser and beam wing, teams adopt different cooling outlet solutions to work with the other aero flow structures around the car. In Renaults case the majority of the outlet area is in three places: a tall narrow outlet above the gearbox and two low and wide vents either side of the gearbox. We can see the gearbox oil cooler within the upper outlet, so some of its volume is used for venting this heat. Reducing its ability to vent air from the sidepods.


Renault appear to have chosen the two low\wide outlets in order to boost airflow to the beam wing. The compromise in doing this, is the airflow over the diffuser. Airflow over diffusers might be considered as unimportant, as its the flow underneath creates the low pressure and hence downforce. But with a restricted diffuser height , the use of directing high energy airflow over the top of the diffuser and its trailing edge gurneys, helps the airflow beneath. Effectively making the diffuser act like its larger than it is. With other teams, they use the exhaust gasses or very narrow sidepods to direct as much high energy flow as possible over the diffuser. In Renaults case, the airflow running along the floor does not flow directly over the top surface of the diffuser, as these wide vents are in the way. Some people have suggested the teams are directing the heated airflow from within the sidepods out of these vents and over the diffuser for greater aerodynamic effect. However the reality is different, the air coming out of these vents will be of low energy, having passed through the various cooler matrices. Thus its effect in aiding the diffuser is much reduced.


So why have Renault thrown away some aero gains in this area? Probably because of the exhaust solution, As the flow under the diffuser is accelerated by the exhaust gasses passing under the floor, the diffuser does not need the effect of airflow blowing over the top. Thus they moved to the sidepod outlets to this area and played better airflow over the beam wing.


So far no other team have gone for low wide cooling outlets, but equally contrary to the rumour mils no teams has adopted front exit exhausts either. It will be interesting if any team follows Renaults solution in either of these areas.


Soluzione alternativa visto che la collocazione degli scarichi è diversa.

Modificato da The King of Spa

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ciao, sono nuovo del forum, quest'inverno ho seguito con poca attenzione la presentazione dei vari team, ma sbaglio o ci sono due team lotus? qual'? quello vero?mo meglio, perch? la renault ha il marchio lotus sulle sue vetture? grazie e spero che qualcuno sappia rispondermi esaurientemente!!!

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? un casino, manco io ho capito che stanno a f?. :asd:

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Sembra una macchina troppo fragile. Hanno avuto problemi in ogni giornata dei test. Il KERS ha grossi problemi e ha gi? fermato la scuderia in 4 giornate diverse, segno che forse non hanno capito ancora dove ? il problema.

Ieri ci si ? messo il cambio... forse hanno fatto un'auto troppo estrema davvero.

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Renault ? Front Exit Exhaust Details




Although we almost didn?t believe it when the rumours emerged at the launch of the Renault R31, The car does indeed have exhausts that exit at the front of the sidepods. We ( and I) managed to see, understand and get the first pictures of the unique set up ( Now the car can be seen stripped in the pit garage, we can see exactly how the Renault packages the exhaust.


The exhaust system routes the four pipes into a collector which then continues to point forwards and direct the secondary pipe low underneath the radiator to the front of the sidepods. As the exhaust routes gasses at up to 1000-degrees C, it needs insulating to protect the other equipment housed in the sidepods. Renault appear to have fitted an insulated jacket around the main length of pipe in the sidepods. What is clear from the set up is that Renault had to raise the radiators to allow the pipe to ass underneath. The R31 has unusually large sidepod inlets and this might to cope with the ducting of the cooling airflow to the laid down radiator.



Copyright: Andrew Robertson (@JarZ)


From these pictures via Andrew Robertson (@Jarz) we can see the front detail around the sidepods. Although the exhaust outlets are not seen here, the problem of the final routing is apparent. Teams need to fit beams to the side of the monocoque for side impact protection. Known as Side Impact Tubes (SITs) there are two pairs to share the load, with one upper pair and a lower pair. As these SITs are heavy, the majority of the work is down by the lower pair, to keep the weight low in the car. Correspondingly the lower SITs are larger and the exhaust needs to pass over these and down to exit sideways.



Copyright: Andrew Robertson (@JarZ)


Renault has packaged these lower SITs into a narrow front and wider rear Tube. The exhaust will angle down along the front tube to blow still pointing downwards across the lower leading edge of the floor. We can see the metallic heat protection on the SITs.



Copyright: Andrew Robertson (@JarZ)


More info on Front Exit Exhausts and how they work ?

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petrov sesto con la Lotus Renault... che peccato non vedere Kubica in pista

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:zizi: se la giocava con McLaren ad occhi chiusi.

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qualifiche di oggi abbastanza sorprendenti per me, non vorrei che...

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anche in questo caso, se c'è qualcosa di illegale ci penserà la FIA :asd:

Modificato da The King of Spa

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Chassis: R31-03 (Petrov)

Chassis: R31-01 (Heidfeld)

Chassis: R31-04 (Heidfeld)




Renault went to Sepang full of hope, inspired by the Malaysian Ringgit?s flowing from the Lotus sponsorship of the team. The R31?s were even confusingly carrying the 1Malysia branding previously seen on the Team Lotus (aka 1Malaysia Racing) cars.

But the hopes were initially dashed after the R31?s were both hit with catastrophic upright failures. ?Both Vitaly and Nick suffered failures under braking in the front uprights early in the first session? explains James Allison. ?As a precaution we stopped running the cars until we had understood the problem. We quickly established that the two failed items had come from the same material batch and that nothing from this batch had run prior to today. It took a little longer to rule out other potential causes but once we were confident that the failures were related to a material problem we released the cars for the second half of afternoon practice where they ran without problem.?

Despite running in the second session in chassis R31-01 Heidfeld switched to the spare R31-04 for Saturday and Sunday. It may have been damaged following the upright failures.

In the race things went vastly better for Renault, with both cars running very strongly indeed. However Vitaly Petrov gave R31-03 a very hard impact after going off late in the race. The forces were enough to break the cars steering column. Heidfeld?s podium was the 100th for Renault in Formula 1, the first being Jean Pierre Jabouille in the 1979 French Grand Prix




The R31 sported a new front wing at Sepang with a revised upper element and new endplates. Compare to the old spec version below.




The winglets inside the rear wheels have gained endplates following Melbourne.




Melbourne spec (above) and Malaysia (below)




chiss? quanto influiscono sulla trazione quelle alette.

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