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Stewart ha rilasciato una interessantissima e piuttosto lungimirante intervista sulla scelta di Button di andare in McLaren.


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non capisco come mai Heidfeld venga trattato come l'ultimo degli idioti, in Mclaren avrebbe svolto il suo lavoro molto bene.

detto questo, credo che a Woking hanno costruito una delle migliori coppie in attivit?, un prima prima guida fortissima e un secondo pilota di lusso, nonch? campione del mondo.


a meno che la Mercedes non ingaggi davvero Raikkonen... che con Rosberg potrebbe formare davvero un team sulla carta molto forte.


continuo cmq a ritenere alonso il vero colpo di mercato che pu? cambiare le sorti di un team

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Stewart ha rilasciato una interessantissima e piuttosto lungimirante intervista sulla scelta di Button di andare in McLaren.


Parole sagge !


cosa ha detto?

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cosa ha detto?



Ha detto che Button lotter? con Hamilton.

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.... e a quanto pare la Brawn non aveva fatto una offerta a Button da barboni .... leggere per credere.


Fry: Money not issue in Button departure


November 18th 2009

Brawn GP chief executive officer Nick Fry is adamant that Jenson Button's move to McLaren was not prompted by the financial terms offered by his team.


Fry believes that the deal Button has signed with McLaren could be worth less money than was on the table to remain with the rebranded Mercedes Grand Prix team next year. He insists that press reports of the amount offered to Button by the team are significantly short of the actual figure.


"I don't think that it was a financial issue," Fry told AUTOSPORT. "We understand that our offer to Jenson may well have been in excess of what he might be getting with McLaren.


"We are disappointed that Jenson has decided to leave because we did make what we thought was a very generous offer for a new contract which was significantly in excess of the frankly spurious figures that were put out to the press over the past week or so."


Fry added that the team was still keen to proceed with further contract negotiations over the past week, but that Button's management seemed uninterested in talks when approached in recent days.


"It was clear to us that things were going seriously astray as of Sunday night or Monday morning," said Fry.


"Unfortunately, over the last week there has been very little dialogue with Jenson's management team despite the fact that we have made overtures to have further discussions. But they didn't seem particularly keen, presumably because they were set on the McLaren route."


Many pundits, including three times world champion Jackie Stewart, expect Button to struggle against Lewis Hamilton at McLaren. Fry also suspects that will be the case and while he did not simply expect Button to stay with team through loyalty, he does not understand the logic behind the choice.


"I respect his decision," said Fry. "It's not one that I would have made and maybe he has been poorly advised.


"Clearly, loyalty would be nice but in this day and age you don't expect too much of that. I'm always happy when any employee leaves our company if I think that they've made the right decision and they are going to a better job and they always go with our blessing if that is the situation.


"In this situation, we don't understand the logic of the decision and I think Jenson is going to have to up his game if he's going to beat Lewis on home territory."


Despite losing Button to McLaren, Fry insists he does not regret delaying contract negotiations until the end of the season in the belief that it would have distracted both team and driver from their main aim of winning the drivers' and constructors' championships.


"Unfortunately we were between a rock and a hard place on this," Fry told AUTOSPORT. "Ideally the discussions should have been completed before the end of the season, but because of the way that the championship was going in the latter part of the season, the last thing we wanted was to distract the driver with contract negotiations.


"That was the right decision because there was enough going on on the racing side to fully occupy us and him without having the burden of contract discussions on top of that."



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Visitatore Ayrton4ever

Credo che se un pilota ? campione del mondo in carica, per definizione non possa essere etichettato come una seconda guida.


Credo anche che Alonso sia l'unico che sposti gli equilibri

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Ha detto che Button lotter? con Hamilton.


Non proprio !!!

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Non proprio !!!


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il parere di massa su button


Felipe Massa said today to ESPN Brazil that all other World Champions are better than Jenson Button:


"Hamilton and Alonso are great drivers. Kimi is excellent, I really didnt understand all the critiques that people were throwing at him. When he was on..... all of them are better than Button"


Hamilton e Alonso s?o ?timos pilotos. Kimi (Raikkonen, campe?o em 2007) ? excelente, n?o entendia as cr?ticas que faziam a ele. Quando ele tava no dia... Esses tr?s s?o melhores que Button", afirmou.

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<BR><BR><BR>La Williams del 2000 era da met? gruppo, come la Renault del 2002 del resto....anzi la Renault era anche un bel p? peggio sotto questo aspetto.<BR><BR>La Benetton era proprio un cesso.<BR><BR>Sono anni poco indicativi, che ti fanno vedere se uno ha il piglio o meno.<BR><BR>Il paragone per il povero Sutil ? improponibile, per il semplice fatto che la Force India ? andata bene realmente in alcune piste(che poi si dice che ci sia qualcosa sotto ma questo c'entra poco), gi? il fatto che un Liuzzi si qualifichi 7? a Monza ? tutto dire....(e avrebbe potuto fare molto meglio in Gara)


ah,ma monaco 2008 allora non l'hai vista?

le qualifiche del gp del brasile neanche?

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Ha detto che Button lotter? con Hamilton e le prender?.

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<BR><BR><BR>La Williams del 2000 era da metà gruppo


Cosacosacosa??? La Williams era la terza forza, indiscutibilmente, dietro solo a Ferrari e McLaren. Sarebbe stato meglio addurre la scusa all'inesperienza di Button e alla sua giovane età, che alla Williams che era una signora auto.

Modificato da Stefan Bellof

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il parere di massa su button



A dar retta ai voti dei team manager il "brutto anatroccolo" Button lo sovrasta nelle loro considerazioni... XD

Modificato da Lotus

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O la McLaren fa il missile simil Brawn di questa prima parte del 2009 oppure Button fa la fine di Kova.

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angry_smile.gif che tristezza ...



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ma io non ho ancora capito se ? ufficiale

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ma io non ho ancora capito se ? ufficiale

Ammettilo che stai continuando a sperare :hihi:

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Pi? la storia va avanti pi? mi sorge un dubbio: Button e Barichello se ne vanno dal team campione del mondo senza battere ciglio, Raikkonen non ne vuole nemmeno sentire parlare... ho come l'impressione che l'anno prox la neo-nata Mercedes non sar? cos? tanto competitiva come quest'anno.

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