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Grand Prix 2

Notizie Varie 2010

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miiii vi scandalizzate per il prezzo di un Hublot :asd:


Non guardate allora i prezzi per un patek philippe :whistling:


/Fine OT

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Ecclestone lo vende tutto .... o come fare diventare positivo un fatto inizialmente cattivo



bevere per credere? :asd:

Io avrei picchiato pi? volentieri Tilke. Gratis.

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Nelson Piquet Jnr has broken his silence over the conspiracy to cause a crash in the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix.


In an interview with The Times the team?s former driver explained how Flavio Briatore and Pat Symonds devised the idea to help Fernando Alonso win the race.


Piquet said:


I could see they were nervous. The room was hot and very tense. I was quite surprised because Flavio is a very assured guy and I had not seen him like that.


?Symonds started talking first. ?Look, both cars are at the back of the grid,? he told me. ?We are in a situation where we are not going to get anywhere in this race unless something extraordinary happens.?


Flavio agreed with him. ?It would be a disaster for the team unless something extraordinary happened.?


I just sat there listening because I couldn?t figure out where this was going. They were both very fidgety and the situation was incredibly tense. I don?t think I had said a word by this point.


It was only after five minutes that Flavio made his pitch. ?Look, the only way we can benefit in any way out here is by getting a safety car on the course at the right moment,? he said.


I just sat there, looking at them. They both reminded me of what had happened in Germany when someone [Timo Glock] had crashed just after I had pitted and I came second in the race. ?Do you want to help the team?? Flavio said. ?If you crash at the right moment, it could change everything.?

Nelson Piquet Jnr


He admitted: ?I did not even consider the morality of it.?


Piquet also claimed that a few days before the race Briatore urged him to sign a contract for 2009 which gave Renault the right to terminate the deal but prevented him from negotiating with other teams.


Piquet remained silent about the conspiracy until August 2009, after he had been dropped by the team. He settled a libel claim with the team earlier this week.

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inzio a trovare troppe analogie tra alo e Mr B.


quando c'? un casino lui c'

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FIA scraps team orders ban for 2011


The rule prohibiting team orders will be "deleted" from the regulations in 2011, the FIA announced on Friday.


After a meeting in Monaco of the World Motor Sport Council, the sport's governing body said the controversial article 39.1 "is deleted" from the rules.


The regulation - introduced in 2002 - came under the spotlight this season, when Ferrari was penalised $100,000 but otherwise escaped without sanction for switching the order of Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso by issuing a clandestine radio message.


Now, teams simply face the prospect of bringing "the sport into disrepute" according to the standard article 151c "and any other relevant provisions" will apply to their actions during grands prix.


Also rubber-stamped on Friday was the new four-cylinder turbo engine formula for 2013, including a five-engine per driver limit in 2013 reducing to four engines in 2014.


In 2011, gearboxes must be used for five consecutive races instead of four as was the case this year, and cars will feature moveable rear wings to boost overtaking.

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Ricordo male o all'epoca Piquet disse che fece tutto Symonds e che Briatore non aveva aperto bocca?

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Ricordo male o all'epoca Piquet disse che fece tutto Symonds e che Briatore non aveva aperto bocca?


Anch'io mi ricordo cos? ma ho come la sensazione che la storia non sia finita..............

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Interessante intervista di Maldonado sulla Gazzetta, non sapevo fosse un grande conoscitore di Chavez, attenti per? "A caval donado non si guarda in bocca" :rotfl:

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Alla fine non mi pare che abbia sbagliato tanto :asd:

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ha parlato un fenomeno...

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Un riconoscimento, seppur tardivo?ovviamente in Italia quanso conveniva si ? sparato m***a su Piquet mentre oggi che le sue ragioni sono state riconosciute si far? passare la notizia inosservata?


La notizia ? semplicemente una "non notizia".


Nel merito della questione (incidente volontario) non c'? stato ancora nessun pronunciamento definitivo.

Anzi, un tribunale francese ha dichiarato inammissibile la decisione del Consiglio Mondiale FIA, tant'? che sono state cancellate sia la radiazione di Briatore sia la sua inibizione a gestire piloti.

E mi risulta che sia ancora in piedi una denuncia da parte di Briatore nei confronti di Piquet.

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Si ? spento ieri a Bruxelles, all'et? di 84 anni, Jacques Swaters, il pilota delle "Ferrari gialle".




Prima di essere un pilota di F1, ? stato importatore del Cavallino per il Benelux, poi fondatore dell'Ecurie Francorchamps e infine uno dei maggiori collezionisti di Ferrari e memorabilia.

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Vettel ha ricevuto il trofeo di Campione del Mondo. Ma perch? non si organizza una premiazione al termine dell'ultimo Gran Premio?

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Ma perch? non si organizza una premiazione al termine dell'ultimo Gran Premio?


Perch? l'ultimo GP non si corre a Montecarlo.

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Vettel ha ricevuto il trofeo di Campione del Mondo. Ma perch? non si organizza una premiazione al termine dell'ultimo Gran Premio?

? sempre stato cos?, i premi si sono sempre assegnati alla serata di gala che organizza la fia a montecarlo per premiare tutti i vincitori dei campionati sotto il proprio patrocinio.

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