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WRC 2010

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il nonsense è una prassi molto amata dalla FIA o chi per essa.


Bella piccolina, mi garba più delle attuali.





ma sono uguali? :zrzr:

Modificato da The King of Spa

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era meglio come io credevo che dovesse essere: le S2000 con l'aggiunta di turbo e kit aerodinamico

si sarebbero raggiunte le stesse potenze attuali a costi minori, invogliando tante Case ad entrare



anche il WTCC avrà i 1.6T

Modificato da Hunaudi?res

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Speravo di non veder sbarcare mai queste oscenit? nel WRC.


Ormai i tempi della Impreza, Lancer, macchine che anche avevano un "senso" anche come macchine "civili", fanno parte della storia.

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Ford svela la Focus RS WRC


The new car has already completed more than 3000 kilometres of testing, powered initially by the current Ford Focus 2.0-litre turbocharged motor before switching to a prototype 1.6 turbocharged unit.


alla faccia del contenimento dei costi, un motore ex-novo progettato appositamente? :asd:


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che figata la mini wrc :sbav:

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a me queste piccoline piacciono.

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Una delle pi? noiose giornate, sembra tutto scontato gi? dalla prima SS.

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Beh dai, Licenziato si tiene ben distanziati Viagra e Nelson.

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Citroen Junior team driver Kimi Raikkonen hit trouble halfway through the stage when he drove off the road and got his C4 WRC stuck in a ditch. The accident happened at low speed and the car is reportedly undamaged so Raikkonen should return on Sunday as a SupeRally entry.



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Tanto per cambiare Kimi sbaglia.

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SS10 fatale, 35' minuti buttati per un fosso.


"We went off the road at basically zero speed," said Raikkonen. "It was so stupid. We got stuck on a mud bank with the car half on the road and half off the road. Eventually we had to get a rope to get the car back on the road."



Modificato da The King of Spa

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SS15: Double retirement for the Citroen Juniors



First to go was Sebastien Ogier, who stopped 7.6 kilometres from the start when his damper problem took a serious turn for the worse and the top mount punched through the bonnet. His exit promoted Citroen privateer Petter Solberg - the stage winner - into third place overall.


Ogier?s Junior team-mate Kimi Raikkonen bowed out soon after by drifting wide and beaching his C4 WRC off the road at the 8.5km mark. Raikkonen and co-driver Kaj Lindstrom were uninjured in the slow-speed crash but are out of Saturday?s competition.

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un altro? :asd:


SS 17

Modificato da The King of Spa

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Se davano la macchina di Licenziato a Kankkunen, quello arrivava tranquillo terzo a fine anno :asd:

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