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Elezioni Presidente FIA - 23 Ottobre 2009

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anch'io pensavo che i tarallucci erano biscotti e secondo me con il vino non ci stavano bene e dicevo ma come ha fatto a nascere un detto con 2 cose che non ci stanno insieme?

ora ho capito


sti polentoni ignoranti :hihi:

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la recente vacanza in puglia mi ha aperto gli occhi sul meraviglioso mondo dei taralli :hihi: non potevo farne a meno e ne ho portati a casa di tutti i tipi... pero' i prossimi me li faccio spedire, 1000km sono un po' tantini :admin:




tornando IT... dopodomani mosley andra' fuori dalle palle, non vedo come il suo eventuale successore possa fare peggio, ma non si sa mai. tra i due punterei su vatanen, anche se vincera' alvaro.

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Tornando a Mosley, una cosa sicura ? che non c'? mai limite al peggio. Se in un pi? o meno prossimo futuro il presidente della FIA far? peggio non mi meraviglier? di certo.

Modificato da Yoshi

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mitici tarallucci!....anche in Calabria ne abbiamo di tutti i tipi...molto apprezzati allorch? si presentano certi languorini... :sbav:

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Azz... troppa grazia!


Non preoccupatevi, se capiter? l'occasione non mi tirer? indietro.


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gio, i taralli li trovi anche in Coop, oltre che artigianali nei nogozi specializzati... almeno in Emilia, visto che la legione "straniera" partenopea ? pi? numerosa di quella sarda... grazie ai campani residenti da noi si trovano praticamente tutte le specialit?, ovviamente nulla ? uguale a 700 Km di distanza... ma direi che i taralli reggono. XD

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Torniamo in... bilancia :hihi:




Analysis: Election day at the FIA


By Jonathan Noble Thursday, October 22nd 2009, 15:29 GMT


FIA logoFIA presidential rivals Jean Todt and Ari Vatanen are both promising a governing body that will be more conciliatory than confrontational, but their opposing views on making change means Friday's election looks set to still be a defining day for the future of motorsport.


In one corner there is Todt, the former Ferrari team principal who has the backing of outgoing president Max Mosley and F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone. In the other is former rally champion Vatanen, who has more popular support at grass roots level and has campaigned on a ticket for big change within the FIA.


AUTOSPORT gives an analysis of the two men, what they stand for, and looks at what will change if they win Friday's ballot.








KEYWORD: Total commitment




STRENGTHS: Has assembled a strong team around him, and will devote his entire focus to the job in hand with the kind of ruthless efficiency he showed at Peugeot and Ferrari.


WEAKNESSES: Not the most popular of men with fans or the majority of F1 teams, following an often controversial tenure at Ferrari. Questions have also emerged about the nature of his campaign - amid allegations of lobbying from FIA officials and vote buying.




Jean TodtTodt's campaign has been meticulously run, having received the backing of Mosley before he even officially put forward his nomination. It has also been assisted by FIA's former communications manager Richard Woods.


Although some view him as a simple continuation of the Mosley regime, Todt insists he is his own man, and has promised a number of changes to the governing body if he is elected.


He wants to introduce world championship commissioners responsible for the day-to-day operation of each series - in a move that would allow the FIA president to reduce his direct involvement in categories and allow him to focus on more strategic management of the governing body.


Todt also wants to establish a Stewards' Review Group, to try and improve stewarding in the FIA's major championship. He also wants to introduce a separate Disciplinary Panel to carry out investigations, hold hearings and recommend penalties to the World Motor Sport Council.


He is also open to examining the need for reform of the FIA International Court of Appeal.


Todt believes his approach will be important for helping build a more positive image for F1, after a number of scandals that have dogged the sport in recent years.


"My team's approach will be based on consensus not confrontation," he said. "We will make the best use of the F1 Commission and will appoint a new F1 Commissioner to work with all the stakeholders in the F1 Championship.


"We want to further develop F1 so that it benefits all those involved, from teams to fans. As the regulator of a hugely competitive and technically complex sport we will also establish an independent disciplinary panel to investigate breaches of the rules and to recommend the most appropriate response."












STRENGTHS: Keen to ensure FIA breaks with its past, and not afraid to ruffle feathers to bring about change. Would provide a clean split with the Max Mosley administration. He is also the fans' choice.


WEAKNESSES: His campaign has lacked the detailed policies of Todt's, and he stumbled when he falsely accused his rival of benefiting from using FIA private jets for campaigning. Does not have the kind of managerial and FIA experience that Todt has.




Ari VatanenVatanen's campaign is solely about change. He has expressed frustration at the controversies that the FIA has found itself embroiled in ? and wants to bring about reform to the governing body. He will introduce working group committees to evaluate the best way forward.


His desire to bring about change, and the fact that he is open-minded about what is to be achieved, has left him open to accusations that he does not have detailed policies like Todt.


However, Vatanen has been unmoved by such criticisms ? and has stuck by his belief that the best way to achieve the right change is to sit down and discuss ideas, not simply impose a will.


When asked by AUTOSPORT about what he would do to bring F1's focus back to the racing rather than the scandals, he said: "The answer to this is to have all of the members of the Formula 1 family sitting around a table and debating the future. This includes the media.


"Tell me, when was the last time the FIA asked for your ideas on the future of the sport? Come on, they haven't; if you criticise F1, you lose your pass. That's not the way. We all play a key part in making the sport more spectacular and more attractive to the masses.


"We can all have the input into unlocking the vast potential which remains in F1. Equally, that has to be combined with an independent judicial system that people have confidence in. When people don't have a fair say, we have seen that it can lead to the potential break-up of F1. We must learn from our mistakes."






Whichever candidate wins, it is clear there will be much to do to heal rifts within the FIA that have been caused by a sometimes bitter election battle for the top job within it.


When asked by AUTOSPORT what their first job would be if elected president, both Vatanen and Todt said it would be about moving forwards.


Vatanen said: "I would analyse all of the situations and then prioritise them to sort out one by one. You need clear analysis ? without that, talk of what would be is empty words.


"There will be clear changes before the end of the year. It will not be business as usual for the FIA."


Todt added: "To thank the members of the FIA for their trust and support and begin the task of healing divisions created by some of the negative aspects of the election campaign."


AUTOSPORT will bring you the latest news from the election as it happens on Friday.



finger-cross on...
































Vatanen! XD

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F1: aperta a Parigi riunione Fia per elezione presidente

PARIGI - Si e' aperta a Parigi la riunione della Federazione Internazionale dell'Automobile per l'elezione del nuovo presidente. Scade infatti l'incarico di Max Mosley e i 221 delegati Fia sono chiamati a scegliere un nuovo presidente del Circus. Tra i favoriti: il francese Jean Todt, il finlandese Ari Vatanen e l'ex ferrarista Michael Schumacher. (RCD)





O_o il nome di MS da dove lo hanno tirato fuori?

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Schumacher presidente della FIA? XD


Grazie di esistere, Gazzetta dello Sport.

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Jean, let Michael pass for the championship! :rotfl:


"Tra i favoriti"... ma non sono solo 2 i candidati??

Modificato da White Star

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Dal forum di autosport:

Mosley ha permesso 15 minuti di discorso ai due candidati: a Todt ? stato permesso di sforare, Vatanen ? stato bloccato a 15 minuti esatti.

Intanto che attendiamo il verdetto, tiro fuori dall'armadio il tanto caro "FIArrari", non si sa mai :hihi:

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:D Appena sentito nei titoli del Radio RAI delle 13:


" Elezione Presidente FIA, finisce l'era Mosley... a minuti l'elezione di Jean Todt a capo del massimo organismo dello sport motoristico" XD


Aveva ragione Vatanen, ? tutta una farsa, una "pastetta", gi? tutto deciso, come da copione :rolleyes:

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Visitatore andrea81

Vatanen se aveva qualche possibilita se la ? bruciata quando ha detto "eliminero il consiglio FIA e la gestione dei regolamenti e delle sanzioni la daro a un organo esterno"



cosa giusta e saggia ma se poi quelli che vuoi eliminare sono pure quelli che ti devono votare mi pare che ti sei suicidato

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Visitatore andrea81

135 voti a 49




non c'?ra partita

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come volevasi, Naploeon Todt eletto, inizia l'era FIArrari,

Massa prossimo killer di Alonso e nuovo pluricampione carioca.




Ora la palla al presidentissimo dello charme perduto

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Todt eletto!


Il suo programma ? buono, bisogna vedere se lo attuer? o se rimarranno promesse sulla carta. Todt ha dimostrato che il suo lavoro lo sa fare, per cui gli concedo tempo prima di giudicare. Visto che le regole 2010 sono gi? decise bisogna vedere l'anno prossimo per capire quali saranno le sue intenzioni.


Il nuovo organigramma FIA


Jean Todt - Presidente FIA


Nick Craw - Presidente del Senato FIA

Brian Gibbons - Vice Presidente delegato alla mobilit? automobilistica e al turismo

Graham Stoker - Vice Presidente delegato allo sport


Membri del Senato FIA


Hernan Gallegos Banderas

S.H. Rudolf Graf von der Schulenburg

HH Tunku Mudzaffar bin Tunku Mustapha

Carlos Slim Domit

Jainchang Yan


Membri della Commissione delegata alla mobilit? e al turismo


Carlos Barbosa

Victor Dumot

Ignacio Gonzalez Fausto

Gus Lagman

Franco Lucchesi

Jorge Rosales

Danijel Starman


Membri della Commissione delegata allo sport


Jos? Abed

Michel Boeri

Morrie Chandler

Enrico Gelpi

Carlos Gracia

Mohamed ben Sulayem

Surinder Thatthi

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Una delle cose positive dell'elezione di Todt ? la presenza di italiani nei posti chiave. Con Vatanen nn c'era nessun italiano designato per nessuna carica.

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Niente rottura, alla fine Mosley andava bene a tutti imho.

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