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La McLaren si scusa per la spy story

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Ragazzi,leggendo la lettera dal sito mclaren,mi sembra di capire che si scusano per non aver indagato bene e non informato subito,ma ribadiscono che non c'e' alcun elemento copiato che sia stato comunque non svilupperanno per il 2008 gli elementi sospetti,per trasparenza e per rasserenare l'ambiente.


E' un gesto distensivo,di ammissione di responsabilita',ma non di colpa o di copiatura...sono cose diverse.


Credo che anche stavolta i media italiani abbiano fatto un riassunto a cui noi siamo andati dietro....chiariamo prima di creare altre leggende metropolitane...da quanto ho capito,la mclaren NON ha ammesso di aver copiato,ma solo che si sono accurti che sapevano in molti e non solo qualcuno..correggetemi se ho tradotto male..

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13/12/2007 21.24.17

La FIA muove il passo decisivo per la chiusura della spy-story


La FIA muove il passo decisivo per la chiusura della spy-storyA seguito degli impegni presi dalla McLaren-Mercedes per superare definitivamente la spy-story, e delle pubbliche scuse presentate oggi dalla scuderia anglo-tedesca, il presidente della FIA MAx Mosley ha domandato ai membri del World Motor Sport Council il loro consenso per cancellare l'ulteriore udienza prevista per il 14 febbraio 2008, nella quale il team di Woking si sarebbe trovato di nuovo sul banco degli imputati.


Nel comunicato ufficiale diramato dalla FIA, che propone di considerare definitivamente chiuso il caso nell'interesse dello sport, viene anche allegato il particolare resoconto che sostiente detta richiesta. Nella fattispecie, si tratta del corposo documento redatto dal Dipartimento Tecnico della Federazione che e' stato inviato al World Motor Sport Council, reso pubblico proprio per dimostrare la massima trasparenza dell'iniziativa.





E con questo tutto mi fu chiaro!

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dovevano scusarsi per essere stati cos? idioti a farsi sgamare,come cavolo si fa ad andare in una copisteria a fare le fotocopie di robe cosi riservate?(vab? riservate...grazie a nigel sono piu pubbliche dei discorsi del presidente della repubblica :caldo: ).

nigel evava programmato il delitto perfetto(anche lui per? con quella polverina ha fatto una cazzata,ma a lui si pu? perdonare :caldo: )e loro hanno rovinato tutto perch? son dei dico,hanno quella bestia di paragon che ciula piu elettricit? e acqua lei che un paese del terzo mondo e per risparmiare un p? d'inchiostro son andati in un luogo pubblico,per di piu in una copisteria di ferraristi,RIDICOLI

per questo non meritano il mondiale,imbrogliare ? un arte,chi non ? capace lasci perdere perch? son solo grandi bruciature del deretano

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AHHHHHH...ora ho capito..;)

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Domanda: ma perch? i vertici mcladren non si dimettono?


FIA: McLaren planned to use Ferrari data

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 18:50 GMT


McLaren were poised to use systems on their 2008 car that had been inspired by secret Ferrari information given to them by Nigel Stepney, the FIA's technical report on the matter reveals.

Having conducted a detailed examination of the design of McLaren's 2008 car, to see if any Ferrari intellectual property had been used, the FIA report published on Thursday claims that there was evidence of such activity.


Although what the specific parts and systems are have not been revealed, to keep McLaren's own technical secrets confidential, the report is adamant that some elements of the MP4-23 design was scheduled to include technology inspired by confidential Ferrari information.


The report states: "The [redacted - confidential] system appears to have been re-investigated and developed by McLaren as a result of the receipt of confidential Ferrari information.

"Despite senior McLaren management imposing a hiatus on development at the time the (Mike) Coughlan activities were revealed, McLaren now intend to use [redcated - confidential] on the 2008 car."


It added: "The [redacted - confidential] mechanism which McLaren has developed since the 3 May 2007 Coughlan meeting is intended to be used on the 2008 car and appears to have been initiated by the receipt of confidential Ferrari information."


Detailed examination of the report shows that one area where McLaren had appeared to utilise the Ferrari information was in the creation of a new brake balance system.


The report states: "It appears on the basis of these documents that the genesis of the idea to incorporate a [redacted - confidential] on the McLaren 2008 car emanated from the emails exchanged on 12 April 2007 concerning Ferrari's [redacted – confidential] system and the meeting called on 3 May 2007 by Coughlan. We have not been presented with a convincing explanation to displace the impression given by the documents."


The report also states that McLaren were ready to consider the use of CO2 gas in their tyres, as Ferrari do. It is believed 'more likely than not' that the idea came to the team from information given by Nigel Stepney.


The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated – confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

The FIA document also reveals that engineers within the team were aware of a Ferrari 'mole' passing information to them.


One email exchange between engineers on April 13, 2007 discussing steering angles mentioned an exact figure for the Ferrari wheelbase. A response from a senior McLaren engineer was: "Is the Ferrari wheelbase an accurate figure? Did it come from photos or our mole?"


The response was: "You will find it's to the nearest 'mm'."


The report states: "On a natural reading of this exchange and taking into account the suggested explanations for it, we have concluded that both [senior McLaren Engineer] and [senior McLaren Engineer] were aware that confidential Ferrari information was being leaked through a mole and were prepared to use that information for McLaren's benefit in the design of the 2007 and 2008 cars."


The report reveals that McLaren indeed decided to follow Ferrari's example and increase the wheelbase of their car for 2008, although it could not prove whether this was because of the secret Ferrari information or because of information that was readily available and in the public domain.


McLaren have apologised to the FIA for not being aware of just how far the Ferrari information obtained by the team had spread within their organisation, and the report reveals that even a 'Senior McLaren management figure' was aware of what was going on.


It states the unidentified senior McLaren management figure advised the team to abandon work on a secret technical development because of the spy case surrounding the team.


The report states that on August 8, a senior McLaren engineer communicated a decision reached by a senior McLaren management figure to junior staff members that they were to abandon their efforts on the development


"I would not change the [redacted – confidential] direction until we have to, i.e., when we eventually run the [redacted – confidential]. We will obviously ask for this again for Turkey but I'm not hopeful that we will run this until the outstanding FIA agro [sic] is resolved."


McLaren have vowed to cease development work on the parts that could have been inspired by Ferrari knowledge, and the FIA stated on Thursday night that it was now willing to bring the matter to a close.

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della spy story ho letto molto e commentato poco anche perch? da una parte, noi ferraristi eravamo veramente incazzati e dall'altra i tifosi McLaren gridavano al complotto ? si finiva sempre per litigare, di tutto questo ho un'immagine sola in mente e cio? la faccia di Ron pelato Dennis che esce dal tribunale FIA dopo la prima udienza, con il sorriso sulla faccia dicendo al mondo che giustizia era stata fatta, beh adesso delle sue scuse non so che farmene non le uso nemmeno per pulirmi il cxxo, con gente del genere non spreco nemmeno gli insulti....una cosa sola gli auguro che ogni giorno che passa della sua merdosa esistenza sia sempre pi? brutto e duro....

La cosa che mi da pi? fastidio ? che fa pure lo sbruffone e per giunta voleva il mondiale a tavolino

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Ritiratevi! Voi, maverick e cek!



chi ? voi? :caldo:

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Domanda: ma perch? i vertici mcladren non si dimettono?


FIA: McLaren planned to use Ferrari data

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 18:50 GMT


McLaren were poised to use systems on their 2008 car that had been inspired by secret Ferrari information given to them by Nigel Stepney, the FIA's technical report on the matter reveals.

Having conducted a detailed examination of the design of McLaren's 2008 car, to see if any Ferrari intellectual property had been used, the FIA report published on Thursday claims that there was evidence of such activity.


Although what the specific parts and systems are have not been revealed, to keep McLaren's own technical secrets confidential, the report is adamant that some elements of the MP4-23 design was scheduled to include technology inspired by confidential Ferrari information.


The report states: "The [redacted - confidential] system appears to have been re-investigated and developed by McLaren as a result of the receipt of confidential Ferrari information.

"Despite senior McLaren management imposing a hiatus on development at the time the (Mike) Coughlan activities were revealed, McLaren now intend to use [redcated - confidential] on the 2008 car."


It added: "The [redacted - confidential] mechanism which McLaren has developed since the 3 May 2007 Coughlan meeting is intended to be used on the 2008 car and appears to have been initiated by the receipt of confidential Ferrari information."


Detailed examination of the report shows that one area where McLaren had appeared to utilise the Ferrari information was in the creation of a new brake balance system.


The report states: "It appears on the basis of these documents that the genesis of the idea to incorporate a [redacted - confidential] on the McLaren 2008 car emanated from the emails exchanged on 12 April 2007 concerning Ferrari's [redacted ? confidential] system and the meeting called on 3 May 2007 by Coughlan. We have not been presented with a convincing explanation to displace the impression given by the documents."


The report also states that McLaren were ready to consider the use of CO2 gas in their tyres, as Ferrari do. It is believed 'more likely than not' that the idea came to the team from information given by Nigel Stepney.


The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated ? confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

The FIA document also reveals that engineers within the team were aware of a Ferrari 'mole' passing information to them.


One email exchange between engineers on April 13, 2007 discussing steering angles mentioned an exact figure for the Ferrari wheelbase. A response from a senior McLaren engineer was: "Is the Ferrari wheelbase an accurate figure? Did it come from photos or our mole?"


The response was: "You will find it's to the nearest 'mm'."


The report states: "On a natural reading of this exchange and taking into account the suggested explanations for it, we have concluded that both [senior McLaren Engineer] and [senior McLaren Engineer] were aware that confidential Ferrari information was being leaked through a mole and were prepared to use that information for McLaren's benefit in the design of the 2007 and 2008 cars."


The report reveals that McLaren indeed decided to follow Ferrari's example and increase the wheelbase of their car for 2008, although it could not prove whether this was because of the secret Ferrari information or because of information that was readily available and in the public domain.


McLaren have apologised to the FIA for not being aware of just how far the Ferrari information obtained by the team had spread within their organisation, and the report reveals that even a 'Senior McLaren management figure' was aware of what was going on.


It states the unidentified senior McLaren management figure advised the team to abandon work on a secret technical development because of the spy case surrounding the team.


The report states that on August 8, a senior McLaren engineer communicated a decision reached by a senior McLaren management figure to junior staff members that they were to abandon their efforts on the development


"I would not change the [redacted ? confidential] direction until we have to, i.e., when we eventually run the [redacted ? confidential]. We will obviously ask for this again for Turkey but I'm not hopeful that we will run this until the outstanding FIA agro [sic] is resolved."


McLaren have vowed to cease development work on the parts that could have been inspired by Ferrari knowledge, and the FIA stated on Thursday night that it was now willing to bring the matter to a close.

tanto ormai quei documenti ce li hanno tutti( :caldo: ).

dovevano rimettere le slick gi? da quest'anno,almeno un buon numero delle 700 e passa pagine sarebbero state da cestinare.

in ogni caso la mclaren andava squalificata per il campionato 2008

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Domanda: ma perch? i vertici mcladren non si dimettono?


FIA: McLaren planned to use Ferrari data

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 18:50 GMT


McLaren were poised to use systems on their 2008 car that had been inspired by secret Ferrari information given to them by Nigel Stepney, the FIA's technical report on the matter reveals.

Having conducted a detailed examination of the design of McLaren's 2008 car, to see if any Ferrari intellectual property had been used, the FIA report published on Thursday claims that there was evidence of such activity.


Although what the specific parts and systems are have not been revealed, to keep McLaren's own technical secrets confidential, the report is adamant that some elements of the MP4-23 design was scheduled to include technology inspired by confidential Ferrari information.


The report states: "The [redacted - confidential] system appears to have been re-investigated and developed by McLaren as a result of the receipt of confidential Ferrari information.

"Despite senior McLaren management imposing a hiatus on development at the time the (Mike) Coughlan activities were revealed, McLaren now intend to use [redcated - confidential] on the 2008 car."


It added: "The [redacted - confidential] mechanism which McLaren has developed since the 3 May 2007 Coughlan meeting is intended to be used on the 2008 car and appears to have been initiated by the receipt of confidential Ferrari information."


Detailed examination of the report shows that one area where McLaren had appeared to utilise the Ferrari information was in the creation of a new brake balance system.


The report states: "It appears on the basis of these documents that the genesis of the idea to incorporate a [redacted - confidential] on the McLaren 2008 car emanated from the emails exchanged on 12 April 2007 concerning Ferrari's [redacted ? confidential] system and the meeting called on 3 May 2007 by Coughlan. We have not been presented with a convincing explanation to displace the impression given by the documents."


The report also states that McLaren were ready to consider the use of CO2 gas in their tyres, as Ferrari do. It is believed 'more likely than not' that the idea came to the team from information given by Nigel Stepney.


The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated ? confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

The FIA document also reveals that engineers within the team were aware of a Ferrari 'mole' passing information to them.


One email exchange between engineers on April 13, 2007 discussing steering angles mentioned an exact figure for the Ferrari wheelbase. A response from a senior McLaren engineer was: "Is the Ferrari wheelbase an accurate figure? Did it come from photos or our mole?"


The response was: "You will find it's to the nearest 'mm'."


The report states: "On a natural reading of this exchange and taking into account the suggested explanations for it, we have concluded that both [senior McLaren Engineer] and [senior McLaren Engineer] were aware that confidential Ferrari information was being leaked through a mole and were prepared to use that information for McLaren's benefit in the design of the 2007 and 2008 cars."


The report reveals that McLaren indeed decided to follow Ferrari's example and increase the wheelbase of their car for 2008, although it could not prove whether this was because of the secret Ferrari information or because of information that was readily available and in the public domain.


McLaren have apologised to the FIA for not being aware of just how far the Ferrari information obtained by the team had spread within their organisation, and the report reveals that even a 'Senior McLaren management figure' was aware of what was going on.


It states the unidentified senior McLaren management figure advised the team to abandon work on a secret technical development because of the spy case surrounding the team.


The report states that on August 8, a senior McLaren engineer communicated a decision reached by a senior McLaren management figure to junior staff members that they were to abandon their efforts on the development


"I would not change the [redacted ? confidential] direction until we have to, i.e., when we eventually run the [redacted ? confidential]. We will obviously ask for this again for Turkey but I'm not hopeful that we will run this until the outstanding FIA agro [sic] is resolved."


McLaren have vowed to cease development work on the parts that could have been inspired by Ferrari knowledge, and the FIA stated on Thursday night that it was now willing to bring the matter to a close.

tanto ormai quei documenti ce li hanno tutti( :caldo: ).

dovevano rimettere le slick gi? da quest'anno,almeno un buon numero delle 700 e passa pagine sarebbero state da cestinare.

in ogni caso la mclaren andava squalificata per il campionato 2008

Beh si il 2007, per circostanze molto sfortunate, non ? stato l'anno di Hamilton, il 2008 dovr? essere l'anno del trionfo del bimbo inglese...immaginate che esaltazione ne farebbe la stampa inglese?

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A questo punto ? chiaro che la Fia la fa sporca... il pupillo Emilton deve vincere, perci? chiudono un occhio anche sull'ennesima bastardata... Dennis mi fai schifo... poi dicono che ? l'Italia il paese dove sono tutti attaccati alla poltrona.

Vabb?, sar? ancora pi? bello rompere il c**lo a questi gaglioffi nel 2008.

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Mamma mia se ripenso con quale faccia tosta di bronzo hanno sporto reclamo alla FIA dopo la gara di Interlagos... :vomito:


La sentenza ? stata troppo, troppo morbida. Come minimo ci stava la squalifica di team e piloti dai campionati 2007 e 2008.


I ladri devono pagare e non l'hanno fatto abbastanza. :incazzato:


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Mamma mia se ripenso con quale faccia tosta di bronzo hanno sporto reclamo alla FIA dopo la gara di Interlagos... :vomito:


La sentenza ? stata troppo, troppo morbida. Come minimo ci stava la squalifica di team e piloti dai campionati 2007 e 2008.


I ladri devono pagare e non l'hanno fatto abbastanza. :incazzato:


quoto :up:

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Domanda: ma perch? i vertici mcladren non si dimettono?


FIA: McLaren planned to use Ferrari data

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 18:50 GMT


McLaren were poised to use systems on their 2008 car that had been inspired by secret Ferrari information given to them by Nigel Stepney, the FIA's technical report on the matter reveals.

Having conducted a detailed examination of the design of McLaren's 2008 car, to see if any Ferrari intellectual property had been used, the FIA report published on Thursday claims that there was evidence of such activity.


Although what the specific parts and systems are have not been revealed, to keep McLaren's own technical secrets confidential, the report is adamant that some elements of the MP4-23 design was scheduled to include technology inspired by confidential Ferrari information.


The report states: "The [redacted - confidential] system appears to have been re-investigated and developed by McLaren as a result of the receipt of confidential Ferrari information.

"Despite senior McLaren management imposing a hiatus on development at the time the (Mike) Coughlan activities were revealed, McLaren now intend to use [redcated - confidential] on the 2008 car."


It added: "The [redacted - confidential] mechanism which McLaren has developed since the 3 May 2007 Coughlan meeting is intended to be used on the 2008 car and appears to have been initiated by the receipt of confidential Ferrari information."


Detailed examination of the report shows that one area where McLaren had appeared to utilise the Ferrari information was in the creation of a new brake balance system.


The report states: "It appears on the basis of these documents that the genesis of the idea to incorporate a [redacted - confidential] on the McLaren 2008 car emanated from the emails exchanged on 12 April 2007 concerning Ferrari's [redacted ? confidential] system and the meeting called on 3 May 2007 by Coughlan. We have not been presented with a convincing explanation to displace the impression given by the documents."


The report also states that McLaren were ready to consider the use of CO2 gas in their tyres, as Ferrari do. It is believed 'more likely than not' that the idea came to the team from information given by Nigel Stepney.


The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated ? confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

The FIA document also reveals that engineers within the team were aware of a Ferrari 'mole' passing information to them.


One email exchange between engineers on April 13, 2007 discussing steering angles mentioned an exact figure for the Ferrari wheelbase. A response from a senior McLaren engineer was: "Is the Ferrari wheelbase an accurate figure? Did it come from photos or our mole?"


The response was: "You will find it's to the nearest 'mm'."


The report states: "On a natural reading of this exchange and taking into account the suggested explanations for it, we have concluded that both [senior McLaren Engineer] and [senior McLaren Engineer] were aware that confidential Ferrari information was being leaked through a mole and were prepared to use that information for McLaren's benefit in the design of the 2007 and 2008 cars."


The report reveals that McLaren indeed decided to follow Ferrari's example and increase the wheelbase of their car for 2008, although it could not prove whether this was because of the secret Ferrari information or because of information that was readily available and in the public domain.


McLaren have apologised to the FIA for not being aware of just how far the Ferrari information obtained by the team had spread within their organisation, and the report reveals that even a 'Senior McLaren management figure' was aware of what was going on.


It states the unidentified senior McLaren management figure advised the team to abandon work on a secret technical development because of the spy case surrounding the team.


The report states that on August 8, a senior McLaren engineer communicated a decision reached by a senior McLaren management figure to junior staff members that they were to abandon their efforts on the development


"I would not change the [redacted ? confidential] direction until we have to, i.e., when we eventually run the [redacted ? confidential]. We will obviously ask for this again for Turkey but I'm not hopeful that we will run this until the outstanding FIA agro [sic] is resolved."


McLaren have vowed to cease development work on the parts that could have been inspired by Ferrari knowledge, and the FIA stated on Thursday night that it was now willing to bring the matter to a close.

tanto ormai quei documenti ce li hanno tutti( :caldo: ).

dovevano rimettere le slick gi? da quest'anno,almeno un buon numero delle 700 e passa pagine sarebbero state da cestinare.

in ogni caso la mclaren andava squalificata per il campionato 2008

Beh si il 2007, per circostanze molto sfortunate, non ? stato l'anno di Hamilton, il 2008 dovr? essere l'anno del trionfo del bimbo inglese...immaginate che esaltazione ne farebbe la stampa inglese?



Non cominciate un rosik preventivo....


Ma da dove viene la notizia? ho letto la lettera mclaren e' non mi pare dica che hanno utilizzato il sapere ferrari...questa diventa come il cambio di hamilton...


E' meglio che si faccia chiarezza vera su queste cose,senza evitare disinformazione...senza polemica..


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Domanda: ma perch? i vertici mcladren non si dimettono?


FIA: McLaren planned to use Ferrari data

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 18:50 GMT


McLaren were poised to use systems on their 2008 car that had been inspired by secret Ferrari information given to them by Nigel Stepney, the FIA's technical report on the matter reveals.

Having conducted a detailed examination of the design of McLaren's 2008 car, to see if any Ferrari intellectual property had been used, the FIA report published on Thursday claims that there was evidence of such activity.


Although what the specific parts and systems are have not been revealed, to keep McLaren's own technical secrets confidential, the report is adamant that some elements of the MP4-23 design was scheduled to include technology inspired by confidential Ferrari information.


The report states: "The [redacted - confidential] system appears to have been re-investigated and developed by McLaren as a result of the receipt of confidential Ferrari information.

"Despite senior McLaren management imposing a hiatus on development at the time the (Mike) Coughlan activities were revealed, McLaren now intend to use [redcated - confidential] on the 2008 car."


It added: "The [redacted - confidential] mechanism which McLaren has developed since the 3 May 2007 Coughlan meeting is intended to be used on the 2008 car and appears to have been initiated by the receipt of confidential Ferrari information."


Detailed examination of the report shows that one area where McLaren had appeared to utilise the Ferrari information was in the creation of a new brake balance system.


The report states: "It appears on the basis of these documents that the genesis of the idea to incorporate a [redacted - confidential] on the McLaren 2008 car emanated from the emails exchanged on 12 April 2007 concerning Ferrari's [redacted ? confidential] system and the meeting called on 3 May 2007 by Coughlan. We have not been presented with a convincing explanation to displace the impression given by the documents."


The report also states that McLaren were ready to consider the use of CO2 gas in their tyres, as Ferrari do. It is believed 'more likely than not' that the idea came to the team from information given by Nigel Stepney.


The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated ? confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

The FIA document also reveals that engineers within the team were aware of a Ferrari 'mole' passing information to them.


One email exchange between engineers on April 13, 2007 discussing steering angles mentioned an exact figure for the Ferrari wheelbase. A response from a senior McLaren engineer was: "Is the Ferrari wheelbase an accurate figure? Did it come from photos or our mole?"


The response was: "You will find it's to the nearest 'mm'."


The report states: "On a natural reading of this exchange and taking into account the suggested explanations for it, we have concluded that both [senior McLaren Engineer] and [senior McLaren Engineer] were aware that confidential Ferrari information was being leaked through a mole and were prepared to use that information for McLaren's benefit in the design of the 2007 and 2008 cars."


The report reveals that McLaren indeed decided to follow Ferrari's example and increase the wheelbase of their car for 2008, although it could not prove whether this was because of the secret Ferrari information or because of information that was readily available and in the public domain.


McLaren have apologised to the FIA for not being aware of just how far the Ferrari information obtained by the team had spread within their organisation, and the report reveals that even a 'Senior McLaren management figure' was aware of what was going on.


It states the unidentified senior McLaren management figure advised the team to abandon work on a secret technical development because of the spy case surrounding the team.


The report states that on August 8, a senior McLaren engineer communicated a decision reached by a senior McLaren management figure to junior staff members that they were to abandon their efforts on the development


"I would not change the [redacted ? confidential] direction until we have to, i.e., when we eventually run the [redacted ? confidential]. We will obviously ask for this again for Turkey but I'm not hopeful that we will run this until the outstanding FIA agro [sic] is resolved."


McLaren have vowed to cease development work on the parts that could have been inspired by Ferrari knowledge, and the FIA stated on Thursday night that it was now willing to bring the matter to a close.

tanto ormai quei documenti ce li hanno tutti( :caldo: ).

dovevano rimettere le slick gi? da quest'anno,almeno un buon numero delle 700 e passa pagine sarebbero state da cestinare.

in ogni caso la mclaren andava squalificata per il campionato 2008

Beh si il 2007, per circostanze molto sfortunate, non ? stato l'anno di Hamilton, il 2008 dovr? essere l'anno del trionfo del bimbo inglese...immaginate che esaltazione ne farebbe la stampa inglese?



Non cominciate un rosik preventivo....


Ma da dove viene la notizia? ho letto la lettera mclaren e' non mi pare dica che hanno utilizzato il sapere ferrari...questa diventa come il cambio di hamilton...


E' meglio che si faccia chiarezza vera su queste cose,senza evitare disinformazione...senza polemica..


ma figurati...

lo sai come ragionano i pecoroni


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Domanda: ma perch? i vertici mcladren non si dimettono?


FIA: McLaren planned to use Ferrari data

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 18:50 GMT


McLaren were poised to use systems on their 2008 car that had been inspired by secret Ferrari information given to them by Nigel Stepney, the FIA's technical report on the matter reveals.

Having conducted a detailed examination of the design of McLaren's 2008 car, to see if any Ferrari intellectual property had been used, the FIA report published on Thursday claims that there was evidence of such activity.


Although what the specific parts and systems are have not been revealed, to keep McLaren's own technical secrets confidential, the report is adamant that some elements of the MP4-23 design was scheduled to include technology inspired by confidential Ferrari information.


The report states: "The [redacted - confidential] system appears to have been re-investigated and developed by McLaren as a result of the receipt of confidential Ferrari information.

"Despite senior McLaren management imposing a hiatus on development at the time the (Mike) Coughlan activities were revealed, McLaren now intend to use [redcated - confidential] on the 2008 car."


It added: "The [redacted - confidential] mechanism which McLaren has developed since the 3 May 2007 Coughlan meeting is intended to be used on the 2008 car and appears to have been initiated by the receipt of confidential Ferrari information."


Detailed examination of the report shows that one area where McLaren had appeared to utilise the Ferrari information was in the creation of a new brake balance system.


The report states: "It appears on the basis of these documents that the genesis of the idea to incorporate a [redacted - confidential] on the McLaren 2008 car emanated from the emails exchanged on 12 April 2007 concerning Ferrari's [redacted ? confidential] system and the meeting called on 3 May 2007 by Coughlan. We have not been presented with a convincing explanation to displace the impression given by the documents."


The report also states that McLaren were ready to consider the use of CO2 gas in their tyres, as Ferrari do. It is believed 'more likely than not' that the idea came to the team from information given by Nigel Stepney.


The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated ? confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

The FIA document also reveals that engineers within the team were aware of a Ferrari 'mole' passing information to them.


One email exchange between engineers on April 13, 2007 discussing steering angles mentioned an exact figure for the Ferrari wheelbase. A response from a senior McLaren engineer was: "Is the Ferrari wheelbase an accurate figure? Did it come from photos or our mole?"


The response was: "You will find it's to the nearest 'mm'."


The report states: "On a natural reading of this exchange and taking into account the suggested explanations for it, we have concluded that both [senior McLaren Engineer] and [senior McLaren Engineer] were aware that confidential Ferrari information was being leaked through a mole and were prepared to use that information for McLaren's benefit in the design of the 2007 and 2008 cars."


The report reveals that McLaren indeed decided to follow Ferrari's example and increase the wheelbase of their car for 2008, although it could not prove whether this was because of the secret Ferrari information or because of information that was readily available and in the public domain.


McLaren have apologised to the FIA for not being aware of just how far the Ferrari information obtained by the team had spread within their organisation, and the report reveals that even a 'Senior McLaren management figure' was aware of what was going on.


It states the unidentified senior McLaren management figure advised the team to abandon work on a secret technical development because of the spy case surrounding the team.


The report states that on August 8, a senior McLaren engineer communicated a decision reached by a senior McLaren management figure to junior staff members that they were to abandon their efforts on the development


"I would not change the [redacted ? confidential] direction until we have to, i.e., when we eventually run the [redacted ? confidential]. We will obviously ask for this again for Turkey but I'm not hopeful that we will run this until the outstanding FIA agro [sic] is resolved."


McLaren have vowed to cease development work on the parts that could have been inspired by Ferrari knowledge, and the FIA stated on Thursday night that it was now willing to bring the matter to a close.

tanto ormai quei documenti ce li hanno tutti( :caldo: ).

dovevano rimettere le slick gi? da quest'anno,almeno un buon numero delle 700 e passa pagine sarebbero state da cestinare.

in ogni caso la mclaren andava squalificata per il campionato 2008

Beh si il 2007, per circostanze molto sfortunate, non ? stato l'anno di Hamilton, il 2008 dovr? essere l'anno del trionfo del bimbo inglese...immaginate che esaltazione ne farebbe la stampa inglese?



Non cominciate un rosik preventivo....


Ma da dove viene la notizia? ho letto la lettera mclaren e' non mi pare dica che hanno utilizzato il sapere ferrari...questa diventa come il cambio di hamilton...


E' meglio che si faccia chiarezza vera su queste cose,senza evitare disinformazione...senza polemica..

senza polemica, The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated ? confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

La mclaren ? indifendibile. Sono vergognosi, non dovrebbero correre proprio nel 2008.

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Domanda: ma perch? i vertici mcladren non si dimettono?


FIA: McLaren planned to use Ferrari data

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 18:50 GMT


McLaren were poised to use systems on their 2008 car that had been inspired by secret Ferrari information given to them by Nigel Stepney, the FIA's technical report on the matter reveals.

Having conducted a detailed examination of the design of McLaren's 2008 car, to see if any Ferrari intellectual property had been used, the FIA report published on Thursday claims that there was evidence of such activity.


Although what the specific parts and systems are have not been revealed, to keep McLaren's own technical secrets confidential, the report is adamant that some elements of the MP4-23 design was scheduled to include technology inspired by confidential Ferrari information.


The report states: "The [redacted - confidential] system appears to have been re-investigated and developed by McLaren as a result of the receipt of confidential Ferrari information.

"Despite senior McLaren management imposing a hiatus on development at the time the (Mike) Coughlan activities were revealed, McLaren now intend to use [redcated - confidential] on the 2008 car."


It added: "The [redacted - confidential] mechanism which McLaren has developed since the 3 May 2007 Coughlan meeting is intended to be used on the 2008 car and appears to have been initiated by the receipt of confidential Ferrari information."


Detailed examination of the report shows that one area where McLaren had appeared to utilise the Ferrari information was in the creation of a new brake balance system.


The report states: "It appears on the basis of these documents that the genesis of the idea to incorporate a [redacted - confidential] on the McLaren 2008 car emanated from the emails exchanged on 12 April 2007 concerning Ferrari's [redacted ? confidential] system and the meeting called on 3 May 2007 by Coughlan. We have not been presented with a convincing explanation to displace the impression given by the documents."


The report also states that McLaren were ready to consider the use of CO2 gas in their tyres, as Ferrari do. It is believed 'more likely than not' that the idea came to the team from information given by Nigel Stepney.


The report states: "We believe the general investigation by McLaren of the use of [redcated ? confidential] established further dissemination of confident Ferrari information to engineers within McLaren which has influenced their work on the 2007 and 2008 cars."

The FIA document also reveals that engineers within the team were aware of a Ferrari 'mole' passing information to them.


One email exchange between engineers on April 13, 2007 discussing steering angles mentioned an exact figure for the Ferrari wheelbase. A response from a senior McLaren engineer was: "Is the Ferrari wheelbase an accurate figure? Did it come from photos or our mole?"


The response was: "You will find it's to the nearest 'mm'."


The report states: "On a natural reading of this exchange and taking into account the suggested explanations for it, we have concluded that both [senior McLaren Engineer] and [senior McLaren Engineer] were aware that confidential Ferrari information was being leaked through a mole and were prepared to use that information for McLaren's benefit in the design of the 2007 and 2008 cars."


The report reveals that McLaren indeed decided to follow Ferrari's example and increase the wheelbase of their car for 2008, although it could not prove whether this was because of the secret Ferrari information or because of information that was readily available and in the public domain.


McLaren have apologised to the FIA for not being aware of just how far the Ferrari information obtained by the team had spread within their organisation, and the report reveals that even a 'Senior McLaren management figure' was aware of what was going on.


It states the unidentified senior McLaren management figure advised the team to abandon work on a secret technical development because of the spy case surrounding the team.


The report states that on August 8, a senior McLaren engineer communicated a decision reached by a senior McLaren management figure to junior staff members that they were to abandon their efforts on the development


"I would not change the [redacted ? confidential] direction until we have to, i.e., when we eventually run the [redacted ? confidential]. We will obviously ask for this again for Turkey but I'm not hopeful that we will run this until the outstanding FIA agro [sic] is resolved."


McLaren have vowed to cease development work on the parts that could have been inspired by Ferrari knowledge, and the FIA stated on Thursday night that it was now willing to bring the matter to a close.

tanto ormai quei documenti ce li hanno tutti( :caldo: ).

dovevano rimettere le slick gi? da quest'anno,almeno un buon numero delle 700 e passa pagine sarebbero state da cestinare.

in ogni caso la mclaren andava squalificata per il campionato 2008

Beh si il 2007, per circostanze molto sfortunate, non ? stato l'anno di Hamilton, il 2008 dovr? essere l'anno del trionfo del bimbo inglese...immaginate che esaltazione ne farebbe la stampa inglese?



Non cominciate un rosik preventivo....


Ma da dove viene la notizia? ho letto la lettera mclaren e' non mi pare dica che hanno utilizzato il sapere ferrari...questa diventa come il cambio di hamilton...


E' meglio che si faccia chiarezza vera su queste cose,senza evitare disinformazione...senza polemica..


ma figurati...

lo sai come ragionano i pecoroni

ma pecoroni di cosa? i pecoroni sono solo i tifosi mclaren, che stanno facendo figure di m***a una dopo l'altra, insieme alla loro squadra. Ma non vi vergognate a tifare per una manica di LADRI?

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Visitatore andrea81

avesse vinto hamilton non sarebbe accaduto niente di tutto questo :angel:

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E fanno bene! Facciamogli il c**lo a sti ladri senza vergogna. Dite che vedremo Ron dietro le sbarre? :hihi:


Ferrari: spy case legal action to continue

By Jonathan Noble Thursday, December 13th 2007, 21:17 GMT


Ferrari are ready to accept a move by the FIA to bring the McLaren spy saga to an imminent close, following an apology from the British team today, but have made it clear they will still press ahead with ongoing court action.


McLaren on Thursday published a letter of apology from F1 CEO Martin Whitmarsh to FIA president Max Mosley written last week, in which the Woking-based outfit said it was sorry for not realising the extent to which Ferrari information had manifested itself inside their organisation.


Furthermore, the team offered to freeze development of parts on their 2008 car which the FIA felt had been influenced by confidential Ferrari information that the team had in their hands.


The apology and offer of development freeze were enough for the FIA to state this evening that it would now push the World Motor Sport Council to cancel a hearing planned for February to examine the team's 2008 car plans.


Should that be accepted, then the spy matter will have a line drawn underneath it.


In response to the events, Ferrari issued a statement tonight saying they would respect the FIA?s decision to take such a course of action, but made it clear they had no plans to halt legal action that is ongoing in Britain and Italy.


"Ferrari notes the apology offered today by the McLaren Group, following the investigations carried out by the FIA Technical Department, as presented to the WSMC on 7th December last," said the statement.


?The written and verbal statements issued by senior McLaren personnel both at the World Council meetings of the 26th July and 13th September and through the media have thus been publicly proved wrong.


"Therefore it is admitted that confidential information which was the property of Ferrari was disseminated within the structure of the English team and this also confirms the seriousness of the behaviour of those involved over the past few months.


?In the light of McLaren?s apology and the guarantees it has presented, Ferrari respects the proposal of the FIA President to cancel the extraordinary general meeting of the WSMC scheduled for 14th February coming, thus bringing this incident to a close from a sporting point of view. However, it is confirmed that criminal actions underway in Italy and civil ones in England are still continuing.?

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Possibile che non ci arrivate? :lol: Eppure ? cos? semplice: alla FIA non gliene frega niente se qualcuno ruba, fa macchine illegali, corre con benzine congelate. Mosley voleva vendicarsi di Dennis ridicolizzandolo, e ha sfruttato questa occasione d'oro. Ora non gli importa pi? di penalizzare la McLaren perch? Dennis si ? praticamente messo in ginocchio a chiedere scusa (il comunicato stampa di oggi).

Continuate a dire che la FIA vuole far vincere Hamilton... ma non ? cos?! Il punto non ? vince Hamilton, vince Raikkonen o vince Alonso. Il punto era solo ridicolizzare Dennis. Ed ? stata sfruttata la porcata che a quanto pare ? una cosa comune in F1 (la Ferrari aveva tutti i progetti Benetton - ma come, i progettisti non hanno le idee nella loro testa? - la Toyota che copiava la Ferrari, la McLaren che copia la Ferrari, la Renault che copia la McLaren, Newey che dice "? una cosa normale", Salo che ha ammesso che nel 99 aveva a disposizione tutti i dati su Hakkinen).


Per chi non mangia il prosciutto (:hihi:): non sto difendendo la McLaren, anzi ho sempre detto che andava squalificata, cos? come altri team (vedi Renault e la mia amata Honda), ma il problema ? stato un altro.


E guarda caso, ora che Dennis ha chiesto scusa Mosley ? soddisfatto e vuole chiudere il discorso :rolleyes: Ma dove sono finiti i veri gentleman inglesi?

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Possibile che non ci arrivate? :lol: Eppure ? cos? semplice: alla FIA non gliene frega niente se qualcuno ruba, fa macchine illegali, corre con benzine congelate. Mosley voleva vendicarsi di Dennis ridicolizzandolo, e ha sfruttato questa occasione d'oro. Ora non gli importa pi? di penalizzare la McLaren perch? Dennis si ? praticamente messo in ginocchio a chiedere scusa (il comunicato stampa di oggi).

Continuate a dire che la FIA vuole far vincere Hamilton... ma non ? cos?! Il punto non ? vince Hamilton, vince Raikkonen o vince Alonso. Il punto era solo ridicolizzare Dennis. Ed ? stata sfruttata la porcata che a quanto pare ? una cosa comune in F1 (la Ferrari aveva tutti i progetti Benetton - ma come, i progettisti non hanno le idee nella loro testa? - la Toyota che copiava la Ferrari, la McLaren che copia la Ferrari, la Renault che copia la McLaren, Newey che dice "? una cosa normale", Salo che ha ammesso che nel 99 aveva a disposizione tutti i dati su Hakkinen).


Per chi non mangia il prosciutto (:hihi:): non sto difendendo la McLaren, anzi ho sempre detto che andava squalificata, cos? come altri team (vedi Renault e la mia amata Honda), ma il problema ? stato un altro.


E guarda caso, ora che Dennis ha chiesto scusa Mosley ? soddisfatto e vuole chiudere il discorso :rolleyes: Ma dove sono finiti i veri gentleman inglesi?

Il caso renault ? completamente diverso da quello della mclaren, la Renault ha immediatamente informato la Fia e la mclaren stessa sui 4 (quattro) documenti che McKareth aveva portato ad Enstone.

Per favore, non facciamo confusione.

Le parole di Newey sono ben differenti comunque.


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