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Addio al professor Sid Watkins

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"This is a truly sad day for the FIA family and the entire motor sport community. Sid was loved and respected in equal measure by all those who knew and worked with him. We will always be grateful for the safety legacy that he has left our sport."




"Sid was a true gentleman of our sport and always a pleasure to work with. He will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him, from doctors and drivers to officials and fans. Sid's influence will live on for many years to come."




"I rarely had the pleasure of meeting Sid Watkins, but anyone connected with Formula 1 - or indeed motorsport in general - will know what an impact he has had on the sport. Drivers of many past and future generations owe him a lot; his passion and dedication have changed the face of safety in motorsport and saved a lot of lives in the process. We have lost a true great of Formula 1; I would like to extend my sincerest condolences to his family at this difficult time"

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RIP amico mio !

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Addio Prof ora potr? andare a pescare con Ayrton.




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Sad news that Sid Watkins; one of the most helpful persons in/for Motorsport has passed away. My thoughts r with him,his family and friends.

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"Professor Sid Watkins became a very good friend over the years. He was one of the great characters of the sport, who quietly changed the nature of it with the advancement of safety. He was very passionate about motor racing in every respect and tried to ensure the health of it at all levels, including club level and national racing. He will be sadly missed."




"It is with great sadness that I learned of the passing of Professor Sid Watkins. His contribution to the safety of Formula One has been enormous. Many drivers and personnel within Formula One owe him a great deal. Above all, he was a genuinely nice person and one of life's real characters. I would like to pass on my sincere condolences to his family."




"Sid Watkins gained the respect and admiration of all the drivers throughout his time in Formula One. I know a number of them, throughout their time as racing drivers, looked to Sid for many different kinds of advice, in addition to his medical expertise. Perhaps most significant in my mind is that Sid was held in high regard by Bernie Ecclestone.


"He was in all respects a very special human being. In particular, his dedication to the safety of the drivers required endless persistence to achieve the safety standards and level of medical care that were necessary to save drivers' lives.


"My own endorsement of Sid's abilities goes without saying. He took splendid care of me when I spent 11 weeks in his hospital post-injury. After that I emerged as a human being who, if not fully mobile, could continue with a perfectly normal and healthy lifestyle. I remain forever grateful to him."




"All Formula 1 drivers of the Grand Prix Drivers Association would like to extend their most sincere condolences to the family of Professor Sid Watkins. Thanks to his enormous efforts throughout more than two decades Formula 1 achieved its present safety standards. His contribution to Formula 1 with the improvements in the standards of safety and medical intervention in motor sport has been invaluable. He helped to save the lives of many Formula 1 drivers by modernizing the medical intervention. Due to his work many serious injuries have been avoided since.


"All our thoughts are with his family in this sad moment. Professor Sid Watkins' charisma and spirit will always be with us at all circuits around the world. We miss the great Professor and friend he was to many of us."

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Ciao Sid! 43.gif

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Dispiace tantissimo... anche se ? destino di tutti.

Visse una delle esperienze pi? dure per un medico... andare a dormire certo che il suo lavoro aveva contribuito a salvare una vita per poi risvegliarsi bruscamente con il

pilota che moriva.



After the accident at Monza, Professor Sid Watkin's authority was extended to supervising the rescue arrangements on the cirquit. This provoked a great deal of resistans and contorversy, but the following 20 years proved that this was a great step towards higher safety. 51 serously injured drivers in 250 accidents between the years 1973-77, to compare with three seriously injured in 283 accidents in 1978-1982.


Grazie di tutto, Professore.

Modificato da Lotus

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quando scompaiono questi personaggi fa sempre un certo effetto, specialmente per quelli che come lui hanno dedicato la propria vita agli altri.


? morto a 84 e a quanto leggo non era malato, ha sicuramente vissuto una vita piena, sia di gioie che di dolori visto il lavoro che faceva...insomma credo se ne sia andato serenamente :up:

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il nome di sid watkins per gli appassionati di f1 ha la stessa attrattiva di un alan mills per quelli di tennis. personaggi del dietro le quinte che per? ricoprono ruoli chiave e a cui l'appassionato si affeziona dopo tanti gp passati assieme.


rip, un'altra figura storica che ci lascia

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In questo sport si sente spesso pronunciare la parola "eroe" a sproposito, in questo caso invece ritengo sia la pi? che adatta a descrivere questa persona cui molti piloti devono la vita. Un pezzo straordinario di storia che se ne va, ma che rester? indelebile nella memoria! Spero che a Singapore venga ricordato come merita. In una Formula 1 per certi versi sempre pi? assurda, ricordare queste persone come Watkins equivale a dare un senso ad una passione che persiste nonostante tutto.



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Alla fine hanno fatto un minuto di silenzio, non l'applauso.

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e meno male

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