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Hamilton alla Red Bull nel 2013?

Hamilton alla Red Bull nel 2013?  

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  1. 1. Credete che Hamilton vada alla Red Bull nel 2013?

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Hamilton in fresh Red Bull link


McLaren looks set to have a fight on its hands to keep Lewis Hamilton on board for the long term after the British driver sounded out Red Bull Racing about future plans in Canada last weekend, AUTOSPORT has learned.


During an ultimately difficult event for Hamilton, who had gone into the Montreal grand prix as favourite for victory but suffered a troubled qualifying and an early exit from the race, fresh speculation emerged about what he intends to do after his current contract ends in 2012.


AUTOSPORT can reveal that Hamilton met for private talks with Red Bull Racing chief Christian Horner at the team's office buildings on Saturday evening - where the two spent at least 15 minutes together chatting in private.


Although it is not known exactly what they talked about, as one Red Bull source cheekily dismissed the get-together as nothing more than a 'social visit', it would be unlikely that the pair did not discuss future intentions.


There is no suggestion that it was anything more than a preliminary chat, or that the talks will definitely develop into something in the future, but Hamilton's actions are of intrigue amid signs of growing frustration at the competitiveness of McLaren at a time when Hamilton is in the prime of his career.


His crashes in Monaco and Canada, which have led to criticism of his mindset, are borne of the fact that he has to push so hard to try and beat Red Bull Racing.


Hamilton had started the season as Sebastian Vettel's main threat for title glory, and his challenge for the championship had looked strong when he grabbed victory in the Chinese Grand Prix.


However, since then McLaren has not made the progress that it had hoped with its car and Hamilton's difficulties in Monaco and Montreal ? two races he had been expected to win ? have left him 76 points adrift of Vettel in the standings.


The performance in Canada last weekend was much more of a disappointment because he had gone into the weekend as clear favourite for the victory ? only for McLaren to have made an error with the drag levels it needed to take the fight to Red Bull Racing and Ferrari in qualifying.


Longer term, Hamilton and his new management team of Simon Fuller's XIX Entertainment are widely known to be weighing up future intentions for when his current contract ends after 2012, and there must be some thought being given to the fact that McLaren has not been a pacesetter in F1 since his title season in 2008.


Hamilton's only real options for the future, in terms of giving him the best chance of having a frontrunning car, are either to remain at McLaren, or make the switch to Ferrari or Red Bull Racing.


Ferrari appears to be a closed door, however, with Fernando Alonso having signed a long-term deal and the Spaniard likely to be resistant to renewing a team partnership that turned so sour when he and Hamilton were together at McLaren in 2007.


And although Red Bull Racing would appear to be an unlikely destination, with the team currently so focused on Vettel, the capture of a top-line driver like Hamilton for 2013 could be viewed as a huge coup for Red Bull chief Dietrich Mateschitz.


McLaren team principal Martin Whitmarsh has played down talk of Hamilton's frustrations, however, and thinks there are no worries about his driver's mindset at the moment.


"I think he has had an unfortunate run," said Whitmarsh when asked by AUTOSPORT about Hamilton's current difficulties. "But I think he has to be the racer he is, and I am sure he will be. I am sure he is disappointed, but he is enjoying the win for the team."


Hamilton's latest links with Red Bull Racing are nothing new and earlier this season, on the back of McLaren's troubled pre-season testing programme, there was already speculation suggesting that the driver and team could get together from 2013.


At the time, however, Hamilton insisted that his focus remained wholly on McLaren ? although he did not rule out a potential switch in the future.


"Of course, I'm going to be in Formula 1 for some time, and you never know which way the wind will take you," he said in March. "As I said, for now, I'm committed to trying to make this team the most successful it can be, and I feel we can do that."


Red Bull Racing also moved at the time to play down the prospects of partnering Vettel and Hamilton ? although the idea was not totally dismissed.


"It's difficult to see how you could have two drivers of Lewis and Sebastian's calibre under one roof," said Horner, during a media briefing at Silverstone.


"There tends to be fireworks, as we saw with Fernando Alonso and Lewis. So we're very happy with the line-up that we have and we'll see how things evolve."


Despite the difficulties Hamilton is facing in his current situation, those who know the former world champion well have moved quickly to suggest he will lift himself out of the troubles he is facing.


Mercedes-Benz motorsport boss Norbert Haug, who has helped guide Hamilton's career for many years, thinks that the Briton is simply going through the kind of difficult phases that all drivers experience in their careers.


"I understand Lewis perfectly and I will defend him," Haug told AUTOSPORT. "He is a good driver, he is a friend and I do not share the criticism that is on him.


"We will support him and he is a great driver. There are phases that you have to go through. There are difficult times but he will deliver okay and he is one of the great guys in the field. Of course he gets a lot of criticism, but this will make him only stronger."


Jonathan Noble - Monday, June 13th 2011, 09:22 GMT

Autosport -

Modificato da Osrevinu

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Spero che resti alla McLaren anche dopo questi 2 GP non felici, poi vista la classifica dobbiamo aspettarci articoli a iosa di questo genere visto che il campionnato ? quasi ammazzato da Baby dittino.

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non so, non vedo il motivo al momento per lasciare la mclaren.

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Beyond, spero che anche Lewis come te non veda il motivo di lasciare la McLaren e passare alla Red Bull :asd:

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perch? dovrebbe lasciare la Mclaren.. bene o male stanno sfornando sempre monoposto competitive negli ultimi anni.. gli manca per? l ultimo guizzo

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Secondo me non se ne andr? mai dalla McLaren.

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Io invece non vedo il motivo per cui la Red Bull dovrebbe privarsi di Vettel per Hamilton. Totalmente insensato, ovviamente non per Hamilton che ci guadagnerebbe.


Se poi Vettel andr? a fare compagnia a Licenziato, non lo posso sapere.

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Secondo me non se ne andr? mai dalla McLaren.


Non so.. il suo nuovo manager non mi convince granch?. La Red Bull ? in effetti l'unico team nel quale potrebbe andare, se lasciasse la McLaren.. potrebbe anche essere.

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gli conviene invece andare alla redbull....

con la mclaren ho paura che rester? fermo a un titolo, hai voglia a lottare e basta, ? da 10 anni cos?....

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Resti dov'?, per me va benissimo.

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non so se Lewis andra dai bibitari non credo visto che Lewis ha le radici automobilistiche impiantate a Waking.

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Nessuno si muove.


Vettel ? legato alla Red Bull fino al 2014, Alonso alla Ferrari fino al 2016, ergo entrambi i team sono preclusi ad Hamilton fino a queste date, per cui a meno di clamorosi passaggi alla Mercedes o a qualche altra scuderia minore, rimarr? dov'

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I contratti valgono relativamente (ad es. Alonso aveva un triennale con la Mclaren, etc.). Non so se Hamilton aveva intenzione di andarsene dalla scuderia di Woking prima di ieri ma l'incidente con Button potrebbe aver lasciato qualche strascico, piccolo o anche meno piccolo. Molto dipender? anche da come gestiranno la situazione adesso tra i due piloti.

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gli conviene invece andare alla redbull....

con la mclaren ho paura che rester? fermo a un titolo, hai voglia a lottare e basta, ? da 10 anni cos?....

Beh, ma non ? mica detto che la Red Bull debba vincere per sempre

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ma non credo assolutamente che l'incidente di button centri qualcosa...considerando anche che il colloquio c'? stato sabato sera poi...


io non credo se ne andr? dalla mclaren, anche se la red bull al momento ? la macchina da battere, e probabilmente sar? cos? anche il prossimo anno...

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Si, probabile.

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1) dubito che il programma della red bull sar? a lungo termine. imho, fra un paio di stagioni chiuderanno baracca e burattini come la renault


2) se lascer? la mclaren sar? per la ferrari. che alonso arrivi al 2016 la voglio propio vedere, non per dissidi o robe simili, semplicemente non credo sia possibile un matrimonio cos? lungo.


3) hamilton ? stufo della mclaren? il team avr? anche fatto i propri errori, lui ? un campione che a noi tifosi di woking ha regalato belle emozioni e spero che continui a farlo....MA...? ora che si faccia un bell'esame di coscienza e cresca mentalmente.

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1) dubito che il programma della red bull sar? a lungo termine. imho, fra un paio di stagioni chiuderanno baracca e burattini come la renault


2) se lascer? la mclaren sar? per la ferrari. che alonso arrivi al 2016 la voglio propio vedere, non per dissidi o robe simili, semplicemente non credo sia possibile un matrimonio cos? lungo.


3) hamilton ? stufo della mclaren? il team avr? anche fatto i propri errori, lui ? un campione che a noi tifosi di woking ha regalato belle emozioni e spero che continui a farlo....MA...? ora che si faccia un bell'esame di coscienza e cresca mentalmente.

Lo vogliamo tutti perch? Lewis ha un gran talento

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1) dubito che il programma della red bull sarà a lungo termine. imho, fra un paio di stagioni chiuderanno baracca e burattini come la renault

Appunto, non so se Newey continui ancora per molto, ora è lui il collante e il vero jolly del team, non credo farà più di due stagioni e poi si dedicherà ad altro.

Potrebbe anche essere che Adrian stia seminando bene all'interno del team e che quindi la Red Bull potrebbe continuare ad essere ai vertici.

Ma Passare in redBull tra due anni credo sia un azzardo, e non ne vedo il motivo, la mclaren gli ha quasi sempre affidato monoposto competitive, se non ha due o più iridi è forse più imputabile ai suoi errori. Capirei la scelta se la mclaren si trovasse privata della motorizzazione Mercedes, o con problemi finanziari o tecnici importanti, ma così non è, e non credo avvenga nulla di questo in tempi brevi.

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ma non credo assolutamente che l'incidente di button centri qualcosa...considerando anche che il colloquio c'? stato sabato sera poi...


io non credo se ne andr? dalla mclaren, anche se la red bull al momento ? la macchina da battere, e probabilmente sar? cos? anche il prossimo anno...


C'entri :asd:


Finch? non cambiano i regolamenti in modo sensibile, RBR rimarr? dov'?, e con lo scossone del motore turbo rimandato a stagione da destinarsi, questo dominio sebra poter durare qualche altra stagione.

Per? finch? hanno un Vettel come questo, Hamilton a che servirebbe?


Meglio vincere contro le scuderie sacre con un eroe, che avere un dominio che con due piloti al vertice azzera l'interesse.

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