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Test 2012

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siamo nella m***a fino al collo?

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il problema ? che, secondo me, stanno ancora cercando un assetto neutro che si adatti bene a 'sta macchina

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siamo nella m***a fino al collo?


Non mi fascerei la testa cos? presto...

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Non mi fascerei la testa cos? presto...

al massimo il c*lo :asd:

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secondo me la Ferrari si sta nascondendo, altrimenti la copiano

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secondo me la Ferrari si sta nascondendo, altrimenti la copiano

mi auguro che si stia nascondendo, altrimenti Domenicali e tutto lo staff tecnico possono gi? fare le valigie

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Spero vivamente che domani si decidano a spingere un po' di pi?, tanto per darsi (e darci) finalmente un'idea del "livello" di questa macchina. Capisco girare pieni zeppi di sensori, accumulare dati e via discorrendo. Ma vogliamo accertarci che 'sta macchina sappia anche andar forte? C'? bisogno anche di questo, credo.


Infatti secondo me il problema ? che non ci sa andare forte... anche se ? tutto prematuro... ma se il buongiorno si vede dal mattino!!!

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Certo che ce ne sono di ansiosi in giro... :zizi:


Dategli un po' di tempo!

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Mi auguro che stiate gufando e non parlando seriamente.

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al massimo il c*lo :asd:


user? le mega mutande di fantozzi :rotfl:

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Pat Fry says Ferrari not happy with where it is at the moment with new F1 car


ok siamo nella m***a davvero :asd:

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Non dico mica che debbano mettersi in assetto da qualifica, vorrei solo capire se 'sta macchina pu? abbassare con facilit? i tempi registrati in questi giorni (e portarsi quindi sui livelli di Red Bull e Lotus), oppure no.


Vabb? se stiamo anche sotto alla Lotus vuol dire che in Ferrari questa volta hanno sbagliato non la calibrazione della galleria, ma le unit? di misura stesse! :zizi:

Modificato da Ferrari248F1

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Pat Fry says Ferrari not happy with where it is at the moment with new F1 car


ok siamo nella m***a davvero :asd:


perch? rischiare 68 infarti sul forum? :asd:

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Alonso oggi mentre saluta il mondiale 2012



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io non ho mai visto la Larrousse o la Minardi fare il miglior tempo nei test e mai visto una F1 campione del mondo stare nelle ultime posizioni sempre nei test...

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Mi sa che con tutte queste contro-gufate dovr? puntare il doppio su Alonso :)

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Pat Fry says Ferrari not happy with where it is at the moment with new F1 car


ok siamo nella m***a davvero :asd:


Oh my God


direi pi? che m***a!

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Pat Fry says Ferrari not happy with where it is at the moment with new F1 car


ok siamo nella m***a davvero :asd:


Era nell'aria purtroppo, anche se speravo di sbagliarmi. La monoposto non ? nata bene, urgono lavoro sodo e modifiche. Peccato dovesse essere veloce e vincente da subito...

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technical director Pat Fry said: "I am not happy with where we are at the moment.


"I think there is a lot of room for us to improve from where we are. Reliability wise it is good. Performance wise I think we are okay, but we can play around with the performance and improve [the car in] some corners and some particular parts of the corner, but I would not say I am happy yet until we get the whole thing working."


Fry suggested that the biggest issue Ferrari was facing was in trying to understand how to get its car into the perfect set-up, having opted for a radical design this season.


And, with just two more tests after this week's running in Jerez, Fry admitted that there was pressure to get on top of matters quickly.


"Certainly the three tests rather than four does compress things a little bit," he said. "I think we have got a lot of work to do.


"The basic platform is okay. We are looking at the various characteristics ? and all the bits we have to test. We can play around with the through corner characteristics, so we can do different things at corner entry, mid corner to exit, and it is really trying to find the right balance of those things.


"We are working through a reasonably large matrix here, so on each run we are trying almost a different configuration. There is a lot of analysis here and then back at the factory. We are using the simulation and the simulator to make sure everything ties in, so we can put the right package together."


He added: "I think everything is a lot more compressed, so there is a lot of pressure on everyone. You have to try and make decisions quickly.


"We have a one-week break coming up, but then it is two solid weeks and then you are packing the freight for Melbourne. So there is a lot of work for everyone to do. It is the same for every team up the pit lane."


Fry said that there was no interest from his team in chasing headline-grabbing quick laptimes because, having lost a shakedown test to snow last week, it needed to maximise its running over the next few weeks.


"We are not concentrating on taking the fuel out and trying to set a laptime. With only 12 days of testing before the next race, we have to make the most of all the time we have got.


"We were set back a little bit by the foot of snow in Fiorano, certainly the first morning of Felipe [Massa] was spent doing what we would have done there, so we are now trying to play catch up. Right now, it is about trying to get the right package together."


Fry made it clear, however, that the difficulties the team was having with the car were not related to its decision to run a pull-rod front suspension.


"The front suspension is not that a big a deal to be honest," he said. "It is a small aero benefit, a small centre of gravity benefit, and I know it is different from what people have done in the past - but it is not that big a risk to be honest.


"With a sensible structure to come you sort it out. We have gone for every last little bit of performance. That was a small benefit and it cost us a small amount of weight, but the weight is low down and in the end it was the right thing to do."


Fry said that Ferrari was flying out new hydraulic parts overnight to ensure there was no repeat of the problem that prevented Alonso running for a part of Thursday.


"The first two days we did not really have any reliability issues as such. Today there was a small hydraulic issue. We will get some new bits this evening which hopefully will see that one put to bed.


"That side of it, I think ? the car, reliability wise, seems quite good as normal. Performance wise, it is literally trying to get the right bits together so a lot of analysis is needed."


Asked for what his message would be to Ferrari fans, Fry said: "We are all working very hard..."

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Pat Fry says Ferrari not happy with where it is at the moment with new F1 car


ok siamo nella m***a davvero :asd:

Quest'anno prevedo isteria di massa sul forum :asd: Ragazzi, questo ? l'anno buono che vado a Maranello con una semiautomatica e faccio una strage :asd:

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