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Chi sarà il successore di Mosley?

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cio? ha avuto il merito di reintrodurre le slick che lui stesso 10 anni fa viet?? :hihi:

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mah... giusto per le nuove regole del 2009... altrimenti sarebbe stata proprio una vergogna...

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Quindi resta Mosley, bah, vediamo... secondo me nel 2009 cmq se ne va, cio? non lo rieleggono. L'hanno confermato giusto per evitare un vulnus di potere con conseguente lotta alla successione.

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io sarei stato poco euforico se non l'avessero confermato, orma Mosley lo conosciamoo, ma gli interessi in ballo sono enormi per la F1, e non vorrei che a prendergli il posto sar? una pedina asservita a Ecclestone, che gli liveller? la strada per soddisfare tutta la sua avidit?, e poi non bisogna dimenticare che la FIA non ? solo F1, quindi si potrebbe rischiare un tracollo di quasi tutte le competizione automobilistiche, con una gestione totalmente orientata alla F1 e ai suoi interessi.

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Ed ecco che ora inizia un altro casino: la federazione tedesca (la pi? grande d'Europa) ha appena fatto sapere che non collaborer? pi? con la FIA su nessun argomento, in pratica ? come se stesse lasciando la FIA. La ADAC continuer? con questa politica fin quando Mosley rester? al vertice della FIA.

Sempre secondo Autosport la federazione olandese ha espresso forte rammarico per la mancata cacciata di Mosley.


German body leaves FIA working groups


Germany's national motoring body, ADAC, has been the first major organisation to react to Max Mosley's victory in today's confidence vote, saying they regret the result.


ADAC had been one of the bodies who had asked Mosley to reconsider his position as head of the FIA following revelations about his private life.


The German body, which claims to be the largest Automobile club in Europe, said on Tuesday that it was withdrawing all involvement with the FIA.


The ADAC said it will continue with that policy as long as Mosley stays as president of the governing body.


"With regret and incomprehension, the ADAC has learned from the decision by the General Assembly of the FIA in Paris to confirm Max Mosley in his function as president of the FIA," the ADAC said in a statement.


"For Europe's largest motoring club, this is a reason to put down all its functions and the involvement in the global organisation of motoring clubs with immediate effect and to step down from the globally active FIA working groups.


"The ADAC will stick to this attitude as long as Max Mosley will be on duty as president of the FIA.


"After the affair became public on March 30, 2008, the ADAC insistently called upon Mosley in a personal letter to step down in order to avoid any harm being done to the FIA and its institutions. This was done in close co-operation with other major motoring clubs within this global organisation.


"The service portfolio for ADAC members will by no means be affected by the decision now taken. This is being ensured by a closely-knit worldwide network that the ADAC has already established for a long time and that is working very effectively.


"The services will be carried out without any compromises by its own companies as well as by European and global organisations in which the club is participating."


Pablo Elizalde - Tuesday, June 3rd 2008, 11:43 GMT


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una bella situazione... in effetti si pu? pure capire che non abbiano valuto destabilizzare troppo e aspettare un annetto, certo che la situazione non ? semplice ai vertici

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ma l'hanno lasciato su?

ma che tristezza...

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Secondo me ora succede un bel casino...comunque sarei curioso di sapere come si ? schierata l'ACI e tutta la delegazione italiana...

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Bella domanda, ma a meno che non lo dicano loro non lo sapremo mai, il voto era a scrutinio segreto.

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2/3 a favore, si vede che tutta sta voglia di toglierselo dai piedi non c'era...

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bah secondo me i "figliol prodighi" torneranno dopo il 2009...

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Altre razioni:

L'AAA, l'Automobil Club degli Stati Uniti, il pi? grande del mondo, ha detto che sta considerando la possibilit? d uscire dalla FIA.


FIA club members consider next move


The American Automobile Association is considering whether to remain as a member of the FIA following president Max Mosley's successful vote of confidence in Paris on Tuesday.


AAA President and CEO, Robert L. Darbelnet, admitted that he was disappointed in the outcome of the FIA General Assembly meeting to decide Mosley's future, following sexual allegations about the president's private life that were printed in an expose in the News of the World.


"We are obviously disappointed," said Darbelnet. "It doesn't seem consistent with the manner in which an organisation of this type should govern itself, but we have to respect the decision of the majority of the members.


"And we'll adjust our course on the basis of the careful analysis of the implications."


Darbelnet added that he was not surprised, but disappointed in the outcome, and revealed that he had given Mosley another opportunity during the meeting to avoid bringing a vote of no confidence action.


"I invited him to step down rather than force the general assembly to deal with the vote, and suggested that this was what most people would have done," he said.


"They would have recognised that this was unfortunate, it was an invasion of his private life, really not anyone else's business, but that it was inevitable that the media would be interested in this, and that the distraction and frankly the unpleasant nature of the coverage was such, that it would have been appropriate to step down and avoid dragging the organisation through this type of media interest.


"This was not the result we were expecting, or the one we wanted, and it will force us to consider other options in terms of ensuring that we belong to an international entity that properly governs itself and ensures appropriate representation for the motorist."


Darbelnet and Guido van Woerkom, president of the Dutch motoring authority (ANWB), are believed to have joined a number of other mobility club heads who went on to a lunch meeting to discuss their next move in the wake of the vote, which went 103-55 in Mosley's favour.


Asked if the AAA - the world's largest motoring club ? could leave the FIA, Darbelnet responded: "Well that is one of the possibilities but we are going to carefully consider that, because that exit is a one way exit.


"You don't make that decision lightly, so we are going to consider it very carefully," he added. "We could well decide to become much less involved and direct our efforts in another area."


Simon Strang - Tuesday, June 3rd 2008, 13:48 GMT

Autosport -

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credo che con gli Automobil club che decidono di andarsene diventi un bel casino, soprattutto in fatto di credibilit? per quanto riguarda l'automobilismo in generale.

Cmq, con mosley fra i piedi (cui ha ormai dichiarato guerra), bernie avr? molte difficolt? a fare della F1 il suo giocattolo, almeno fino al 2009.

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Se Mosley non vuole mandare allo sfascio tutte le categorie di competizioni automibilistiche deve dimettersi entro stasera...altrimenti nella FIA ci resteranno solo il Burundi e le isole Far'Oer...

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Bel casino che st? uscendo. Complimenti Max, stai sfasciando la FIA.

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penso che a questo punto si deve dimettere immediatamente...

almeno che non vuole che scoppi un bel casino...

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Chi pu? dire che nn lo faccia davvero? Cio? mi spiego: pu? essere che Mosley puntasse soltanto ad avere la fiducia dall'assemblea per poi dimettersi di sua spontanea volont?, in modo da dire: "Ho vinto, ma me ne vado io".

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Chi pu? dire che nn lo faccia davvero? Cio? mi spiego: pu? essere che Mosley puntasse soltanto ad avere la fiducia dall'assemblea per poi dimettersi di sua spontanea volont?, in modo da dire: "Ho vinto, ma me ne vado io".



b?, nelle perversioni di quell'uomo ci pu? benissimo stare, ma io lo vedo troppo attaccato alla poltrona per dimettersi di suo spontanea volont

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Chi pu? dire che nn lo faccia davvero? Cio? mi spiego: pu? essere che Mosley puntasse soltanto ad avere la fiducia dall'assemblea per poi dimettersi di sua spontanea volont?, in modo da dire: "Ho vinto, ma me ne vado io".


ma figurati, sar? l? che se la ride adesso...


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strano concetto di democrazia che hanno gli automobil club tedesco ed americano, hanno perso e adesso se ne vanno piagnucolando?!

La maggioranza dei votanti ha dato fiducia a Mosley.

Loro hanno il dovere di rimanere al loro posto. Certe pagliacciate se le possono risparmiare


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