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NASCAR Sprint Cup Series 2008

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  1. 1. Chi tra i piloti nella Chase dopo Bristol uscir? dai 12?

    • Greg Biffle
    • Kevin Harvick
    • Jeff Gordon
    • Matt Kenseth
    • Denny Hamlin
    • Clint Bowyer

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NOOO!!!casey mears correr? con la 07 nel 2009!!! :( e bowyer?

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su un sito nascar ho letto che bowyer correr? con la n?33.? corretto?se cos? fosse sono contento :-D

mentre ? vero che logano debutter? in cup alla fine dell'anno con al n?02?di chi cavolo ? 'st? macchina??? :huh:

ho visto invece la n?20 che guider? nel livrea fa un p? cagare....

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Logano avr? davanti una lunga serie di successi.....quasi mi fa paura cosa potr? compiere in futuro.

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Logano avr? davanti una lunga serie di successi.....quasi mi fa paura cosa potr? compiere in futuro.

Pure Vickers debutt? giovanissimo in Nextel Cup dopo aver dominato nella Bush Series e sembrava un fenomeno che avrebbe dominato pure nella serie maggiore(ricordo che guidava per Hendrick, all'epoca il team pi? forte della NASCAR). Invece si ? dimostrato solo un discreto pilota(anche se quest'anno sta probabilmente facendo la sua migliore stagione in carriera), magari per Logano sar? la stessa cosa, chi lo sa?

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vedremo, solo con il tempo potremo saperlo meglio.

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La stagione 2003 di Vickers in Nationwide Series (all'epoca Busch Series) non fu proprio dominante... Dopo Bristol (cio? a 10 gare dalla fine) la classifica era questa:

Rank Driver Points Diff


1 Scott Riggs 3330

2 David Green 3302 -28

3 Ron Hornaday, Jr. 3233 -97

4 Jason Keller 3226 -104

5 Brian Vickers 3195 -135


La gara dopo a Darlington Vickers vinse la seconda gara stagionale e balz? al terzo posto. Al RIR arriv? quarto e pass? in seconda posizione dietro a Green, mentre fu dopo la terza vittoria dell'anno (e ultima) a Dover che Vickers balz? in testa:


Rank Driver Points Diff


1 Brian Vickers 3720

2 Scott Riggs 3688 -32

3 Ron Hornaday, Jr. 3659 -61

4 David Green 3653 -67

5 Jason Keller 3614 -106


Bene, campionato finito allora. No perch? in Kansas Green frega tutti e passa da quarto a primo, rimanendo l? pure dopo Charlotte.


Rank Driver Points Diff


1 David Green 3988

2 Brian Vickers 3952 -36

3 Scott Riggs 3941 -47

4 Ron Hornaday, Jr. 3912 -76

5 Jason Keller 3908 -80


Poi a Memphis, Vickers conquista la top5, mentre Green ? 19? doppiato di un giro. Ok, qui inizia il dominio... no! Ecco infatti la situazione dopo Atlanta, a 3 gare dalla fine:


Rank Driver Points Diff


1 David Green 4236

2 Scott Riggs 4223 -13

3 Jason Keller 4201 -35

4 Ron Hornaday, Jr. 4201 -35

5 Brian Vickers 4187 -49


-2, Phoenix: Vickers ? 3?, Hornaday 5?, Riggs 6?, Green 16? e Keller 17?.


Rank Driver Points Diff


1 Scott Riggs 4373

2 Ron Hornaday, Jr. 4356 -17

3 Brian Vickers 4352 -21

4 David Green 4351 -22

5 Jason Keller 4313 -60


-1, Rockingham: a Vickers basta un un sesto posto per tornare leader della classifica. Green arriva 10?, Keller 13?, Hornaday 17?, mentre Riggs 38?, ritirato per incidente.


Rank Driver Points Diff


1 Brian Vickers 4507

2 David Green 4485 -22

3 Ron Hornaday, Jr. 4468 -39

4 Jason Keller 4437 -70

5 Scott Riggs 4422 -85

6 Bobby Hamilton, Jr. 4418 -89


Come potete vedere c'? una new entry nella lotta per il titolo. Bobby Hamilton Jr che da Memphis in poi ha conquistato due vittorie e due terzi posti. Per? manca solo Homestead.


A Miami Riggs si ritira ancora per incidente e quindi dopo sole 28 tornate ha perso il campionato. Keller va male, molto male e viene doppiato, prima di concludere 24? e doppiato. Ron Hornaday Jr finisce 15? senza alti n? bassi, mentre Vickers arriva 11?, dietro a Michael Waltrip, ma soprattutto a David Green, 9?. Non basta per il campione 1994 per riconquistare la corona. E non serve a nulla nemmeno il terzo posto di Bobby Hamilton Jr. Il titolo va a Vickers per una manciata di punti su Green.


Rank Driver Points Diff


1 Brian Vickers 4637

2 David Green 4623 -14

3 Ron Hornaday, Jr. 4591 -46

4 Bobby Hamilton, Jr. 4588 -49

5 Jason Keller 4528 -109

6 Scott Riggs 4462 -175






NASCAR - Logano sulla #20 nel 2009, ma far? 7 gare a fine 2008



Niente sorprese: come ampiamente preannunciato, il sostituto di Tony Stewart sulla #20 Toyota l?anno prossimo sar? il giovanissimo Joey Logano. Il lavoro con questa vettura del Joe Gibbs Racing comincer? con i test Preseason Thunder di Daytona a Gennaio, mentre la prima gara ufficiale per lui sar? la Daytona 500 2009.


Sulla #20 rimarranno lo stesso crew chief e lo stesso sponsor di sempre: Greg Zipadelli e Home Depot, con una livrea che ricorda molto quella dei primi anni di Stewart (arancione e bianco). Zipadelli fu l?uomo che aiut? il due volte campione Cup a diventare un top driver sin dal debutto, e lo ha accompagnato in tutte le 32 visite in Victory Lane.


Joey Logano, da poco diciottenne, ha vinto lo scorso anno il campionato NASCAR Camping World East, mentre quest?anno ? impegnato nella Nationwide Series, dove ha gi? conquistato un successo al Kentucky Speedway. Da sempre Joe Gibbs tiene gli occhi su di lui, tanto da convincerlo a portarlo immediatamente nella categoria regina. E quando diciamo ?immediatamente? parliamo di 2008.


Nell?ultima gara prima dell?inizio della Chase 2008, la bandiera verde della Sprint Cup sar? sventolata per la prima volta per Logano: il Richmond International Raceway sar? dunque lo scenario per il suo primo tentativo di qualificazione. User? un?inedita #02 Toyota, schierata dal JGR stesso, al RIR, ma anche ad Atlanta.. Il suo apprendimento sul campo continuer? poi con le gare di New Hampshire, Kansas, Lowe?s, Martinsville e Texas: queste cinque con la #96 Toyota dell?Hall of Fame Racing, team satellite del JGR.


N? la #96, n? la #02 sono dentro la top35 della classifica owner, e quindi Logano dovr? usare tutta la sua velocit? pere entrare in questi suoi primi sette appuntamenti.


Andrea Giach?




NASCAR - Sorenson va da Evernham, Target rimane con Ganassi



Critiche da Chip Ganassi verso Reed Sorenson ce ne sono state tantissime. D?accordo, la macchina non andava. Il CGR non ? pi? da molti anni un top team e, tra le squadre Dodge contende con Petty Enterprises il ruolo di ?peggior organizzazione con tanti soldi e tanta storia?. Tuttavia le cattive prestazioni di Sorenson sono state troppo cattive negli ultimi tempi, tanto che Juan Pablo Montoya si ? ormai conquistato il ruolo di prima guida e, Franchitti e Stremme in questi ultimi due anni sono riusciti varie volte a infastidire la #41 Dodge.


Il motivo? Secondo Chip Ganassi e Felix Sabates (co-proprietario) sarebbe la mancanza di motivazione dell?ennessimo nuovo Jeff Gordon. Non ? un caso pertanto che il passaggio di Sorenson al Gillett Evernham Motorsports abbia lasciato quasi indifferenti i due owner. Non si sa che sponsor o che numero avr? il ventiduenne, che in 97 partenze in Cup ha conquistato una pole, ma nessuna vittoria. Non si sa nemmeno se il GEM lo user? come terzo pilota (al posto di Carpentier) o come quarto. L?unica cosa nota ? che Sorenson se ne andr? dal CGR per approdare ad un?altra squadra Dodge, quella pi? forte.


La questione per il GEM ? abbastanza complicata. Ray Evernham vorrebbe lasciare il canadese Carpentier all?interno della lineup per il 2009, considerate le ottime prestazioni, compresa una pole position a Loudon. Tuttavia in questa stagione ? stato molto difficile tenere uno sponsor a tempo pieno sulla #10, problema che potrebbe essere risolto invece da Sorenson, capace di attirare a s? molti pi? brand pubblicitari. Inoltre il contratto di Carpentier scade a fine anno, mentre quello di Sorenson sar? valido per pi? anni.


Intanto l?uscita di scena di Sorenson riapre le porte a Dario Franchitti per la Sprint Cup: la #41, che riavr? lo sponsor Target anche nel prossimo campionato (forse anche la #42 di Montoya), ora potrebbe ospitare il pilota scozzese che sta facendo esperienza in Nationwide Series, dopo aver corso con molta difficolt? la prima parte di stagione Cup con la #40.


Andrea Giach

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NASCAR - Rivoluzione per la Budweiser Shootout



Dopo trent?anni dalla sua creazione, la Budweiser Shootout cambier? totalmente formato. La gara spettacolo che apre la stagione NASCAR ogni anno al Daytona International Speedway non sar? pi? riservata ai piloti che hanno ottenuto una pole l?anno precedente, ma alle migliori star di ognuno dei quattro costruttori.


Per accedere alla nuova Budweiser Shootout si dovr? guidare una delle sei vetture meglio piazzate per ogni costruttore nella classifica owner. L?enfasi non sar? dunque sui piloti, ma sulle auto: questo terrebbe fuori dall?edizione 2009 Tony Stewart, Ryan Newman e Clint Bowyer, i quali guideranno la #14, la #39 e la #33, tre stock-car che non sono nemmeno dentro la top35!


Sembra oltretutto che l?accesso alla gara del 7 Febbraio 2009 non sar? dato nemmeno agli ex-vincitori, appunto Tony Stewart e Mark Martin. Peccato dunque anche per Patrick Carpentier, Paul Menard e Joe Nemechek, che tanto avevano rischiato a Loudon, Daytona e Talladega per partire dalla prima posizione.


Modificata anche la durata della corsa: 187.5 miglia, per un totale di 75 tornate (5 in pi? rispetto al passato). L?evento sar? diviso in due segmenti, da 25 e 50 giri rispettivamente, e conteranno sia quelli con bandiera verde che quelli con la gialla. Tra le due parti ci sar? uno stop di 10 minuti, dove le crew potranno effettuare i pit stop in tutta tranquillit?. Per l?ordine di partenza rimarr? invece la consueta estrazione.


Il motivo di non basare lo Shootout sui poleman arriva dalla decisione di Anheuser-Busch (proprietaria della Budweiser) di non essere pi? sponsor ufficiale della NASCAR, compito che invece ? ora rivestito da Coca Cola. Fino al 2007, la pole position era denominata infatti Bud Pole Award, mentre ora ? Coors Light Pole Award. Da qui la decisione di cambiare profondamente lo spirito della gara per la prima volta dal 1979, anche se durante il corso degli anni la corsa ha avuto diversi aggiustamenti di regolamento.


Albo d?oro Budweiser Shootout:

1979 Buddy Baker - Oldsmobile

1980 Dale Earnhardt - Oldsmobile

1981 Darrell Waltrip - Buick

1982 Bobby Allison - Buick

1983 Neil Bonnett - Chevrolet

1984 Neil Bonnett - Chevrolet

1985 Terry Labonte - Chevrolet

1986 Dale Earnhardt - Chevrolet

1987 Bill Elliott - Ford

1988 Dale Earnhardt - Chevrolet

1989 Ken Schrader - Chevrolet

1990 Ken Schrader - Chevrolet

1991 Dale Earnhardt - Chevrolet

1992 Geoff Bodine - Ford

1993 Dale Earnhardt - Chevrolet

1994 Jeff Gordon - Chevrolet

1995 Dale Earnhardt - Chevrolet

1996 Dale Jarrett - Ford

1997 Jeff Gordon - Chevrolet

1998 Rusty Wallace - Ford

1999 Mark Martin - Ford

2000 Dale Jarrett - Ford

2001 Tony Stewart - Pontiac

2002 Tony Stewart - Pontiac

2003 Dale Earnhardt Jr - Chevrolet

2004 Dale Jarrett - Ford

2005 Jimmie Johnson - Chevrolet

2006 Denny Hamlin - Chevrolet

2007 Tony Stewart - Chevrolet

2008 Dale Earnhardt Jr - Chevrolet


Andrea Giach?




I piloti nella Budweiser Shootout 2009 se rimanesse tutto come dopo Bristol:


Chevy: #88-Earnhardt Jr, #48-Johnson, #31-Burton, #29-Harvick, #24-Gordon, #07-Mears

Dodge: #9-Kahne, #12-Penske Racing, #2-Busch, #19-Sadler, #42-Montoya, #43-Labonte

Ford: #99-Edwards, #16-Biffle, #17-Kenseth, #6-Ragan, #26-McMurray, #28-Kvapil?

Toyota: #18-Busch, #20-Logano, #11-Hamlin, #83-Vickers, #44-Waltrip Racing, #55-Waltrip.

So no #14-Stewart, #39-Newman, #33-Bowyer?

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Io avevo postato un link con un database molto pi? grande di quello di ma il mio post ? sparito.


Intanto ieri ho visto lagara di Fontana e mi sono annoiato parecchio con la vittoria di Jimmie Johnson dalla bandiera verde a quella a scacchi. Per fortuna queste cose capitano soltanto ogni tanto nella categoria. Pi? che il dominio di Johnson, anche per le altre posizioni c'? stato davvero poco da dire. La settimana prossima si va a Richmond e l? ci si diverte praticamente sempre.

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Ripostalo, magari ti hanno scambiato per un bot XD Era Racing Reference?

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Ecco i 12 chaser:



1 -- Kyle Busch 5080 Leader 26 2 8 15 17 5,538,310

2 -- Carl Edwards 5050 -30 26 1 6 11 19 5,718,450

3 -- Jimmie Johnson 5040 -40 26 4 4 9 14 5,281,550

4 -- Dale Earnhardt Jr. 5010 -70 26 1 1 8 13 3,642,540

5 +7 Clint Bowyer 5010 -70 26 0 1 4 12 3,343,050

6 +5 Denny Hamlin 5010 -70 26 1 1 9 14 4,196,880

7 -2 Jeff Burton 5010 -70 26 0 1 4 12 4,017,350

8 -- Tony Stewart 5000 -80 26 0 0 9 13 4,826,900

9 -3 Greg Biffle 5000 -80 26 2 0 8 11 3,542,810

10 -- Jeff Gordon 5000 -80 26 2 0 9 12 4,245,500

11 -4 Kevin Harvick 5000 -80 26 0 0 6 12 4,047,040

12 -3 Matt Kenseth 5000 -80 26 0 0 6 15 4,076,430

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Ho visto la gara di Richmond, davvero molto carina con tante variazioni di competitivit? tra i piloti. Ad inizio gara nessuno avrebbe mai detto che se la sarebbero giocata Stewart e Johnson, poi vincitore. Sembrava che tra Kyle, Hamlin, Harvick ed Earnhardt uscisse il vincitore. Ad una certa Gordon era in testa ma si vedeva che non poteva resistere a lungo. Invece la stessa sorte sembrava per Reutimann, in testa grazie mancare un pit stop ma poi ha resistito l? a lungo. peccato per le quattordici gialle, se ci fossero state di meno (magari non pi? di dieci) lo spettacolo sarebbe stato ancora maggiore. La settimana prossima si corre a New Hampshire, di solito teatro di gare piuttosto lineare ma non si sa mai. Vedremo.

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Lineari, per? imprevedibili. Di solito l'ordine della chase viene sconvolto con questa prima gara e... speriamo in bene!

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Certo, certo. Ho detto che essendo una pista lenta, capitano gare noiosette ma altre volte no. E' una specie di Martinsville grande. Ad esempio Richmond ? una pista corta ma da quando l'hanno modificata consente duelli a due e a tre come se fosse Atlanta. New Hampshire ? stato teatro dell'ultima gara in cui c'? stato un Grand Chelem nella NASCAR. Pole, giro veloce (di questo non sono sicurissimo), vittoria e tutti i giri in testa. Accade nel 2000 dopo le morti di Adam Petty e Kenny Irwin su questa pista. Decisero di strozzare i motori anche qui come a Daytona e Talladega con il risultato che nessuno super? nessuno. Jeff Burton fece i 300 giri in testa e vinse.

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Da Jayski:


Hornaday admits using testosterone: Over a two-year period from December 2004 to January 2006, Ron Hornaday, the defending champion of the Truck Series, received shipments of testosterone and human growth hormone from an anti-aging center that has been linked to drug-related scandals in the NFL and Major League Baseball. Hornaday acknowledged taking testosterone when shown records from the Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center during an interview at his home in North Carolina on Tuesday, but he denied using growth hormone that was sent to his home for his wife's use. Hornaday said he used the testosterone to treat a mysterious medical malady that later turned out to be a hyperactive thyroid. NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said that Hornaday had not informed anyone in the league that he was using testosterone and that officials would seek more information from him before the race in New Hampshire this weekend.(see full story at





Hornaday admits using testosterone, obtaining HGH


By Shaun Assael

ESPN The Magazine


MOORESVILLE, N.C. -- Over a two-year period from December 2004 to January 2006, Ron Hornaday, the defending champion of the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series, received shipments of testosterone and human growth hormone from an anti-aging center that has been linked to drug-related scandals in the NFL and Major League Baseball.


Ron Hornaday, who admitted his past use of performance-enhancing drugs this week, celebrated his victory in the Sam's Town 400 race at Texas Motor Speedway last Friday.

Hornaday acknowledged taking testosterone when shown records from the Palm Beach (Fla.) Rejuvenation Center during an interview at his home in North Carolina on Tuesday, but he denied using growth hormone that was sent to his home for his wife's use. Hornaday said he used the testosterone to treat a mysterious medical malady that later turned out to be a hyperactive thyroid. The drugs were shipped to Hornaday's address in Mooresville from the Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center.


"I'd lost 38 pounds [in the 2004 season], and no doctor could tell me what was wrong," Hornaday said, adding that a friend encouraged him to consult with the Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center. A local nurse came to his house to take his blood, he said, and forwarded the results to the clinic. Hornaday provided records to ESPN showing that the drugs were prescribed by doctors at the clinic within a day of that visit.

Hornaday, 50, is considered one of the best short-track racers in the sport. He is 94 points out of first place in this season's NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series standings.

During the interview, Hornaday retrieved a 2-ounce tube from his house that was half-filled with a cream. The prescription label bore the name "testosterone," but was partially torn so that it did not show his name. The expiration date was listed as Sept. 29, 2007.

"I never knew that was a steroid," he said, pointing to the cream.

Hornaday said he didn't see or speak with a doctor before receiving the prescription, and initially insisted that he used it for only a week and stopped. Later, joined by his wife, Lindy, he changed the timeline and said he used it roughly every day for 13 months by rubbing a "pea-sized" dollop of it onto his thigh.

"I couldn't see a difference," he said. "That's why I stopped."

Added Lindy: "He never took it at the track. Only at home."

NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said Wednesday that Hornaday had not informed anyone in the league that he was using testosterone and that officials would seek more information from him before the Camping World RV Rental 200 in New Hampshire this weekend.

"It's hard to see whether it's a violation or not," said Poston, who noted that NASCAR's drug-testing policy prohibits the abuse of all drugs. "There are certain prescriptions that drivers can take, and we look at them on a case-by-case basis. If it's not putting other drivers at risk or enhancing performance -- and it's used as intended -- we'll make determinations as they come up."


On Thursday, Poston issued a statement saying NASCAR officials would meet with Hornaday. The meeting is expected to take place Friday at New Hampshire International Speedway.


"NASCAR will meet with Ron to get a better understanding of his condition," Poston said. "Based on what we currently know, our outside experts have said the prescription he had did not enhance performance or impair judgment on the track. It's our understanding that Ron's very serious health issue is being addressed."

Unlike the NFL and MLB, NASCAR does not do mandatory drug testing. Instead, it tests when officials have "reasonable suspicion" that a driver or crew member is abusing prescription or other performance-enhancing drugs. Steroids and human growth hormone were specifically added to its list this year. Earlier this month, NASCAR chairman and CEO Brian France said the organization will announce an expansion to its drug-testing policy in the near future.

Kevin Harvick, who owns the truck team on which Hornaday drives, defended his driver, even while acknowledging that Hornaday had not told him he was using the drug in 2005.

"Ron was sick. My wife DeLana and I could see it. And we got him help," Harvick said. "But before that, Ron sought other avenues of treatment. Did he use the [testosterone] cream? Yes. Did he use it to enhance his performance? No. I feel like he did everything right to take care of himself."

This spring, Harvick ordered mandatory drug tests for his four Nationwide and Truck series teams, including the one helmed by Hornaday. The racer acknowledged taking two drug tests for Harvick, saying he passed both. Hornaday said he stopped using the drugs in 2006 when a doctor finally diagnosed his hyperactive thyroid.

"Ron was worried he might have had cancer," Lindy said.

The Hornadays said the purchases were part of a hormone replacement therapy that is used by millions of Americans. The sole aim of the testosterone, Ron Hornaday said, was to nurse himself to health after his hormone levels dropped to dangerous lows. He insisted he got no performance-enhancing advantage.

"No one was trying to get big here," he said. "It was all legal."

But Mark Haskins, a senior investigator with the New York Department of Health who led an investigation into the Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center, disputes that contention.

"Steroids are a controlled substance," Haskins said. "A doctor has to prescribe them after an examination." The agent said Hornaday, like thousands of other patients from the rejuvenation center, could have been charged with illegal possession of a controlled substance. The reason no charges were lodged, he said, was that the investigation focused on the center's owners and doctors, not its customers.

The steroidal cream Hornaday received is a favorite of athletes because it is fast-acting and clears the body quickly. He also called the dosage that Hornaday received "an extremely high level."

Hornaday said he felt "no need to tell" officials in the sport and did not list testosterone on medical charts filled out by every driver before the season's first race in Daytona. He showed ESPN The Magazine his medical form from this season, in which he listed Synthroid, the radioactive thyroid medicine he currently uses.


Hornaday denied that he used the six 30-day supplies of growth hormone that also were sent to his house, saying they were for his wife. Lindy Hornaday, 49, confirmed that account and produced a plastic bag from their home containing a vial labeled as HGH, along with several syringes.


"This is the last of it I have," she said. "I threw the rest out when we were at Daytona a couple of years ago. It wasn't doing anything for me."

The clinic records show that Lindy Hornaday received three separate shipments of HGH in her name in 2005.

Haskins said that Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center was a favorite of athletes and bodybuilders because it provided easy and relatively anonymous service.

"I hesitate to even call it a clinic," Haskins said. "I haven't been able to find any evidence that any of its doctors actually saw patients. It was all done over the Web. They had salesmen with crib sheets that said, 'How not to take no for an answer.' The doctors were afterthoughts. They just signed the forms the salesmen sent them."

Haskins said the center was spending $30,000 a month on Internet advertising for steroids and growth hormone.

Robert Carlson, the doctor Lindy Hornaday said she talked with by phone, pleaded guilty in August 2007 to a felony count of insurance fraud after admitting to writing bogus prescriptions for clients, including athletes. The center's owners have pleaded guilty to related charges.

All were sentenced to probation and have rebranded the clinic as Nationwide Synergy. The Hornadays said they have started receiving calls from Nationwide in the past month, asking them to renew their orders.

"I told those people to stop calling us," Lindy said.


Last year, the NFL suspended two of the center's clients who admitted buying growth hormone: New England Patriots strong safety Rodney Harrison and Wade Wilson, the quarterbacks coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Another of the clinic's clients, then-Cleveland Indians pitcher Paul Byrd (now of the Boston Red Sox), was not disciplined by Major League Baseball because he received his final shipment of HGH a week before MLB banned the drug.


Hornaday, a native of Palmdale, Calif., was brought into the Craftsman Truck Series by Dale Earnhardt in 1995. He quickly established himself as a hard charger, winning the title in 1996 and again in 1998.

He also developed a reputation for humility and charity, often mentoring younger racers. He let two future Sprint Cup stars, Jimmie Johnson and Harvick, sleep on his couch when they made the jump from California to North Carolina.

But by 2000, at age 42, Hornaday's career seemed to be going in the wrong direction. Earnhardt, who hired him to run in the Nationwide Series that year, released him rather than elevate him to the premier Sprint Cup Series.

Hornaday knocked around, taking a job with an underfinanced team in 2001 that left him 36th in the Cup standings and filling in for other teams as needed. He got a boost when Richard Childress hired him to return to the Nationwide Series, where he finished third in 2003 and fourth in 2004. But in November 2004, Childress replaced him with the younger Clint Bowyer.

At that point, Hornaday reached out to Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center, its records show. According to a manifest, his first shipment arrived at his North Carolina home at roughly the same time he accepted an offer to drive in the truck team owned by Harvick in mid-December 2004.

More 30-day supplies followed in March, May, June and July of 2005, and in January 2006.

In April of this year, ESPN The Magazine reported that Aaron Fike, who also competed in the Craftsman Truck Series, raced while he was high on heroin in 2007. Fike told The Magazine, "I've always said that if they tested 80 percent of the people on Pit Road, they'd find half of them were doing something."


Shaun Assael, a senior writer for ESPN The Magazine, writes extensively about doping in sports in his book, "Steroid Nation," available here.




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La gara sar? Domenica alle 20 ora italiana. Per lo streaming dovete avere Sopcast e VLC aperti contemporaneamente. Il canale di Sopcast ? 39461


Per le libere (in diretta ora) e le qualifiche usate questo link. Si apre con TVU Player.


Qui una guida per usare Sopcast e VLC:



Buon divertimento con il primo appuntamento della Chase for the Sprint Cup, dal New Hampshire Motor Speedway

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Libere 1



1 07 Clint Bowyer Chevrolet Jack Daniel's 130.273 29.237 Leader

2 48 Jimmie Johnson Chevrolet Lowe's 130.153 29.264 -0.027

3 18 Kyle Busch Toyota M&M's 130.104 29.275 -0.038

4 26 Jamie McMurray Ford Crown Royal Cask No. 16 129.980 29.303 -0.066

5 12 Ryan Newman Dodge Kodak 129.918 29.317 -0.080

6 9 Kasey Kahne Dodge Budweiser 129.842 29.334 -0.097

7 44 David Reutimann Toyota UPS 129.763 29.352 -0.115

8 66 Scott Riggs Chevrolet State Water Heaters 129.750 29.355 -0.118

9 00 Michael McDowell* Toyota Champion Mortgage 129.727 29.360 -0.123

10 16 Greg Biffle Ford DISH Network 129.626 29.383 -0.146

11 11 Denny Hamlin Toyota FedEx Express 129.617 29.385 -0.148

12 6 David Ragan Ford AAA Insurance 129.507 29.410 -0.173

13 20 Tony Stewart Toyota The Home Depot 129.503 29.411 -0.174

14 31 Jeff Burton Chevrolet AT&T Mobility 129.476 29.417 -0.180

15 29 Kevin Harvick Chevrolet Shell / Pennzoil 129.437 29.426 -0.189

16 88 Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet AMP Energy / National Guard 129.423 29.429 -0.192

17 24 Jeff Gordon Chevrolet DuPont 129.335 29.449 -0.212

18 42 Juan Montoya Dodge Big Red Slim Pack 129.314 29.454 -0.217

19 2 Kurt Busch Dodge Miller Lite 129.296 29.458 -0.221

20 41 Reed Sorenson Dodge Target 129.230 29.473 -0.236

21 01 Regan Smith* Chevrolet DEI / Principal Financial Group 129.090 29.505 -0.268

22 1 Martin Truex Jr. Chevrolet Bass Pro Shops / Tracker 128.906 29.547 -0.310

23 10 Patrick Carpentier* Dodge Berlin City Auto Group 128.876 29.554 -0.317

24 43 Bobby Labonte Dodge Cheerios / Betty Crocker 128.793 29.573 -0.336

25 5 Casey Mears Chevrolet CARQUEST / Kellogg's 128.689 29.597 -0.360

26 84 A.J. Allmendinger Toyota Red Bull 128.515 29.637 -0.400

27 8 Aric Almirola Chevrolet U.S. Army 128.294 29.688 -0.451

28 19 Elliott Sadler Dodge Stanley Tools 128.277 29.692 -0.455

29 78 Joe Nemechek Chevrolet Furniture Row Racing 128.212 29.707 -0.470

30 15 Paul Menard Chevrolet Sylvania / Menards 128.130 29.726 -0.489

31 70 Johnny Sauter Chevrolet Haas Automation 128.096 29.734 -0.497

32 22 Dave Blaney Toyota Caterpillar 128.048 29.745 -0.508

33 99 Carl Edwards Ford Office Depot 128.036 29.748 -0.511

34 7 Robby Gordon Dodge Jim Beam 127.851 29.791 -0.554

35 77 Sam Hornish Jr.* Dodge Mobil 1 127.739 29.817 -0.580

36 21 Bill Elliott Ford Motorcraft 127.731 29.819 -0.582

37 38 David Gilliland Ford Ford. Drive one. 127.709 29.824 -0.587

38 96 Joey Logano Toyota The Home Depot / DLP HDTV 127.696 29.827 -0.590

39 17 Matt Kenseth Ford Carhartt 127.351 29.908 -0.671

40 55 Michael Waltrip Toyota NAPA AUTO PARTS 127.287 29.923 -0.686

41 45 Chad McCumbee Dodge Marathon American Spirit Motor Oil 127.091 29.969 -0.732

42 83 Brian Vickers Toyota Red Bull 126.791 30.040 -0.803

43 28 Travis Kvapil Ford Valvoline 126.673 30.068 -0.831

44 34 Tony Raines Chevrolet Front Row Motorsports 126.312 30.154 -0.917

45 146 Carl Long Dodge Romeo Guest Construction 124.361 30.627 -1.390

* Denotes Rookie



Incidenti per Vickers e McCumbee

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Qualifiche cancellate per pioggia, quindi si va per owner points e... JOEY LOGANO SI QUALIFICA PER LA PRIMA VOLTA IN CARRIERA, WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!




Sylvania 300 | New Hampshire Motor Speedway

September 14, 2008 | Race 27 of 36

RAIN OUT Position Based on Owner Points




1 18 Kyle Busch Toyota M&M's N/A N/A N/A

2 99 Carl Edwards Ford Office Depot N/A N/A N/A

3 48 Jimmie Johnson Chevrolet Lowe's N/A N/A N/A

4 88 Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet AMP Energy / National Guard N/A N/A N/A

5 07 Clint Bowyer Chevrolet Jack Daniel's N/A N/A N/A

6 11 Denny Hamlin Toyota FedEx Express N/A N/A N/A

7 31 Jeff Burton Chevrolet AT&T Mobility N/A N/A N/A

8 20 Tony Stewart Toyota The Home Depot N/A N/A N/A

9 16 Greg Biffle Ford DISH Network Turbo HD N/A N/A N/A

10 24 Jeff Gordon Chevrolet DuPont N/A N/A N/A

11 29 Kevin Harvick Chevrolet Shell / Pennzoil N/A N/A N/A

12 17 Matt Kenseth Ford Carhartt N/A N/A N/A

13 9 Kasey Kahne Dodge Budweiser N/A N/A N/A

14 6 David Ragan Ford AAA Insurance N/A N/A N/A

15 8 Aric Almirola Chevrolet U.S. Army N/A N/A N/A

16 83 Brian Vickers Toyota Red Bull N/A N/A N/A

17 12 Ryan Newman Dodge Kodak N/A N/A N/A

18 1 Martin Truex Jr. Chevrolet Bass Pro Shops / Tracker N/A N/A N/A

19 26 Jamie McMurray Ford Crown Royal N/A N/A N/A

20 2 Kurt Busch Dodge Miller Lite N/A N/A N/A

21 43 Bobby Labonte Dodge Cheerios / Betty Crocker N/A N/A N/A

22 42 Juan Montoya Dodge Juicy Fruit Slim Pack N/A N/A N/A

23 19 Elliott Sadler Dodge Stanley Tools N/A N/A N/A

24 28 Travis Kvapil Ford Valvoline N/A N/A N/A

25 5 Casey Mears Chevrolet CARQUEST / Kellogg's N/A N/A N/A

26 38 David Gilliland Ford Ford. Drive one. N/A N/A N/A

27 44 David Reutimann Toyota UPS N/A N/A N/A

28 15 Paul Menard Chevrolet Sylvania / Menards N/A N/A N/A

29 01 Regan Smith* Chevrolet DEI / Principal Financial Group N/A N/A N/A

30 41 Reed Sorenson Dodge Target N/A N/A N/A

31 22 Dave Blaney Toyota Caterpillar N/A N/A N/A

32 55 Michael Waltrip Toyota NAPA AUTO PARTS N/A N/A N/A

33 66 Scott Riggs Chevrolet Haas Automation N/A N/A N/A

34 84 A.J. Allmendinger Toyota Red Bull N/A N/A N/A

35 00 Michael McDowell* Toyota Champion Mortgage N/A N/A N/A

36 7 Robby Gordon Dodge Jim Beam / Operation Homefront N/A N/A N/A

37 21 Bill Elliott Ford Motorcraft N/A N/A N/A

38 77 Sam Hornish Jr.* Dodge Mobil 1 N/A N/A N/A

39 10 Patrick Carpentier* Dodge Berlin City Auto Group N/A N/A N/A

40 96 Joey Logano Toyota The Home Depot / DLP HDTV N/A N/A N/A

41 45 Chad McCumbee Dodge Marathon American Spirit Motor Oil N/A N/A N/A

42 78 Joe Nemechek Chevrolet Furniture Row/ N/A N/A N/A

43 70 Johnny Sauter Chevrolet Haas Automation N/A N/A N/A


Did Not Qualify

44 34 Tony Raines Chevrolet Front Row Motorsports - - -

45 146 Carl Long Dodge Romeo Guest Construction - - -


+ Set by Owner Points

* Denotes Rookie


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Libere 2. Sembra che sia la gara di Bowyer, come lo scorso anno...




1 07 Clint Bowyer Chevrolet Jack Daniel's 128.212 29.707 Leader

2 48 Jimmie Johnson Chevrolet Lowe's 127.718 29.822 -0.115

3 1 Martin Truex Jr. Chevrolet Bass Pro Shops / Tracker 127.714 29.823 -0.116

4 26 Jamie McMurray Ford Crown Royal 127.598 29.850 -0.143

5 43 Bobby Labonte Dodge Cheerios / Betty Crocker 127.577 29.855 -0.148

6 42 Juan Montoya Dodge Juicy Fruit Slim Pack 127.517 29.869 -0.162

7 16 Greg Biffle Ford DISH Network Turbo HD 127.495 29.874 -0.167

8 88 Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet AMP Energy / National Guard 127.491 29.875 -0.168

9 20 Tony Stewart Toyota The Home Depot 127.474 29.879 -0.172

10 11 Denny Hamlin Toyota FedEx Express 127.449 29.885 -0.178

11 44 David Reutimann Toyota UPS 127.334 29.912 -0.205

12 9 Kasey Kahne Dodge Budweiser 127.278 29.925 -0.218

13 6 David Ragan Ford AAA Insurance 127.274 29.926 -0.219

14 41 Reed Sorenson Dodge Target 127.270 29.927 -0.220

15 31 Jeff Burton Chevrolet AT&T Mobility 127.219 29.939 -0.232

16 01 Regan Smith* Chevrolet DEI / Principal Financial Group 127.146 29.956 -0.249

17 24 Jeff Gordon Chevrolet DuPont 127.019 29.986 -0.279

18 2 Kurt Busch Dodge Miller Lite 127.011 29.988 -0.281

19 83 Brian Vickers Toyota Red Bull 126.939 30.005 -0.298

20 17 Matt Kenseth Ford Carhartt 126.888 30.017 -0.310

21 5 Casey Mears Chevrolet CARQUEST / Kellogg's 126.842 30.028 -0.321

22 99 Carl Edwards Ford Office Depot 126.799 30.038 -0.331

23 70 Johnny Sauter Chevrolet Haas Automation 126.791 30.040 -0.333

24 84 A.J. Allmendinger Toyota Red Bull 126.761 30.047 -0.340

25 29 Kevin Harvick Chevrolet Shell / Pennzoil 126.719 30.057 -0.350

26 15 Paul Menard Chevrolet Sylvania / Menards 126.719 30.057 -0.350

27 10 Patrick Carpentier* Dodge Berlin City Auto Group 126.715 30.058 -0.351

28 12 Ryan Newman Dodge Kodak 126.694 30.063 -0.356

29 8 Aric Almirola Chevrolet U.S. Army 126.631 30.078 -0.371

30 18 Kyle Busch Toyota M&M's 126.622 30.080 -0.373

31 66 Scott Riggs Chevrolet Haas Automation 126.601 30.085 -0.378

32 77 Sam Hornish Jr.* Dodge Mobil 1 126.563 30.094 -0.387

33 19 Elliott Sadler Dodge Stanley Tools 126.395 30.134 -0.427

34 22 Dave Blaney Toyota Caterpillar 126.345 30.146 -0.439

35 00 Michael McDowell* Toyota Champion Mortgage 126.332 30.149 -0.442

36 28 Travis Kvapil Ford Valvoline 126.266 30.165 -0.458

37 96 Joey Logano Toyota The Home Depot / DLP HDTV 126.199 30.181 -0.474

38 7 Robby Gordon Dodge Jim Beam / Operation Homefront 126.007 30.227 -0.520

39 38 David Gilliland Ford Ford. Drive one. 125.932 30.245 -0.538

40 45 Chad McCumbee Dodge Marathon American Spirit Motor Oil 125.898 30.253 -0.546

41 55 Michael Waltrip Toyota NAPA AUTO PARTS 125.442 30.363 -0.656

42 78 Joe Nemechek Chevrolet Furniture Row/ 125.228 30.415 -0.708

43 21 Bill Elliott Ford Motorcraft 124.793 30.521 -0.814

* Denotes Rookie


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E anche nelle Final Practice...



Sylvania 300 | New Hampshire Motor Speedway

September 14, 2008 | Race 27 of 36 | Practice 3




1 07 Clint Bowyer Chevrolet Jack Daniel's 126.299 30.157 Leader

2 11 Denny Hamlin Toyota FedEx Express 126.249 30.169 -0.012

3 43 Bobby Labonte Dodge Cheerios / Betty Crocker 126.094 30.206 -0.049

4 16 Greg Biffle Ford DISH Network Turbo HD 126.077 30.210 -0.053

5 48 Jimmie Johnson Chevrolet Lowe's 125.948 30.241 -0.084

6 2 Kurt Busch Dodge Miller Lite 125.861 30.262 -0.105

7 15 Paul Menard Chevrolet Sylvania / Menards 125.799 30.277 -0.120

8 20 Tony Stewart Toyota The Home Depot 125.794 30.278 -0.121

9 42 Juan Montoya Dodge Juicy Fruit Slim Pack 125.786 30.280 -0.123

10 44 David Reutimann Toyota UPS 125.699 30.301 -0.144

11 19 Elliott Sadler Dodge Stanley Tools 125.686 30.304 -0.147

12 24 Jeff Gordon Chevrolet DuPont 125.682 30.305 -0.148

13 8 Aric Almirola Chevrolet U.S. Army 125.653 30.312 -0.155

14 10 Patrick Carpentier* Dodge Berlin City Auto Group 125.616 30.321 -0.164

15 66 Scott Riggs Chevrolet Haas Automation 125.591 30.327 -0.170

16 9 Kasey Kahne Dodge Budweiser 125.562 30.334 -0.177

17 1 Martin Truex Jr. Chevrolet Bass Pro Shops / Tracker 125.533 30.341 -0.184

18 5 Casey Mears Chevrolet CARQUEST / Kellogg's 125.521 30.344 -0.187

19 12 Ryan Newman Dodge Kodak 125.488 30.352 -0.195

20 41 Reed Sorenson Dodge Target 125.422 30.368 -0.211

21 31 Jeff Burton Chevrolet AT&T Mobility 125.405 30.372 -0.215

22 88 Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet AMP Energy / National Guard 125.405 30.372 -0.215

23 26 Jamie McMurray Ford Crown Royal 125.405 30.372 -0.215

24 83 Brian Vickers Toyota Red Bull 125.401 30.373 -0.216

25 29 Kevin Harvick Chevrolet Shell / Pennzoil 125.364 30.382 -0.225

26 6 David Ragan Ford AAA Insurance 125.364 30.382 -0.225

27 7 Robby Gordon Dodge Jim Beam / Operation Homefront 125.285 30.401 -0.244

28 84 A.J. Allmendinger Toyota Red Bull 125.269 30.405 -0.248

29 01 Regan Smith* Chevrolet DEI / Principal Financial Group 125.257 30.408 -0.251

30 96 Joey Logano Toyota The Home Depot / DLP HDTV 125.162 30.431 -0.274

31 18 Kyle Busch Toyota M&M's 125.035 30.462 -0.305

32 38 David Gilliland Ford Ford. Drive one. 125.006 30.469 -0.312

33 28 Travis Kvapil Ford Valvoline 124.965 30.479 -0.322

34 77 Sam Hornish Jr.* Dodge Mobil 1 124.952 30.482 -0.325

35 99 Carl Edwards Ford Office Depot 124.948 30.483 -0.326

36 00 Michael McDowell* Toyota Champion Mortgage 124.883 30.499 -0.342

37 55 Michael Waltrip Toyota NAPA AUTO PARTS 124.813 30.516 -0.359

38 70 Johnny Sauter Chevrolet Haas Automation 124.662 30.553 -0.396

39 22 Dave Blaney Toyota Caterpillar 124.654 30.555 -0.398

40 45 Chad McCumbee Dodge Marathon American Spirit Motor Oil 124.564 30.577 -0.420

41 17 Matt Kenseth Ford Carhartt 124.552 30.580 -0.423

42 21 Bill Elliott Ford Motorcraft 124.463 30.602 -0.445

43 78 Joe Nemechek Chevrolet Furniture Row/ 123.900 30.741 -0.584

* Denotes Rookie


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