FABIO96 9 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 Ciao a tutti. Ho visto questo nome: Allen Heath nell'elenco iscritti al campionato di f1 1953 So solo che: - ? canadese - ha corso con una Ewing modello D del team Commercial Motor Freight motorizzata Offenhauser - ho trovato delle immagini ma non sono sicuro sia davvero lui, e comunque sono del 1947, quindi non della f1 - in ogni caso nessun dato biografico.... :boh: :boh: Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
The Magic 0 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 http://www.google.it/imgres?q=driver+Allen+Heath&um=1&hl=it&sa=N&rlz=1W1RNRN_it&tbm=isch&tbnid=IKwwelT4_lW7eM:&imgrefurl=http://northwestautoracing1950s.blogspot.com/2011_04_01_archive.html&docid=6LTRX0QH9vWKGM&w=320&h=225&ei=Nd5oToTmAanA0AG4oqXpCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=182&vpy=370&dur=2360&hovh=180&hovw=256&tx=182&ty=155&page=1&tbnh=138&tbnw=184&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0&biw=1280&bih=671 Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
The Magic 0 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 Io ho trovato questo articolo ma nn so se parla di lui Allen Heath (January 3, 1918-March 6, 1981) began his racing career in Seattle in 1938 and became a successful driver in many parts of the U.S. Heath appeared in the 1949 MGM movie "The Big Wheel" in which he did the driving scenes of the character played by Mickey Rooney. Heath's left hand was amputated at the wrist after a 1953 accident at the Illiana Speedway in Indiana. He resumed his racing career in 1955. In 2000 Heath was inducted into the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
The Magic 0 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 Lui era del Saskatoon citt? canadese,ecco info sulla citt? http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
FABIO96 9 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 Io ho trovato questo articolo ma nn so se parla di lui Allen Heath (January 3, 1918-March 6, 1981) began his racing career in Seattle in 1938 and became a successful driver in many parts of the U.S. Heath appeared in the 1949 MGM movie "The Big Wheel" in which he did the driving scenes of the character played by Mickey Rooney. Heath's left hand was amputated at the wrist after a 1953 accident at the Illiana Speedway in Indiana. He resumed his racing career in 1955. In 2000 Heath was inducted into the National Sprint Car Hall of Fame. Grazie davvero Magic!!!! Non ero proprio riuscito a trovare nulla. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
The Magic 0 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 Grazie davvero Magic!!!! Non ero proprio riuscito a trovare nulla. Figurati Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
Alvy96 0 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 Il suo profilo su F1Stats C'? anche una sua foto Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
Chiara Zaffarano 0 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 ecco altre news: Allen Heath's career spanned both the AAA and USAC eras. The veteran from Northridge, California was a AAA standout until an accident at Schererville, Indiana in 1953 resulted in the loss of a hand. Continuing his career with the aid of a hook, he became one of the most flamboyant drivers of the time and was a regular in west coast USAC events in the mid-1960s, finishing in the top 20 in the National standings in 1963, 1964 and 1965 without leaving the coast. After losing his hand, he was fitted with a first of its kind prosthesis and spent many hours working with the doctors in testing it. He also worked with veterans and other amputees and was a fine example to them. Heath won the Pacific Coast Championship in 1961. He was the URA Champion in 1950 and 1958 and won the Washington State Title in 1946 and 1947. In 1958 he won a 500-mile midget race held on the road course at Riverside, California. He suffered a fatal heart attack. Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti
FABIO96 9 Inviato 8 Settembre, 2011 Grazie a tutti, viene una biografia niente male, mettendo tutto assieme! Condividi questo messaggio Link al post Condividi su altri siti