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Bruno Senna

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mi pare ovvia la pubblicit? che si sta fecendo, con tutto il benestare di ecclestone ribadisco...

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Visitatore Ayrton4ever

a me non pare si stia facendo tutta 'sta pubblicit?, si fa gli affari suoi, corre e basta

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Se c'era tutta questa pubblicit? ? mancata la volont? di Bruno di sfruttarla, visto che ? ancora in GP2.


A me sembra un ragazzo per bene, onesto, senza troppe pretese e conscio dei suoi limiti che sta facendo di tutto per farsi apprezzare come pilota.


Non mi stupirebbe per? il fatto di non vederlo in F1 per una sua decisione.

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come ho gi? detto a gio', bruno sar? un ragazzo 1000 volte meglio del sottoscritto, non lo metto in dubbio, ma io purtroppo non riesco ad accettarlo..

come purtroppo non ho mai accettato la morte dello zio

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Comprendo la posizione di Luca ma francamente dobbiamo cercare di essere obiettivi.


I fatti sono chiari ed incontestabili:


1 - Bruno ha saltato totalmente tutta la fase della formazione pilotistica. Kart, Formula Renaul, Formula BMW. Questo ? un grave handicap e riprendere dopo 10 anni ? difficile.

2 - Bruno non mi sembra affatto uno scarsone. Il piede ? pesante e si vede in qualifica e pista. Questa dote non si impara. Inoltre sul bagnato fa faville, altra dote innata.

3 - Il cognome che porta non ? un problema. Come Gio ha spiegato lungamente, in brasile si ha il doppio cognome.

4 - Bruno ? ricco di famiglia. Non penso che il cognome lo stia aiutando. Semmai potrebbe aiutare chi lo ingaggia. Non certo lui.


Luke 36

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Portare il nome Senna da senz'altro grossi vantaggi, per? non credo proprio che Bruno se ne stia approfittando. Questo proprio no. C'? poi da dire che porta vantaggi, ma ? anche un bell'impegno. Voglio dire: grandissime aspettative da tutti, una pesante eredit?, occhi puntati addosso...insomma, consideriamo poi quanto tutto questo verr? amplificato quando Bruno arriver? in Formula1. Io penso che ci voglia molta forza per resistere ad una tale pressione, penso decisamente superiore alla pressione di essere campione del mondo. Ma io credo che Bruno questa forza ce l'abbia.

E concordo anche sul fatto che quel lungo stop sia stato un danno. Ma credo anche che proprio per questo abbia dimostrato ancora di pi? il suo talento.


Per? non mi sento neanche di andare contro Lucaf2000, perch? non credo che Bruno gli sia antipatico o che abbia qualcosa contro di lui. Credo piuttosto che se parla cos? ? perch? prova qualcosa di profondo e forte per Ayrton. Le cose che ha scritto e che ho letto ne sono la prova. E poi se leggo una frase come "purtroppo non ho mai accettato la morte dello zio"...b? questo non mi lascia per niente indifferente, anzi mi colpisce molto. Anche perch? ? una cosa che provo anch'io.

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Visitatore alexf1 fan
a me non pare si stia facendo tutta 'sta pubblicit?, si fa gli affari suoi, corre e basta


Devo dire che sono daccordo anch'io ma se devo improvvisarmi psicologo penso lo faccia pi? che altro per dimostrare qualcosa a se e alla sua famiglia che non a seguire solo la propria passione , come se volesse portare il testimone perso a Imola :pensieroso:

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Beh se andiamo sul psicologico, posso certamente dire che la scelta di Bruno di riprendere a correre deve essere costata un mondo alla madre, sorella di Ayrton. Non credo che noi potremmo mai comprendere fino in fondo le motivazioni di Bruno a riprendere a correre, della madre Viviane di accettare la scelta di Bruno e di soffrire ad ogni GP come non mai.


Insomma quello che cerco di dire ? che dovremmo portare un rispetto immenso per tutta la vicenda che la famiglia Viviane Senna e figlio hanno affrontato per arrivare ora qui ad un passo dalla F1. Proviamo noi a metterci nei loro panni.


Luke 36

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se non erro anche il casco ha delle colorazioni "familiari"...

alla faccia di chi dice che non vuole farsi pubbblicit? col nome e il mito dello zio, ? risaputo che tutti i piloti brasiliani usano quel casco, vero?

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se non erro anche il casco ha delle colorazioni "familiari"...

alla faccia di chi dice che non vuole farsi pubbblicit? col nome e il mito dello zio, ? risaputo che tutti i piloti brasiliani usano quel casco, vero?


Perdonami .... ma perch? Bruno dovrebbe farsi pubblicit? usando in nome o la fama di Ayrton ?


Sai che Bruno Senna Lalli ? ricchissimo di famiglia e che non ha certo bisogno di pubblicit? e soldi ? Io peno solo che ha soltanto da rimetterci la faccia. Il confronto con lo zio nasce spontanteo appena si sente il suo nome. Pertanto che motivo ha di mettersi a disposizione per la pubblica lapidazione ?



Luke 36

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L'importante ? non avere dubbi nella vita :D


Poi magari mi spieghi che tipo di pubblicit? si stanno facendo le sue sorelle Bianca e Paula che si chiamano Senna a loro volta e non le conosce nessuno.


Che vuoi che ti dica, Bruno ti sta sulle palle? Pazienza.

Non muore nessuno.


ma che fastidio ti dara' vedere quel cognome sulle classifiche....

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Penso che Bruno sia Bruno e basta. Per? di una cosa sono certo: noi non siamo nella testa di Bruno e quindi non possiamo sospettare cose che onestamente cozzano con quanto fin qui Bruno ha mostrato sia in pista che fuori dalla pista cone le sue interviste, peraltro molto equilibrate e mature. Ma senz'altro Bruno ? rimasto molto toccato dalla morte dello zio e del pap? e se si ? messo in gioco e riprendere a correre in pista allora proprio il suo passato tragico deve averlo influenzato e convinto a prendere questa grande decisione. Inoltre nel suo intimo sono convinto che voglia in qualche modo onorare la memoria di Ayrton, facendo del suo meglio ma senza emularlo e cercare di raggiungerlo.


Questa foto mi pare molto significativa ... un passaggio di testimone tra Ayrton che ci ha lasciati troppo presto e Bruno che ? arrivato troppo tardi a ricordarcelo.






Luke 36




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Con ritardo, posto l'intervista rilasciata da Bruno il 30 Aprile 2008 circa la stagione di GP2 Asia. Interessante leggere il suo punto di vista. Ovviamente si evidenza dalle sue parole, un team non proprio efficiente, senza mai far trapelare nessun disappunto per aver dovuto rinunciare a lottare per il titolo per problemi di affidabilit? e strategie.



In terms of results, the Asia Series wasn?t what we were expecting ? for sure we had much more performance than the results showed, but we faced every type of problem possible there and it?s difficult to achieve the results when many things are going against you.


Sometimes we had some problems with pit-stops, but that wasn?t really the only thing that went wrong. We had penalties for pitting under the safety car when we would have run out of fuel, punctured tyres, engine and gearbox failures ? all types of troubles that you wouldn?t expect. For sure if I had just been collecting the points that I lost through these problems I would have had an easy second place in the drivers? championship and iSport would have finished in the same position in the teams? standings. I think overall the pecking order was pretty much what we expected it to be. There were some more experienced drivers doing well, with occasionally a few surprises. If the conditions had been normal I think we could probably have challenged for the championship as well. I?m pretty sure we would have been there or thereabouts to fight Romain Grosjean for the title ? obviously it?s much easier to win something when there is no real competition because everybody else is having problems. I think I was the only one with the performance to actually catch him ? in most of the races we were either as quick as or quicker than him ? so I believe that the problems really did hinder my performance, and obviously it was easier for him not to make any mistakes during the championship when he was not being pushed. He and ART nevertheless did a very good job, but we made that job easier for them with our problems. What happened in the finale in Dubai was obviously frustrating ? it was a race that would have been harder to lose than to win ? but at the end of the day it?s a team sport. Sometimes I make mistakes, sometimes they make mistakes, but we are all in it together and I have to thank the team for all the hard work they put in.


The highlights were races like Bahrain, when I came back from twelfth to fourth. That wasn?t very easy, but it was a good fight and showed that we had good pace. There was also the race in Malaysia where I made a mistake and ended up starting 20th on the grid for the sprint; that was so hard, so to finish in the top eight with the fastest lap was good. I think we had some good performances and I grew a lot from those days.


Overall it was pretty good for me in terms of experience; it was just unfortunate that the results didn?t really show our performance. I got to know the team better and work with them and they could get to know me as well. It also enabled me to get some more experience of racing, which has certainly helped me towards my European season, and the team are even more motivated now in the main championship. Karun Chandhok is a great team-mate and has a lot to offer. He helps a lot in terms of set-up and has been very helpful within the team. Everybody has a good relationship together and there is a good environment inside the team to work in. That helps a lot to bring everybody forward.


Racing during the winter months also kept me sharp for the beginning of the European campaign, and considering the amount of bad luck we had in the Asia Series, the Barcelona weekend was pretty good. I was happy about being able to have a good performance and not have too many problems. We had a few technical issues with the car, but still, the price we paid for them was quite low compared to all the problems we had in Asia.


I think both the team and myself did a good job in terms of scoring the points we needed to, and it?s not bad to come out of the first round with the championship lead together with Alvaro Parente. Now we?ve just got to keep chipping away and working hard with the team. They?ve done a great job, and we?re going to try and keep collecting the points and get some wins, and then see what happens.


Grosjean obviously had some issues in qualifying in Barcelona ? neither he nor Luca Filippi had great qualifying sessions ? but at the same time we saw he was quick in the races. In the first race Romain was going towards the front easily, and in the second race he had good pace too, so obviously he is going to be a challenger. Luca will be a challenger as well, as soon as he puts everything together. When you start at the back and get frustrated it?s not easy, so I think for him it?s about controlling his head.


Karun also has to start getting everything together, and then he?s going to be a challenger too. I think Pastor Maldonado and Andreas Zuber have good speed, so it?s going to be a good championship. Alvaro was a bit of a surprise I think; we don?t know how consistent he is going to be because it?s his first year and he has some stuff to learn, but he?s very experienced. Quite a few people have good opportunities in this championship ? Kamui Kobayashi was good in the second race in Barcelona as well ? so as usual in GP2 we?re going to see a very good feud with plenty of different winners.


This year I have a better opportunity to be more consistent ? not only because I have more experience now, but also because the team will give me a more consistent car. You could see last year that if iSport weren?t quickest in 2007, they were always there or thereabouts, so it?s possible to keep bringing the points home.


I?m pretty sure I?ll have a good performance in Turkey next time out ? last year we had problems there in qualifying, but in the second race I finally scored a point again after a few races without scoring. It?s going to be a tough weekend, but I believe we can do well. Barcelona was obviously very close because everybody had tested there, but when we go to circuits where people don?t test so much and where there are two different tyre compounds and so on, I think things will turn out a bit differently.


This is my second year now in GP2 and the championship is the goal, but I believe I have the best team behind me. Everybody is quite close in 2008 because of the new car, but we are working very hard away from the circuit trying to develop the car as much as we can and get as much out of it as we can. I believe that with my greater experience and the motivation of the team we?re going to be able to challenge for the championship. It?s not easy ? it?s never easy in GP2 because it?s so competitive ? but I believe I can do it.


I?ll catch you again soon.




Luke 36






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Vorrei ritornare sull'argomento Turchia e cani in pista, postando la reprimenda FIA.



FIA to review 'unbelievable' Senna exit.

Sunday, 11th May 2008


Governing body demands explanation for dogs on track.



Motorsport's governing body has said that it will review security measures at the Istanbul Park circuit after Bruno Senna was taken out of Sunday's GP2 Series sprint race by a collision with a stray dog.


In a moment reminiscent of the 1960s and '70s, two animals got onto the track during the 23-lap event, causing several drivers to take avoiding action before Senna made contact with one on the back straight.


"The race was going really well up until the dog incident," the Brazilian said, having charged up to sixth place from 15th on the grid, "I made a good start, kept out of trouble and seized every opportunity that came my way - without taking any risks. The car was really good and I knew we could score some useful points.


"I was following Mike Conway quite closely when he suddenly moved to the right. I thought he had a problem, so I went to the left... and that's when I saw the dog for the first time. It ran right, so I went left, but then it turned again, hit my wheel and that was that. I couldn't believe it."


Fortunately, Senna was unhurt in the impact, which was estimated to have occurred at about 150mph, but his car sustained significant damage to its front-right corner, causing his retirement.


Concerned about the implications of a repeat during the afternoon's Formula One event, the FIA instructed security staff to check on all access points to the complex and remove any animals found within the perimeter. All access points to the circuit were closed ahead of the grand prix, which passed off without incident.


Charlie Whiting has requested that a formal review and report by submitted to the FIA by the circuit, which is operated by Bernie Ecclestone.




Istanbul to face sanctions over stray dogs?

Tuesday, 13th May 2008

Turkish track comes in for heavy criticism over stray dogs incident, and could now be set to come in for a heavy fine too...


The Istanbul Park Circuit home to the Turkish Grand Prix could be set to pay a heavy price for two dogs having got onto the track during last weekend's GP2 round held there, with one of the strays colliding with Bruno Senna's iSport International machine during the sprint outing on Sunday

The Brazilian had just come over the brow of a hill when the dog appeared, leaving him with only a split-second to react and travelling at around 150mph. Whilst he ran the dog over, he was lucky to escape serious injury himself as the impact shattered his front right suspension.


Welshman Tom Pryce was killed during the 1977 South African Grand Prix at Kyalami when he similarly came over the brow of a hill and hit a marshal running across the circuit carrying a fire extinguisher. Had Senna hit the dog head-on, the consequences could have been unthinkable.


More incredibly still, just a few moments later another dog a larger, Alsatian-type breed also got onto the track but escaped into the infield, bringing back memories of the practice session for the 2004 Brazilian Grand Prix, which had to be stopped when dogs got onto the Interlagos circuit.


Now the FIA motorsport's world governing body has suggested that 'sanctions cannot be ruled out at this stage' for a venue that first welcomed F1 only three years ago and is now owned by the sport's ringmaster Bernie Ecclestone.


"This was a serious lapse in circuit security and safety," a spokesman told international news agency Reuters. "How could such a thing happen at an almost brand new Formula 1 track?


"The FIA Safety Commission will hold a full investigation into the matter, which may then be referred to the world council."


FIA race director Charlie Whiting added that the incident constituted a serious safety breach, and confirmed that he would be sending a report to the governing body in due course.



Istanbul responds to criticism.

Wednesday, 14th May 2008

Turkish circuit admits 'We did what we could'.


Officials from the Istanbul circuit have defended the venues safety measures following the incident during the Turkish Grand Prix weekend that saw a stray dog hit during the second GP2 race.


Bruno Senna was lucky to escape injury when he found one of two stray dogs to get onto the circuit in his path during the race, with the resulting contact forcing him into retirement with suspension damage to his iSport car.


With FIA race director Charlie Whiting admitting that he would be sending a report to motorsport's governing body into the incident, the FIA confirmed on Tuesday that it would be launching an enquiry into what occurred during the sprint race.


However, the circuit admitted that it had done everything it could to prevent the incident happening although it also said that the problem of stray dogs in the vicinity wasn't one that will go away.


"We take very seriously the matter of track safety, we took all possible measures to manage the problem and we cooperated with the FIA race director throughout the grand prix," the circuit told Reuters. "We regret the incident involving Bruno Senna's car and we are far from complacent about it but, with the best will in the world, it isn't possible to eradicate the problem altogether.


"Unfortunately they [the stray dogs] are more noticeably prevalent at the circuit during the grand prix week, attracted we think by the various catering units that competitors bring with them.


"As in past years, the circuit operator took as many precautions as possible to police the 2,500,000 sqm circuit and its 8km perimeter with a team of vets on site to catch any dogs and to relocate them.


"But this is of itself a dangerous task because some of these dogs are feared to carry rabies and appropriate precautions need to be taken."



Vedremo :)


Luke 36

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Sebbene fossi molto scettico sulle possibilit? di Bruno di ben figurare in qualifica a Montecarlo, devo dire che oggi sono stato smentito alla grande :) Forse questo ? un segno tangibile di quanta crescita ci sia dietro le qualifiche di oggi. Posto qui i primi 8 temmpi, quelli che poi prenderanno parte alla gara per i punti, incidenti permettendo.




1. Pastor Maldonado Piquet Sports 1:21.057 19

2. Bruno Senna iSport International 1:21.235 15

3. Mike Conway Trident Racing 1:21.283 18

4. AdrianValles BCN Competicion 1:21.368 16

5. Giorgio Pantano Racing Engineering 1:21.466 17

6. Karun Chandhok iSport International 1:21.614 18

7. Romain Grosjean ART Grand Prix 1:21.663 16

8. S?bastien Buemi Trust Team Arden 1:21.663 20



Bruno ? quello dei top 8 ad avere girato di meno. Inoltre il distacco da Maldonado, vero mago di Montecarlo ? abbastanza contenuto. Per domani lo vedo bene. Comunque quello che ? importante ? che si trovi sempre tra i primi in qualifica. Peccato che non abbia fatto la pole altrimenti prendeva un punticino. Stupisce Grosjean. Pantano ? li ed in ottica campionato va benissimo. Conway ? la sorpresa. Da tempo era nelle retrovie.


A domani.



Luke 36





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? mancato anche Carroll, me lo sarei aspettato nelle prime file... :(


Comunque non so se ha influito, ma Senna ha abortito un giro buono rientrando ai box ed aveva due decimi di vantaggio su Maldinato... mancava ancora un po alla fine delle qualifiche e non ho seguito molto attentamente...

Comunque ? veloce e partire dalla prima fila pu? lottare per la vittoria e il podio

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? mancato anche Carroll, me lo sarei aspettato nelle prime file... :(


Comunque non so se ha influito, ma Senna ha abortito un giro buono rientrando ai box ed aveva due decimi di vantaggio su Maldinato... mancava ancora un po alla fine delle qualifiche e non ho seguito molto attentamente...

Comunque ? veloce e partire dalla prima fila pu? lottare per la vittoria e il podio



Si. Lo spero :) Gio mi ha scritto dicendomi che a 3 minuti dal termine delle qualifiche c'? stato un botto. Chiss? se fosse quello il giro di cui parlavi.

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Si. Lo spero :) Gio mi ha scritto dicendomi che a 3 minuti dal termine delle qualifiche c'? stato un botto. Chiss? se fosse quello il giro di cui parlavi.

No era molto prima, ma sembra che poi Maldonato ha anche migliorato... sul finire c'? stata una bandiera gialla per un dritto di hanley

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Grandissimo Bruno oggi, sta davvero crescendo... come and? l'anno scorso?

Visto che non ricordo, immagino che Bruno non si mise granch? in evidenza... a sto punto per domani al diavolo la scaramanzia e speriamo che riesca a fare il pieno :D

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No era molto prima, ma sembra che poi Maldonato ha anche migliorato... sul finire c'? stata una bandiera gialla per un dritto di hanley

Ho ricontrollato la registrazione, e a 12 minuti dalla fine Senna era in vantaggio su Maldonado (non so di quanto) ma poi ? rientrato, ed avrebbe battuto il tempo che ? valsa la pole position, visto che tra errori e traffico Maldonato non si ? pi? migliorato .



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