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In memory of Ayrton Senna

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Gio quanti anni hai??


102 :superlol:


Citazioni a parte, a ottobre saranno 43. Per? non ho capito perch? me lo chiedi.


Per quanto riguarda le altre cose, capisco che sia difficile comprendere il sentimento che proviamo nei confronti di Ayrton ed ? ancora pi? difficile tentare di spiegarlo a chi non ha vissuto quegli anni o non apprezzava Ayrton.


Credo che sia giusta l'analisi di Frontrunner quando dice che ? difficile trasferire nero su bianco tante sensazioni.

Non si pu? descrivere un'emozione. Potrei descrivertela fin nei minimi particolari ma tu non la potrai mai recepire esattamente come l'ho vissuta io, ? normale. Io l'ho vissuta in un certo modo, chi era vicino a me ha vissuto lo stesso episodio in maniera differente o addirittura opposta, ? normale.


Ne parlavo proprio ieri a Imola con un altro forumista che mi chiedeva perch? Gilles mi emozionava pi? di Ayrton. Io ho cercato di spiegarglielo a parole, facendo degli esempi, raccontando degli aneddoti che ancora mi fanno venire la pelle d'oca ma ero consapevole che la mia era un'impresa impossibile.


Ti potrei dire che Ayrton andava fortissimo, che quando rilasciava interviste non parlava attraverso le classiche frasi di circostanza, che con lui i giornalisti veri potevano parlare di argomenti un po' pi? profondi del solito "Good job".

Ti potrei dire che per me rappresenta un punto di riferimento importante, che cerco di mettere in pratica i suoi valori nella mia vita di tutti i giorni perch? credo che siano giustissimi.


Per? ? tutto perfettamente inutile, non serve a niente, anzi, sono certo che ci siano persone che leggendo queste parole si mettono a ridere ma non ? un problema: ? tutto normale.


Non ti crucciare per questo.

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Visitatore Ayrton4ever

...e come faccio a non quotare Gio?...

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Ne parlavo proprio ieri a Imola con un altro forumista che mi chiedeva perch? Gilles mi emozionava pi? di Ayrton. Io ho cercato di spiegarglielo a parole, facendo degli esempi, raccontando degli aneddoti che ancora mi fanno venire la pelle d'oca ma ero consapevole che la mia era un'impresa impossibile.


Caro Gio... solo che scrivi questa frase e l'emozione che avevo, che ho, torna fortemente.. Quella domanda che ti ho fatto me la tenevo dentro da un anno e io non sono una che te la manda a dire, volevo chiarire con te, quale miglior modo di farlo se non di persona. Scusami solo un momento, poi continuo a parlare a te e ad altri che comprenderanno i miei sentimenti. Pochi forse, ma come si dice: meglio pochi, ma buoni.

Voglio chiarire un punto: tempo fa ? stato aperto il topic per il compleanno di Alain Prost, io ben contenta volevo lasciare un messaggio di auguri, ma..... non solo mi ? passata la voglia di quel post, ma anche di ogni altro post, perch? dopo che vedi criticare Ayrton anche nel topic per gli auguri di, oltretutto, un pilota che nemmeno ? Ayrton, allora l? ti girano proprio! Se leggo sempre critiche del tipo che Alain ? stato messo in secondo piano perch? non ? passato a miglior vita come Ayrton, oltre ad essere un commento di basso livello, mi pare anche un'immensa ... vabb? lasciamo perdere. Il fatto ? che mi pare che si riescono a tirar fuori critiche a Senna anche se si apre un topic sull'aumento del prezzo del pane.

Non capisco poi perch? se si apre un topic per onorare il ricordo di Ayrton (a proposito grazie ***), ci vadano a leggere persone che non sentono niente per lui. Poi alla fine ecco che c'? sempre la critica. Ora, ditemi che sono permalosa, ditemi quel che vi pare: non me ne frega niente! Io so solo che a quelli che dicono: "ricordate Senna, ma di Ratzenberger non ve ne frega niente" io rispondo: c'eravamo io e *** davanti alla sua lapide commemorativa a ricordarlo. Dov'erano quelli che parlano tanto, ma alle parole non fanno seguire i fatti? C'erano due persone che non sono tifose di Roland, ma volevamo essere l?. E come giustamente ha detto Gio, che non capisce nemmeno lui le critiche al nostro voler ricordare Ayrton, noi non vietiamo ai tifosi di Roland di ricordarlo, ma....loro, dove sono?


Sono tornata dal mio viaggio a Imola. E' stato un viaggio che mi ero promessa di fare tanto tempo fa. Sono felice di aver mantenuto la mia promessa. E' un viaggio che mi ? servito molto, io non lo dimenticher? mai. Appena arrivata mi sono diretta all'Autodromo, al Parco delle Acque Minerali. B?, mi sono un po' persa.... :blush2: ma poi ho trovato la retta via e... mi sono ritrovata nelle indicazioni che Gio mi aveva dato in questo forum. Mi sono ritrovata al bivio che da un lato mi portava verso il monumento di Senna, dall'altro alla gigantografia... Ho un po' tentennato, poi ho detto: "vado alla gigantografia". Mi sono avviata e mentre mi dicevo "ma dov'??"....mi muore la frase sulle labbra... Lo vedo l?....pare che mi stia salutando, come se aspettasse proprio me. Rimango a guardarlo da lontano, con la bocca semi aperta e il cuore che impazzisce. Mi dirigo verso di lui, bench? le gambe mi tremano, non so come, ma riesco a camminare sempre pi? in fretta. E arrivo l? e, francamente mi stupisco di me stessa quando gli dico: "Ayrton come sei bello!" perch? io quella tuta della williams, proprio non la sopporto... E accarezzo quella bellissima immagine. Faccio forza su me stessa e vado via, camminando praticamente all'indietro. Non riesco a smettere di guardalo. Continuo il mio cammino e cerco disperatamente il suo monumento. Cammina, e cammina, di nuovo mi sta uscendo la frase "ma dov'??" di nuovo mi muore sulle labbra: eccolo! Non so quanto tempo sia passato da quando l'ho visto a quando sono finalmente riuscita (incredula) ad avvicinarmi. Portavo con me (come sempre) un oggetto che tengo con me da moltissimo tempo e non me ne sono mai separata perch? lo custodivo proprio per questo momento e l'ho.. dato a lui. S? l'ho messo proprio sul monumento, praticamente nelle mani di Ayrton. Spero che nessuno lo tolga da l?. Poi mi siedo su una delle panchine l? vicino e rimango vicino a lui, a guardarlo, a parlargli. "Ho mantenuto la mia promessa Ayrton" e continuo a guardarlo. Intanto passano tante persone: chi corre, chi ? in bicicletta, turisti, famiglie, tutti che vengono l? da Ayrton. Ed ? un dolore perch?, i bimbi chiedono ai genitori di raccontargli la storia di Ayrton e io che ascolto tante volte..una storia gi? conosciuta.

Passa il tempo, poi arriva ***. Quando lo vedo e capisco che ? lui, che ? venuto l? apposta per me, quando lui mi accarezza i capelli per farmi forza.... a quel punto non ce l'ho pi? fatta a trattenermi.. mi sono commossa e.. le lacrime sono venute gi?. Mi ha raccontato di come hanno passato il 1 maggio lui e tutti gli altri, mi ha portato un album intero di foto di Ayrton. Abbiamo parlato, passeggiato per il parco, per l'autodromo, ci siamo arrampicati per vedere delle foto e lettere lasciate per Ayrton. Mi ha mostrato tutto l'autdromo, abbiamo parlato di Ayrton, Ayrton, Ayrton. Come ha detto lui "a Imola, a parlare di Ayrton, con il mio gruppo preferito che suona: ? un sogno". Abbiamo parlato anche di Bruno, della Fondazione Senna, di aneddoti stupendi e divertenti, alcuni riguardo un altro forumista che ora vedo sotto una luce completamente diversa. Siamo andati a fare shopping nel negozio di souvenir dell'autodromo e..mentre io guardavo e rimiravo le foto di Ayrton, Gio si scioglieva dal caldo! ^_^ Abbiamo fatto capolino alla villa di Martini. Mi ha mostrato tutta Imola, Brisighella, mi ha portato a vedere la Toro Rosso a Faenza. Abbiamo parlato anche della williams, di quello che ? successo quel 1 maggio. Quello che mi ha detto su come i piloti corrono "nonostante tutto" e non pensano a certe cose perch? vogliono SOLO correre e poi, tutto il resto che ci siamo detti, mi ha aiutata molto. Ho apprezzato la delicatezza con cui si ? comportato con me. Sono stata felice di chiarirmi con lui su molte cose. E poi mi ricorder? sempre di quando parlavamo del tempo stupendo che c'era e lui mi ha detto che per? la mattina ha piovuto e mi fa "Eh b? sta venendo Rain!" e quando la sera dopo cena mentre mi stava riaccompagnando in albergo mi ha chiesto se volevo fare un altro giro e "vuoi tornare al monumento?".... l? per l? sono saltata su un momento (non so se Gio se ne ? accorto), la domanda pi? bella che mi si potesse fare....

Torner? ad Imola. Di questo sono sicura.


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Gio quanti anni hai??

Comunque io riguardo senna non scrivo prima gara di F1 che ho visto coincide con quella della morte di ayrton...non ho visto le sue gesta, non ho la minima idea di che tipo di persona fosse...leggendo i vostri commenti mi sembra che per? senna sia stato un grande personaggio capace di catalizzare i cuori delle persone al di l? delle sue imprese in pista...a me di senna piace l'aria malinconica che si vede nelle foto ma scusatemi non riesco a scrivere parole d'amore e di ammirazione verso quest'uomo al di la dell' idubbia mostruosit? che dimostrava in pista entrata ormai nella storia....ho 20 anni e sono abbastanza giovane da riuscire ad innamorarmi di qualcuno nel mondo dello sport senza cadere in nella malinconia che affligge questo topic su ayrton...leggere da quel giorno non sono pi? lo stesso, sono cambiato, per me nulla sar? pi? come prima, seguo la F1 con disinteresse da allora va contro il mio stile di vita guardare sempre avanti mai fermarsi credere che domani sar? migliore di oggi capire che le persone vanno e vengono, ci lasciano qualcosa e far si che quel qualcosa sia lo slancio per le nostre imprese i nostri obbiettivi, e non per vivere di ricordi e finendo per apparire disinteressati verso la vita.......

Mi dispiace tanto dirvi che questo topic non mi sembra il modo migliore per ricordare ayrton....nessuno ? stato in grado di farmi capire la grandezza di quest'uomo sia in pista che fuori senza lasciar trapelare la tristezza che lo assale per la sua morte e il rimpianto di tempi che furono....un bell'esercizio di retorica ma che a lungo andare risulta stucchevole


Grazie per l'attenzione e se ho ferito qualcuno mi dispiace, fate finta che non abbia scritto niente

Bravo, faccio finta che non hai scritto niente, ? meglio perch? se no...


Ma guarda te.

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Intervista rilasciata da Ayrton a Playboy nel 1990.




Playboy: Let?s get on with it. At the last Brazilian GP you were so moved that you started to cry.


Senna: So many people were shouting my name that something got stirred up in me. I was the only Brazlian who could have won? That stirred up my emotions very much. Thank God that I was allowed to live this fantastic moment. But the fans only affected me before the start. After that it was only my own World that existed together with the machine and I didn?t think of anything else but victory. I was almost at my lap record, but then unfortunately everything went wrong.


Playboy: Why? Isn?t it time to tell us what happened?


Senna: I was running fantastically well. I was the quickest in trainings and I got pole position. I kept that position for almost all of the race. The problems started when the Japanese Tyrrell driver Satoru Nakajima was ahead of me. He was pulling off-line at the beginning of the corner and I was trying to overtake him which looked perfectly safe. But then suddenly he changed his mind and blocked the road. I guarantee that next time I will be more careful with him.


Playboy: More careful than you usually are?


Senna: Of course. Nakajima is erratic, like, by the way, so many are in Formula One. Experience teaches me slowly to use a different strategy to all of them.


Playboy: Some people say that although you are indeed the best driver currently, but you have a big fault: you are too reckless. Do you agree with that?


Senna: Entrepreneurial spirit, quickness and determination are characteristically of me, not just on the race track but on every other field of life. These are very worthy characteristics. But in certain situations a too strong character can backfire. I have so much willpower that from time to time it backfires. But that?s what it?s all about: you can learn some things only step by step.


Playboy: What do you think, can it be that you will never be able to win in Brazil?


Senna: Who knows? The Devil, who is the king in this World, can deprive us of some happy moments. But the real king is God. I trust in it very strongly that some day I will be given that happiness.


Playboy: How much hours did you sleep (the night) before the race?


Senna: Three. I got to bed at 3 am and I was already up at 6 am. Relaxing is very important, but unfortunately I couldn?t. I usually can?t sleep more than 6 hours before races. On normal days I sleep 10-12 hours. I love sleeping. But on such nights I simply can?t.


Playboy: What do you dream of?


Senna: In Brazil I was so tired that I didn?t dream at all. But it happens that I have nightmares about crashes, but sometimes I dream of meeting my girlfriend and giving her a big bouquet of flowers.


Playboy: But at the moment you are single, aren?t you?


Senna: Yes, I am.


Playboy: After a long relationship with Adriane Yamin, the daughter of the owner of Duchas Corona?


Senna (interrupting): I have had other girlfriends before. But only few knew about them.


Playboy: You managed to protect your privacy even when it looked almost impossible, for example when you won your title in 1988. Soon after that came the biggest sex icon of Brazil, Xuxa. You didn?t make a secret of that relationship, like you usually do, so a lot of people thought and still think that it was a PR stunt.


Senna: As we are both famous, our lives are in the centre of attention and people started talk of everything like it usually happens. It was sad. But I guarantee that I never tried to publicize our love. When I meet a woman who stirs up my emotions then I live with her for myself, not for the public. I respect the one I love. But with Xuxa we couldn?t do the things like I am used to. She is less in control of her fame than I am. From the beginning our relationship was sensationalized. I was against that. I even had a conflict with people over this.


Playboy: With journalists?


Senna: No. With people who were responsible for it all. Who are responsible for Xuxa?s matters.


Playboy: Are you talking about Marlene Mattos, Xuxa?s manager?


Senna: I wouldn?t like to mention names. But when it started to spread in the press I was very disturbed by it. More and more people were saying it was just a PR stunt. But I swear it is not true. It was a very special period of my life.


Playboy: Did you get on well with Marlene?


Senna: Oh very much? she is a complicated person.


Playboy: Is it true that you asked her permission to date with Xuxa?


Senna (laughing): I contacted Xuxa through Marlene as I asked her to give me her phone number. But I asked for nobody?s permission to date.


Playboy: When did you break up?


Senna: In March. Not long ago I have listened to her (Xuxa?s) interview on TV in which she talked about her privacy, among others about me.


Playboy: In that interview Xuxa said she doesn?t really have time for a love life and that you didn?t want to understand it and you were chasing her?


Senna: Without a doubt I had more time. But even so, we have spent together two weeks and then we were apart for four weeks. The biggest problem is that Xuxa lives for her job and she is living in her own World. I think I was one of the few who could get into that World. I think I grew to know her secret characteristics. But like her I am not an easy person either. So it was difficult. Xuxa simply didn?t give time for the relationship to blossom. She doesn?t have time to think about things like family and children. But you don?t get these things by a fluke. Xuxa is only dreaming but she is not doing anything to change her life.


Playboy: You wanted a more serious relationship?


Senna: So much that I asked her this question.


Playboy: And it wasn?t welcome?


Senna: No. But I had enough relationships already to know what I want. I am not interested in here and now but in the future. With the direction we were going Xuxa would have only been one of many. I didn?t want that. I had to realize that it doesn?t work that way.


Playboy: Who initiated the break-up?


Senna: Many people are curious of that, eh? Surely I won?t tell. But you will probably hear about that from some people close to Xuxa who always know about everything.


Playboy: At the end of the day was your relationship hindered by Marlene Mattos or not?


Senna: She didn?t help for sure.


Playboy: Have you ever really been in love?


Senna (after pausing to think): In the past twelve years I had a lot of painful breakups (long pause), but I can firmly state that all my life there was only one occasion when I felt a strong desire to start a family. In all my life I only felt once that I want a child from somebody. And that somebody was Xuxa.


Playboy: You used to be married but you don?t like to talk about that. Why?


Senna: There are things that you don?t talk about everywhere. But perhaps it?s time to talk about it a little now. I got married in February 1981, I married a childhood friend of mine (Lilian Vasconcelos Sousa). When I started to race in Europe we moved there. I have to note here that she cooked very well. Then a lot of things happened and because of that eight months later I returned to Brazil to participate in my father?s businesses and stop racing. It didn?t go as I expected so in March, 1982 I decided to start a new life, go back to Europe and divorce.


Playboy: Lilian didn?t fit in your plans?


Senna: Our marriage was a mistake. We were too young. It wouldn?t have been lucky to continue that insecure relationship which would have been a source of even bigger problems if we had children. I didn?t regret it because none of us suffered too much. We don?t keep contact but I know she has a new family and she is happy.


Playboy: You didn?t love each other?


Senna: I don?t want to get into it. But I don?t regret anything.


Playboy: There was a rumour that your marriage was invalidated. Was there any basis to it?


(In Brazil a marriage can usually be invalidated only if one of the sides doesn?t fulfil his/her marital obligation.)


Senna: I don?t talk about my love life in public and I never boast with my girlfriends. Because they couldn?t ruin me on the track they used this against me and they created these stories which question my manliness. This is another very sad experience of my life. This invalidating story was just another absurd fantasy. Nothing like that happened. I have never commented this because I had nothing to be afraid of or to prove. But no lie can stand the test of time. As months pass the normal facts of my life slowly dissolve this unpleasant topic.


Playboy: Nelson Piquet poured oil on the fire, when he said you don?t like women. How did that affect you?


Senna: I was very sad. It was an incredibly destructive campaign against me. Because they weren?t able to blow me away on the track they wanted to ruin me with a personal matter. But even this attempt of theirs failed.


Playboy: This slander also affected Am?rico Jacoto J?nior, who was your secretary and who was your regular companion, and who you dismissed at the end.


Senna: J?nior was? my childhood friend, like a brother. It?s very sad that this absurd lie wasn?t just used to ruin me but also to hurt somebody who I like. I didn?t really dismiss him. J?nior was more my friend than an employee. When he finished University he didn?t know what to do and I asked him to accompany me. So he could see the World, study languages and he was a great company.


Playboy: Piquet was the reason why you became estranged?


Senna: Yes, there was a kind of estrangement, our friendship is not like it used to be. They caused an unbelievably great harm? (Senna pauses tensely for a while). It?s better not to talk about it. I wanted to tell here something? but I rather keep silent.


Playboy: What do you wanted to tell?


Senna: No, no, nothing.


Playboy: Something in connection with this matter?


(Senna switches off the recorder and talks about Piquet very passionately. He asks me to change topics.)


Playboy: Why don?t you use this opportunity to clear this matter once and for all?


Senna: (Silence.)


Playboy: You sued him for this. Does it satisfy you that Piquet backtracked on what he said earlier?


Senna: That doesn?t mean anything because he denied he ever said something like that. It was a very dirty game.


Playboy: You had a close relationship with Catherine, Piquet?s current wife, before they got married, didn?t you?


Senna: We didn?t have a close relationship. But?.. I knew her.


Playboy: What do you mean?


Senna (emotionally): I knew her as a woman, that?s all. I knew her as a woman.


Playboy: You never mentioned this. This fact alone wasn?t enough for Piquet to not to spread such things about you that we were just talking about?


Senna: There is nothing to support his claim that I don?t like women.


Playboy: Do you think?


(Senna switches off the recorder and say he doesn?t want to answer any more questions on it.)


Playboy: Because of your love for races one has the impression that you don?t think of anything else but cars.


Senna: When I work I indeed only live for the victory. I don?t have time to talk to the press. It only happens on special occasions. Like now. These are rare occasions but in substance they are so rich that whoever finds me aloof, will grow to like me (after reading it).


Playboy: Are you a loner?


Senna: I often feel loneliness. But I am positive that I will find the ideal person with whom I can share my life. I managed to calm myself that at the right moment I will meet this person. I can be patient. On the other hand I don?t live alone. I keep contact with my loved ones back in Brazil. I call my parents and my siblings several times a day. I never feel alone. I have never been alone either.


Playboy: Do you plan to marry for a second time?


Senna: Why not? But this time I want to hit the jackpot. I would like to have children ? it would be very good to have a spouse. But it?s not up to us, is it? Everything is settled according to God?s will.


Playboy: When your son is four will you also give him a kart like your father did to you?


Senna: Only if he will be as talented as I am. But I won?t force him. I would show him other ways too and I would support him in anything he wants to do. He has to grow to love cars and racing by himself. I would definitely not force him.


Playboy: Where is that old kart now?


Senna: Probably lying as waste material at some wreck yard. I have been playing with that for a couple of years then my father bought me a real kart. The old one was inherited by my brother, Leo. Once he played with it beside my father?s workshop. He was driving fast but careless. We called his name and he looked back while accelerating. He slipped, crashed into a wall and he almost slipped under a lorry. My father was so scared that he threw away the toy.


Playboy: Do you remember your first race?


Senna: I remember the first, the second, my first win? I remember everything. I was 8 when I first participated at a race on a Sao Paulo beach. My father didn?t like it because it were only boys around 18 of age participating. But I entered and I was very happy. We pulled the starting positions from a hat with paper slips. I pulled the Nr 1 ? my first ever pole position! I was so small and light that my kart was almost flying and I led the race for a good number of laps. The big boys caught me in the corners but they couldn?t catch me in the straights. With only three laps remaining one of them crashed into me from the back and so a I spun off. But I almost won.


Playboy: Who were your heroes at the time?


Senna: Jackie Stewart, Gilles Villeneuve, Niki Lauda and of course Emerson Fittipaldi. He was the greatest.


Playboy: (Here the recorded tape was damaged)? would you be so quick, wouldn?t you? You were hardly making from one class to upper classes.


Senna: In the primary school things went reasonably well, I was always sitting in the first row. I started to drop back in high school. I was already building my castles in the air, dreaming about becoming a racecar driver. Instead of the first desks I was sitting in the middle, then in the back. And I was cheating during tests. Once one of my friends wrote my test instead of me. They accepted it ? at least I didn?t fail my exam! But this was the lowest point. Then I got rid of this nihilism and I enrolled into the faculty of company management at the Sao Paulo University. But my thoughts were still elsewhere. I attended classes for a month then I left school and soon after that I moved to Europe. That?s where everything started.


Playboy: And what did it feel like to sit behind the wheel of a F1 car for the first time?


Senna: It was a fantastic experience. It was in July, 1983 in Donington Park, one day after the British GP. Frank Williams, the owner of Williams invited me to test. It was like a dream: to see that big, very sophisticated, World Champion machine close-up ? and until that it was only driven by two drivers! It was a great feeling to know that I can ignite the engine, I can put it into gear and I can take it out from the pit. That was my day ? not Williams?, not others?, just mine. I started with the car and I broke the lap record. It was a great experience. I remember I stepped up to the car, I was watching it, I caressed it, I tapped it tenderly and I said to it: ?The time has come! The time has come!?


Playboy: Did you talk to the car?


Senna: Yes, indeed!


Playboy: Do you still talk to your cars?


Senna: No, it only happened that day. I talk to somebody else ? to Him, up there (referring to God). In the past two years it became even more intense. I have had fantastic experiences. A new life has opened up for me.


Playboy: This dialogue of yours with God started in Monaco 1988 when you have crashed into the barrier despite of having an advantage of almost 1 minute in front of Alain Prost?


Senna: Exactly. That wasn?t just a driver error. There was such a big fight going on inside of me that it numbed me and made me vulnerable. I was open to God, but also to the Devil. The crash signalled to me that God is waiting to give me his hand. I only had to want it too. It was an incredible experience. It?s totally different when people are only talking about God. But I could experience Him with my own eyes, own senses. No ambiguousness, no misunderstandings. Only the certainty itself.


Playboy: What other similar experiences have you had?


Senna: If I don?t really like to talk about my love life, it?s even more difficult for me to talk about my relationship with God. This is an exceptional experience. This is my own World. In those eyes who don?t believe the whole thing is just a craziness, something stupid. That?s why I feel uneasy to talk about it. On the other hand: why not to share this experience with those who are looking for a new life, just like me?


Playboy: What kind of signs do you get?


Senna: After that 1988 accident God started to talk to me through the Bible. I opened the book, I prayed, I opened up my emotions, I was praying for enlightenment. And I opened it exactly where my questions were answered and from where I got courage and persistence.


Playboy: Has anything more specific happened to you?


Senna: I will tell you one of my fresh experiences. In May, before the Monaco GP, in Saturday?s qualifying I realized that something is wrong with my car and I knew I had no chance to win Sunday?s race. There were similar problems with my teammate?s, Gerhard Berger?s McLaren. Well, the victory in Monte Carlo would have been extremely important and I explained that to God. He knows everything that is in our hearts but we have to give ourselves to Him by praying. I did just that. When race day arrived something strange happened to me during the morning warm-up. I could see myself from outside of the car. My car and body were covered in a white line, some kind of protective line of force.


Playboy: Did you see yourself from outside?


Senna: Yes.


Playboy: Did you leave your body?


Senna: Yes. I entered another dimension. I got incredibly relaxed and I felt that in body and in soul I am totally balanced and united. Each and every part of my body and soul was in harmony. Before the starts I am usually serious and silent. But this time I was smiling. I was rolling out from the pits with the same car which a couple of days earlier caused problems but now the problems were gone! Or it?s better to say that they were still there but I wasn?t bothered by them any more. After the race Berger came up to me and said that he still experienced the problems. I was just smiling but I didn?t go into details. I have had not the slightest problem during the race.


Playboy: Do you read the Bible every day?


Senna: No. But at other times I read it several times a day. From it I got to know the mighty God, who created the skies, the Earth and the Universe.


Playboy: Do you go to church?


Senna: I like to go when nobody else is there. When it?s empty and peaceful. I am Catholic, but I don?t go to masses. That ritual doesn?t attract me at all.


Playboy: Especially if people realize you and ask for autographs?


Senna: No, it?s not because of that. But often the ritual has nothing to do with the essence, it?s very superficial. That?s not my World.


Playboy: When you won the 1988 Japanese GP an you became a World Champion for the first time in your life, you claimed that in the last two corners Jesus has appeared for you. How did that happen?


Senna: I was just thanking Him for the victory. God gifted me a really hard-fought race where I managed to get victory in the penultimate race of the season as it is the dream of every driver. I was concentrating very much during praying and I started to turn into a long 180 degree corner when Jesus appeared to me. He was huge. He didn?t stand on the floor but He was floating in the air in his usual clothes, with his usual colour and with his figure surrounded by a ray of light. His whole body was rising up to the sky, he was filling the whole space. And while I had this unbelievable vision I was driving a race car! Precisely, strongly. Moved as it has to be. Isn?t it crazy? Crazy!


Playboy: You didn?t see anything else?


Senna: Nothing else. It is indescribable. I was talking to Jesus and he appeared. He simply showed himself to me.


Playboy: What did you think at that moment?


Senna: I was shouting while I crossed the finish line. I was hitting my head, I couldn?t believe it, then I started to cry. From the team many talked to me and I thanked especially to Steve Nichols, my mechanic. I was shouting a lot of things which I cannot repeat now.


Playboy: Swearing?


Senna (laughing): Yes. Among others. The emotions simply burst out from me. Those seconds summed up the work, desires, dreams of a whole life and the victory. It was a real success with undisputed wins and not some World Championship won by collecting small points.


Playboy: Winning by race wins or points ? isn?t it the same?


Senna: In each year every sport has its champion. But the champion is not always real, respected and admired, acknowledged by everybody. On the contrary: often the champion is a champion without victories, without merit and fight. Look, if a team like McLaren dominates the World Championship then only two drivers have a chance for victory. But victory is worth a lot more if you achieve that by your own strength, not because others made mistakes ? because your opponents crashed or something. I like to take my wins in the former method, I consider only that as a real victory.


Playboy: With that do you want to say that Alain Prost who won the Championship the next year?


Senna (interrupting): ? is a champion without merit. He was so aware of that that he never celebrated his victory. In 1988 I left Japan as a real winner. But a year ago Prost left as a loser. He didn?t win on the track, he didn?t win the title with a victory. Last year at the last race in Australia, which decided the Championship, he was standing in the pits beside his car and he was not willing to participate because of the rain. He won the title simply by mathematics. If I had participated in that last race could he call himself a champion now? Prost knew that in the race before I scored nine points, only I was disqualified and those points were taken away from me. If they don?t take them away from me I would be the champion. Is his title worth anything this way?


Playboy: In Japan you were disqualified because you came back on track with an illegal manoeuvre after you crashed with Prost. McLaren team owner Ron Dennis defended you. He said Prost deliberately hit your car. Is it true?


Senna: It?s clear to see on television. He realized that I was there and he did it deliberately.


Playboy: Is it true that after the race Prost went up to you and you almost hit him?


Senna: Almost. After what he did he came with this ?oh I am so sorry? drama? It?s a little hard to believe. I told him to get lost and watch out for his life. In that situation this was the lightest reaction he could get.


Playboy: After you were disqualified from the race you claimed the Championship was manipulated in favour of Prost. Because of that FISA president Jean-Marie Balestre threatened you to DQ you from the races. This case went on for three months. During this time you always believed you were right?


Senna: One hundred percent.


Playboy: So why did you backtracked with your claims at Balestre?s demand?


Senna: It was that the truth was? (long pause). I can?t talk about this yet.


Playboy: When you claimed the Championship was manipulated, did your fans agree with that?


Senna: Yes.


Playboy: And you changed your mind in the last moment?


Senna: No, no, it didn?t change. This is the truth. It didn?t change. (He gets worked up.) But I cannot talk about this now. It would have serious consequences.


Playboy: It was more important to be able to keep on racing?


Senna: In certain moments that was more important but not in this case. I got to the point where I wanted to stop racing. I wanted to give up this job forever. But things suddenly changed and took a different direction.


Playboy: What happened?


Senna: I don?t want to get into details.


Playboy: What did it feel like when you were forced to withdraw your claims?


Senna: What you have just said isn?t true. But I cannot talk about it yet.


Playboy: Did you get support from any other driver?


Senna: Not so much that we could have achieved something practical with that. But there were some public comments by Michele Alboreto, Mauricio Gugelmin and Thierry Boutsen.


Playboy: From these which one?


Senna (firmly): I cannot talk about this topic any more. Unfortunately.


Playboy: OK, so let?s put this clear: how did things get here with Prost?


Senna: The problems started in the middle of 1988 when I started to catch him and threaten his position in the team. The pressure grew and he started to panic. He tried to ruin the good working environment because only so he had a chance to beat me. With equal opportunities he couldn?t have done that.


Playboy: Your critics claim that while Prost set-up the car you were almost sitting in his lap and learning the tricks. Is that true?


Senna: I had to learn from him as he has great experience and he knows McLaren for many years. I can only learn from those who have knowledge and I can only beat them by learning from them. That was my strategy ? and it worked.


Playboy: In 1988 they (McLaren) still tried to keep up appearances. But in 1989 in Imola the bomb set off. Prost accused you of betrayal and that you don?t keep the agreements between you. What happened?


Senna: As we had better cars than others we agreed that at the start we take care of the car and we don?t overtake into the first corner. After the start he took first position, however I caught his slipstream, accelerated and I could overtake him before the first corner. And then I quickly pulled a gap. Then he started to push so much that he spun and crashed. After the race he was furious. He blamed me for the defeat and he said that I didn?t keep the agreement. And that?s when the internal fight started.


Playboy: What is it about?


Senna: Imola was only the last drop in the glass, our relationship already turned sour in 1988 when he lost against me in the Championship. Prost was totally worn out. So much that when we went to England to test, he stayed in France and he threatened to quit racing. It would have been a big blow for McLaren as they couldn?t have replaced him with anybody at the time. Ron Dennis was desperately trying to find a solution. Then we made a deal that I will give the chance for Prost to backtrack. We three sat together and I admitted that I made a mistake. With that I left the emergency door open for him where he could get out from this situation.


Playboy: Prost?s version is different. He claims that you broke your agreement and that at the pressure of Ron Dennis you admitted that and you even started to cry.


Senna: That?s true. I was crying. His emotional state made a big impression on me. Prost was totally torn apart, he wasn?t in the state to keep on racing. He simply ceased to exist.


Playboy: Are you saying that you were crying because you felt sorry for him?


Senna: Exactly. But he was never able to understand that. The next week in Monaco he told a different version to the French press. I didn?t comment that. I kept my mouth and again I just swallowed. I wanted to prove it on the track that I was better than him. Accidentally I had crazy luck: during race weekends I am usually alone but at that race Xuxa was there with me in my Monte Carlo flat. After I finished my job at the track I was running to be with her. So I didn?t have time to comment on our sour relationship (with Prost). But for me Prost ceased to exist.


Playboy: And what was Ron Dennis? role in all this?


Senna: At the next race in Mexico Prost went to Ron to complain that I don?t talk to him. ?After what you have done to him you want him to be your friend?? ? that was the answer he got. With that his career was over. Ron didn?t want Prost in the team any more, but he didn?t know how to tell him. But Prost realized that immediately and he signed to Ferrari.


Playboy: But before you won the title, didn?t you say that Prost was the best driver in the World?


Senna: Indeed I said that. And among all drivers he is really one of the most talented.


Playboy: Is he the Professor as the French claim?


Senna: No, but he is a great driver.


Playboy: After you have beaten him don?t you think you are better than him?


Senna: It?s not a matter of words. This year I was leading in all of the first five races, I won three of them and I took four pole positions. The results speak for themselves. Of course, I have my own opinion which is pretty clear. But I would be badly advised to tell it.


Playboy: Ron Dennis swears that you are better (than Prost).


Senna: He worked with many great champions and he doesn?t just see the results but also how they are achieved. From Ron?s part it?s a rare praise.


Playboy: So that means you are forced to agree with him when he says: Senna is better?


Senna: I have no other choice.


Playboy: Before your relationship turned sour Prost said if he was a team owner he would sign you as a driver. Piquet also made a similar comment. And who would you sign?


Senna: This is not a realistic question.


Playboy: But by that you can tell us who do you think the best drivers are?


Senna: I won?t answer that. I don?t care if Mansell is the best or Berger or Piquet or Prost? they are all great drivers.


Playboy: You don?t let yourself trapped, do you? Are you really such a difficult guy as you seem?


Senna: I have a strong character and firm beliefs. Perhaps that?s why I have so many problems and that?s why I have enemies in Formula One. Besides a lot of people are irritated by my person.


Playboy: Are they jealous?


Senna: This feeling belongs to life.


Playboy: Piquet agrees with that. He claimed to Playboy that you are jealous of him.


Senna: That?s his opinion.


Playboy: He also said that when he read your contract with Lotus he realized you only got half of the money than what you claimed in the press.


Senna (in an ironic tone): This is probably a misunderstanding or a mistake. Anyway he accepted my old contract. He even got less than what I would have got if I had stayed with the team.


Playboy: When at the end of 1987 Lotus announced the signing of Piquet you didn?t yet have a contract with McLaren. So seemingly it was like a dismission (by Lotus). How did it feel to be fired?


Senna: The truth is that it was my decision to leave. I got offers from Ferrari and McLaren and then I talked to Peter Warr, the team chief of Lotus and told him that I quit. He was trying to keep me by every possible means, even by promising more money - as long as he didn?t realize that I won?t change my mind. That?s when they were trying to find another driver quickly. In this difficult situation they found Piquet and they tried to make the World believe that they fired me. Anybody who doesn?t know the real story may think that I was running to McLaren after this, but in reality my negotiations with them were already pretty advanced at the time. We only didn?t sign the deal yet because it was pretty complicated.


Playboy: So you say that the signing of Piquet didn?t surprise you?


Senna: I was only surprised by the fact that the deal was made public before they informed me officially.


Playboy: But you didn?t even know that they were negotiating with another driver?


Senna: Of course I knew! I had contacts at Reynolds, the sponsor of Lotus and at Honda where we got the engines from. I got all the important, confidential informations from all sides. They were sitting in a London room at Reynolds office leading ?secret? negotiations with Piquet while I already knew everything ? even the moment when the contract was signed.


Playboy: How?


Senna: I was sitting in my own car, a Mercedes with a phone and I got calls from Reynolds. They were sitting there with Piquet and Lotus but they haven?t yet decided whether to sign the contract. They made it dependent on me. In the last hour one of the leading men stepped out from the room and called me and I confirmed to him my earlier decision that I leave the team. It was only after that when they signed the contract with him. Piquet laughed but I was laughing before him. Those who love me were furious because they thought I was cheated. But the truth always comes to light ? just like now.


Playboy: I think that?s why you always said Formula One is a disgusting circus. Do you mean the conflicts between drivers, the stewards, the teams or the sponsors? interests?


Senna: Maybe I expressed myself a little too aggressively. Formula One is a great spectacle. But like every great event it has its downside which takes a lot away from its beauty.


Playboy: Couldn?t a well functioning driver alliance keep balance in these interests? For example when you clashed with Balestre, couldn?t it have been a help?


Senna: There was a time when drivers still kept together, but by now that doesn?t exist any more. The interests are too different. There are some who are in a powerful position but they are on the other side of the barricade. Those who race at small teams or second tiers have hardly any power. I don?t waste my time with such an initiative.


Playboy: When you used the word ?disgusting? describing F1, you certainly didn?t think of the beautiful women around the circus. Is it hard to resist temptation?


Senna: Of course, it is. There were occasions when I managed to resist and there were when I gave up the fight ? every version happened to me.


Playboy: According to your Brazilian trainer Nuno Cobra you are not only a champion with McLaren but in another ?field? as well?..


Senna (sips from his juice before he answers shyly): Nobody complained yet. I am a tender type.


Playboy: Has it ever happened to you that you failed?


Senna: Yes, once. In 1982. I was almost a kid, I just started racing in England. The woman was unbelievably attractive. But I couldn?t. It was not that my manliness failed me, but I had to concentrate very much to do it.


Playboy: You had to ignite the turbo?


Senna (laughing): At the time there wasn?t turbo yet. And my fitness wasn?t as great either as Nuno Cobra claims. But it was important that it happened. Until I was 20 my relationships with women were only defined by physical attraction. This was the sign that it?s not what is dominating any more. From that point I gave more importance to the personality and certain small details. This was the first sign of a big change inside of me.


Playboy: And what was your first time like?


Senna: The first time? I was 13. I remember together with one of my cousins, who was 20 at the time, we went to a club in downtown Sao Paulo. I was very small at the time so they didn?t let me in. Then I was sitting at the entrance watching the people going in. Suddenly I saw that a big, I mean really big, woman goes in. Soon after that my cousin came out with this big woman on his side. So that?s how it happened.


Playboy: Was she blonde or brunette?


Senna (with a big laugh): It isn?t important.


Playboy: Why not?


Senna: Just because.


Playboy: Why are you so secretive?


Senna: She was blonde. And a prostitute. Later of course I realized that it had nothing to do with what is important but at the time it was good. At the age of 13 it?s difficult for a boy to find a girlfriend with whom he can have a relationship. Those 15 year old girls who are already willing, are looking for 18 year old boys. So I had no choice.


Playboy: Just one more thing: did it happen there in the car?


Senna (laughing): No. In the woman?s flat. It was organized very well.


Playboy: You have a very turbulent lifestyle. Has it happen to you that for a long time you didn?t have any women in your life?


Senna: Huh, I cannot really answer that now? this is really very personal (silence). I think it happened to me after my divorce. For six months I didn?t even look at any woman.


Playboy: Why not?


Senna: I didn?t feel like. It was a very difficult period for me. I had the opportunity but I wasn?t thinking about that. And I didn?t meet any woman who was interesting enough to motivate me. The truth is that I have very high standards.


Playboy: Don?t the fans chase you?


Senna: It happens. Once in Italy a crazy woman was banging on my door. I opened it and she started to push me inside.


Playboy: And what happened?


Senna: I pushed her back to the corridor. (Laughs.) It was pretty funny.


Playboy: It never happened to you that you accepted the offer?


Senna: It did. In 1988 after the Canadian GP an English girl asked me for a kiss. She used the word ?hug? which I didn?t know. She asked: Can I have a hug? I got scared but Lisa, Ron Dennis? wife who is American explained to me what it means. Then I said: Why not?


Playboy: Are you bothered by sex before races?


Senna: On the contrary. It?s good for me. I can face the race more relaxed.


Playboy: Did it ever happen to you that you got an aching stomach during a race?


Senna: Only before the start but then several times. During a race something far worse happened to me. I got cramped, every muscle of mine, so much that I couldn?t breath because of the pain. It was in 1984 during my second F1 race. I wasn?t prepared physically to drive for two ours in that heat, losing a lot of liquid. At the end the prospect of getting my first point made me go thorough until the finish line.


Playboy: How much weight do you lose during a race?


Senna: On average two kilos. If it?s hot, three. But you get that back very quickly if you drink enough water.


Playboy: How do you prepare yourself for the races?


Senna: Since 1984 with a physical conditioning programme. From December to March, when there aren?t races, I stay in Brazil where I run 8-10 kms five times a week on the sport track of the Sao Paulo University. When I start travelling I try to stay in a good shape. I have a regular companion from McLaren who gives me a massage and takes care of my meal during tests and trainings. I eat a lot of vegetables, carbohydrates, fish, chicken and pasta. For breakfast I usually have some kind of cornflakes and fruits. During race weekends from Thursday to Sunday I usually control my meals a lot more strictly.


Playboy: How does your pace of life change for the race weekends?


Senna. It changes in everything. My schedule determines strictly when I have to have breakfast, when I have to arrive at the track, when I have to get into the car, have lunch and go back to the car. Every step of mine is scheduled and the work is hard and continuous. On the nights before races I try to go to bed early because the next morning I have to wake up between 7 and 8. These rules vary from country to country but my schedule usually doesn?t change. The aim is that I get to the track as balanced a possible.


Playboy: And what does your heart do before races?


Senna: It?s worse than most fans? (heart)! Normally my heart beats about 60 times per minute. Before the starts it reaches 150! At the peak of the races it can even go up to 190!


Playboy: Is it because of the fear?


Senna: Because of the tension, because of the excitement of not to make a mistake during changing gears or overtaking. The fear comes when I am alone before the race. The danger of an accident is always there. I am very much afraid, not just of death but also of injury. Which is a good thing because it strengthens my life-instinct and stops me from crossing certain limits.


Playboy: Which was your most serious accident so far?


Senna: Thank God all I got thus far is a broken finger because of a silly crash in Interlagos, in 1974. Ten years later I had a more ugly accident in Hockenheim, Germany, on a very fast track. The wing of my Toleman broke off and at 280 kph I spun six times. I didn?t even have time to close my eyes. The only thing I wanted was not to get the hit from the front. I propped myself against my cockpit and I turned around to get the hit from the back. This is the best situation while crashing. A hit from the front can be deadly and it?s also dangerous to get it laterally. This was my most serious accident. But I have already had more risky situations.


Playboy: What was that like?


Senna: It happened in 1988 in Monaco, at the qualifying. I already took pole, but kept going. On every new lap I increased my advantage I was already two seconds ahead of them, which is an eternity over a race distance. I surpassed myself on every lap, I stepped into another dimension. Because of the big speed my sense of space and time changed, I suddenly saw a tunnel in front of me instead of the track. The difference between man and machine ceased to exist, I was united with the car, we became one. After five laps I felt something like a pinprick and I realized that I was in danger. I started to shake in my whole body then I returned to the pits.


Playboy: Were you very scared?


Senna: Of course. I was very scared. I still had the car under control, but I started to slip into the subconscious regions. And there I don?t know what can happen.


Playboy: Many people think that those who are driving around in circles on race tracks all their life, are a little crazy. What do you think of that?


Senna: Anybody who is not balanced enough won?t survive this job.


Playboy: Do you go to (psycho)therapy?


Senna: I have been twice, the last time at the end of 1988. I got to know many things of myself, it was very useful. If I had time I surely would continue.


Playboy: Is your life outside of the track is a race against time?


Senna: To a certain extent yes. I could do many things, for example advertising, with that I could make a lot of money. But I try to avoid these as racing consumes all of my energy. When I am in Europe I try to relax as much as possible. I go to bed early, I sleep until noon and I hardly leave my Monaco flat. I don?t even go out to have a lunch or dinner. My Portugese cleaning lady Isabel cooks very well. On late afternoons I go to jog. But I try to stay in Europe as little as possible. When I have a free week I go home to Brazil.


Playboy: And what do you do here (in Brazil)?


Senna: I try to keep away from my office where they always find some work for me (laughs). I like to be at home with my three nephews. Or I travel to Tatui, to my country house. There is a big lake there where you can jet-ski, waterski and play with remote controlled boats. There is also a kart track there where together with my five-year-old nephew Bruno we do some racing. I ride motorbikes, bicycle, I jog.


Playboy: Do you read a lot?


Senna: Very little. I don?t have the patience. That?s a big fault of mine.


Playboy: You don?t even read what they write about you?


Senna: Not really.


Playboy: And what about movies?


Senna: I like movies those are not slow.


Playboy: You like music, don?t you?


Senna: I love it. Usually I travel alone and then I always have my walkman and two cassettes with me. When I arrive at the hotel I usually switch on the TV but I have little to do with these foreign programmes. I rather listen to music ? any kind of music that my brother recorded for me. Of course I like Brazilian (music) the most.


Playboy: Do you go to concerts?


Senna: Not often. Mainly when I am abroad and I don?t have a company. When I?m in Brazil I rather like to stay at home.


Playboy: But you sometimes go out in Sao Paulo, don?t you?


Senna: Sometimes I go to a restaurant with my friends, sometimes even to clubs. I used to go to the Gallery, but it was long ago.


Playboy: Has it ever happened to you that you drank more than you should have?


Senna (laughs): I don?t deny it, it happened already. But I don?t drink much. I like wine and champagne. For example, after the Monaco GP I drank a bottle of wine which I haven?t done for a long time. However I can?t stand whisky and beer.


Playboy: Have you ever tried any kind of drug?


Senna: Does ether count as a drug? I have already smelled it. At first it was good, but for the second time it wasn?t so I stopped. I don?t need that. I didn?t start smoking either.


Playboy: So how does it feel like to be sponsored by Marlboro?


Senna: The name of the brand is on the car but with that I don?t force anybody to smoke. Philip Morris contributed a lot to motorsports. This company made the sport popular in the World and it made it possible for many to follow the races live. I view this side, not the negativities.


Playboy: But do you think smoking is harmful or not?


Senna: Without a doubt it?s not good for health. On the other hand there are people who stop smoking and gain weight.


Playboy: But people who never smoked don?t get into this situation. So your motto would be: ?Don?t start it!??


Senna: To be honest I would never participate in such a campaign. The reasons are obvious.


Playboy: And other campaigns? Didn?t the mayor of Sao Paulo, Lu?za Erudina from the PT Party want to get your support for the nominee of the party, Lula?


Senna: That doesn?t matter. Almost every nominee wanted my support. But I am not a political type, I don?t know much about politics and I don?t even want to. I am independent and I voted for the one who wanted the best for everybody.


Playboy: Are Brazilian cars really bad wagons as President Collor claims?


Senna: No. The only problem is that they cost too much compared to European and especially Japanese cars. Also the restriction on technical import made the development of Brazilian car manufacturing harder. Now that they opened (the market) again the quality can only improve.


Playboy: What do you think the best road cars are?


Senna: I would import any Mercedes from Europe and from Japan Hondas. Toyota and GM also produces very good car. That?s what President Collor wants to introduce in Brazil as well.


Playboy: Brazilians can only hope that they will see you many times on the podium until the end of the championship. How would you react if during this time Balestre would mix you up with Jean Alesi and he would kiss you like he did to the Frenchman in Monaco?


Senna: That will never happen (laughs). Maybe once I will be able to talk about this topic more clearly. As openly as I have been talking about other matters of my life now.



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Bravo, faccio finta che non hai scritto niente, ? meglio perch? se no...


Ma guarda te.

Oh ma ? mai possibile che sei cos? permaloso????? non penso di aver offeso ayrton ne tanto meno chi giustamente lo ricorda su questo forum....? un pilota che vi ha regalato tante emozioni io non l ho mai visto correre e quindi quelle emozioni che provate voi non me le ha mai regalate, COSA CI POSSO FARE SE HO SOLO 20 ANNI???? forse non capir? mai cosa vi frulla per la testa e cosa significhi ayrton per voi...fino a prova contraria io posso esprimere quello che voglio senza offendere verbalmente quindi se il mio intervento ti ha urtato potevi evitare di rispondere scrivendo parole che si inseriscono tra quelle bellissime di gio e rain che francamente fanno solo trasparire la tua permalosit?... l'unico sportivo che mi ha regalato emozioni simili a quelle che ayrton ha dato a voi ? stato pantani ma non per questo se qualcuno mi dice era un drogato come fai a dire queste cose su di lui non aggredisco o mi offendo...ognuno ha i suoi miti AYRTON SENNA per me non ? un mito, ne ho altri, mi fa piacere ricordare un tre volte campione del mondo morto tragicamente in pista ma basta non esprimo sensazioni ed emozioni poich? NON NE questo ? peccato quando passer? a miglior vita qualcuno ben pi? importante di noi mi giudicher?


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dani mi f? piacere che hai scritto, mi stavo chiedendo che fine avessi fatto :)

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Oh ma ? mai possibile che sei cos? permaloso????? non penso di aver offeso ayrton ne tanto meno chi giustamente lo ricorda su questo forum....? un pilota che vi ha regalato tante emozioni io non l ho mai visto correre e quindi quelle emozioni che provate voi non me le ha mai regalate, COSA CI POSSO FARE SE HO SOLO 20 ANNI???? forse non capir? mai cosa vi frulla per la testa e cosa significhi ayrton per voi...fino a prova contraria io posso esprimere quello che voglio senza offendere verbalmente quindi se il mio intervento ti ha urtato potevi evitare di rispondere scrivendo parole che si inseriscono tra quelle bellissime di gio e rain che francamente fanno solo trasparire la tua permalosit?... l'unico sportivo che mi ha regalato emozioni simili a quelle che ayrton ha dato a voi ? stato pantani ma non per questo se qualcuno mi dice era un drogato come fai a dire queste cose su di lui non aggredisco o mi offendo...ognuno ha i suoi miti AYRTON SENNA per me non ? un mito, ne ho altri, mi fa piacere ricordare un tre volte campione del mondo morto tragicamente in pista ma basta non esprimo sensazioni ed emozioni poich? NON NE questo ? peccato quando passer? a miglior vita qualcuno ben pi? importante di noi mi giudicher?

Caro amico,

purtroppo quando si ha un'et? diversa dai tuoi vent'anni si diventa, lo ammetto "un po' retorici", ci si immalinconisce.

Hai ragione, forse nessuno ? stato capace di farti capire chi sia stato Ayrton Senna (bada che io non ero suo tifoso...).

Ti posso solo dare un consiglio: trovati la registrazione di Doningtnon '93 (anche in ostrogoto, le parole non contano) e considera che, fatte le dovute proporzioni, sarebbe come se oggi guidasse una Toro Rosso.

Buon divertimento.

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come non quotarti pedro 59,anche io non ero tifoso di ayrton,ma vederlo correre e stata una emozione unica,donigton 93 rimarra nei mie ricordi piu vivi che ho,veramente guidava una toro rosso al confronto di prost e schumacher che avevano auto di un altro pianeta,li si e capito bene chi era ayrton senna,che pur non avendo una macchina competitiva a datto grandi battaglie e portare quel auto all limite del essere umano,ripeto non essendo stato un tifoso di senna ho sempre pensato che sia stato uno dei piu grandi piloti all mondo,e insieme all olimpo della formula 1 insieme ad altri grandi.


un saluto ad ayrton che ci manca sempre pi?.

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Voglio dire a Luigi88 che secondo me ha fatto bene a dire la sua.


Su Senna realt? e mitologia si confondono, e direi che si confondevano anche nella sua testa (grazie gi? per aver postato l'intervista, la pi? interessante che ho letto di Ayrton). Se a questo ci aggiungi che per molti gli anni dell'infanzia col passare del tempo si intridono di un'aura malinconica hai il quadro della questione. Io ho quasi 27 anni, quando mor? Senna ne avevo quasi 12, cionostante lo seguivo da quando ne avevo cinque. E' stato davvero il mito dell'et? nella quale si hanno i miti, non pu? che essere legato, per me, al ricordo di un'epoca che fu e bla bla bla.

Detto questo, ? solo negli ultimi anni che ho "scoperto" Senna, approfondendo e leggendo tutto quello che trovavo su di lui. Sono arrivato a chiedermi: ma chi era veramente Senna? Inutile dire che ho scoperto un pilota di classe "monstre" ancor pi? di quanto pensassi e una personalit? complessa e interessante, quella di un uomo non banale e decisamente non semplice. Un uomo intrigante indipendantemente dalla Formula1, cosa che non potremmo mai dire per i suoi ben noti avversari. Prost stesso in una recente intervista alla TV brasiliana ammette di non comprendere Senna perch? troppo "fuori" rispetto al suo modo di intendere le cose, un modo che egli stesso definisce "banale" rispetto a quello di Ayrton.

Umanamente io ho ben poco a che spartire con Senna (sono agnostico, figurati cosa penso a sentir parlare di Dio e Ges? che gli parlano in curva, di vedere la macchina da fuori ecc), ma pi? lo "conosco" pi? rimango rapito dalla grande profondit? della sua persona. Per me l'uomo Senna ? disarmante nelle sue contraddizioni, nella sua intensit?, nella sua sofferenza, nella sua energia e, come negarlo?, nella sua grandezza. E' un "caso" interessante e unico, al di l? del pilota inarrivabile che fu.

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questa ? la corsa che molti di voi dicono







ma poi and? a vincere direttamente o ci fu qualche altro momento in cui si denota la sua classe?

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Visitatore Ayrton4ever

... solo quello in cui mostrano la classifica e il secondo ? a un giro di distacco

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and? a vincere direttamente o ci fu qualche altro momento in cui si denota la sua classe?


Una gara folle.


La mattina del GP piove moltissimo, come nelle prove del venerd?. Hill ? il pi? veloce nel warm-up con 1'29"2 (la pole di Prost, su pista asciutta, ? di 1'10"4) davanti a Lehto (Sauber), Senna, Andretti (McLaren), Alliot (Larrousse) e Schumacher che porta al debutto la nuova B193, non ancora dotata del traction-control che invece ? adottato dalle altre principali squadre. Prost ? 11? in 1'31"9.


Al via non piove pi? ma la pista ? bagnata, come si vede dalle immagini. La temperatura ? di 5?.


Sul primo giro credo che non ci sia bisogno di commenti.


Dopo 3 giri Senna ha 6.7" di vantaggio su Prost, poi la pista comincia ad asciugarsi e il vantaggio si riduce progressivamente. Al 10? giro Senna ha 6.1? su Prost, 7.6? su Hill, 18.4? su Barrichello con la Jordan. Prost segna il giro pi? veloce in 1?26?2. e riduce il suo distacco a 3.5? con Hill che si fa vedere negli specchietti del proprio caposquadra nelle fasi di doppiaggio.


Al 17? giro Hill monta le gomme da asciutto (Berger con le slick gira gi? in 1?26?0). Senna cambia pneumatici al 18? giro mentre Prost si ferma al passaggio successivo. Al 20? giro Senna ? sempre in testa con 5.1? su Prost, 6.9? su Hill e 16?4 su Alesi. Hill fa segnare il giro pi? veloce in 1?23?9.


Al 22? passaggio Senna prende un rischio enorme nel doppiaggio di Fittipaldi il quale, in lotta con Blundell, non vede la McLaren e rischia il contatto alla chicane. La pioggia ricomincia a cadere, Prost rientra ai box e monta le rain. Senna, sempre con le slick, porta il suo vantaggio su Hill a 12.5? e l?inglese rientra subito dopo per montare gomme da pioggia. Patrese riparte dai box con le rain, Senna con le slick lo doppia e lo stacca.


Dopo 25 giri Senna ? sempre in testa con 20.3? su Alesi, 27.6? su Barrichello, 28.1? su Prost e 38.4? su Hill. Prost supera Barrichello e si porta al 3? posto. Senna monta le gomme da pioggia al 28? giro e riparte con 14.7? su Prost, 19.0? su Alesi autore di una sbandata prima del cambio gomme, 26.3? su Hill che viene superato da Barrichello.


La pioggia smette di cadere e Prost rientra al 33? giro per montare di nuovo le slick. Al giro seguente si ferma anche Senna ma si inceppa la pistola della ruota posteriore destra e il brasiliano perde oltre 20? rientrando in seconda posizione alle spalle di Prost. Senna, staccato di circa 7?, reagisce e stabilisce il giro pi? veloce in 1?22?5 al 36? giro e poi 1?21?2 subito dopo.


Ricomincia a piovere, Prost si ferma per montare le rain al 38? giro e Senna torna in testa con 16.6? su Prost, 39.2? su Hill, 46?1? su Barrichello. Anche Hill si ferma al 41? giro mentre Senna, sempre con gomme liscie, porta il suo vantaggio su Prost a 21.4? dopo 45 giri e doppia Herbert, quinto in classifica, effettuando il tornante Melbourne con la sola mano destra sul volante mentre con l?altra manda a quel paese il pilota della Lotus. Barrichello ? 3? a 58.3?, Hill 4? a 1?06?. Tutti gli altri sono doppiati.


Il vantaggio di Senna sale ancora a 25.2? quando mancano 29 giri al termine. La pioggia non cade pi? e la pista torna ad asciugarsi, Prost si ferma a montare le slick ma fa spegnere il motore al momento di ripartire e perde molto tempo. Rientra in pista proprio mentre passa Senna che lo doppia. Anche Hill si ferma per montare le slick, Barrichello ? 2? a 1?18? da Senna. Prost ? in piena crisi e Hill lo supera. Il francese effettua l?ennesimo cambio gomme e monta di nuovo le slick mentre Senna segna un altro giro veloce in 1?20?4 e al 55? giro doppia il secondo in classifica Barrichello che poi rientra a sua volta a montare gomme liscie e viene superato da Hill, il quale migliora il tempo di Senna girando in 1?19?3.


Subito dopo, al 57? giro, Senna rientra per il cambio gomme ma sbaglia, non vede in tempo la propria piazzola e prosegue con le slick facendo segnare il giro pi? veloce della gara in 1?18?0, grazie alla particolare conformazione della pit-lane e al fatto che all?epoca non c?era alcun limite di velocit? nei box.


A 16 giri dal termine Senna ha 1?28? su Hill, doppiato, seguito da Prost e Barrichello. Il pilota della McLaren a questo punto si limita a gestire il vantaggio, si lascia superare da Hill che torna a pieni giri ma la pioggia ricomincia a cadere ed il brasiliano, con le slick ormai usurate (sono state montate al 34? giro), si ferma per montare le gomme intagliate quando mancano 10 giri alla bandiera a scacchi. Anche Hill preferisce non rischiare e monta le rain cos? come Prost che viene scavalcato da Barrichello. La splendida prestazione del pilota della Jordan, al suo 3? GP in carriera, si conclude a 5 giri dal termine con la pressione della benzina a zero.


Senna vince con 1?23? di vantaggio su Hill e un giro su Prost.

Modificato da gio66

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perche ancora mi commuovo...non so spiegarmelo...


a voi capita come me a volte di non darsi pace...come di non trovare una motivazione e un non accettare la morte di magic?

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a voi capita come me a volte di non darsi pace...come di non trovare una motivazione e un non accettare la morte di magic?


S? io ti capisco. A volte me lo sento vicino, a volte, purtroppo la mancanza si sente cos? forte e si acuisce al punto che mi sento sola.

Lo so perfettamente, qui non capir? nessuno quello che scrivo, quello che provo. Anche adesso che scrivo questo, la sua mancanza si fa sentire forte.


Forse domani, invece, verranno ricordi pi? felici e sereni. Allora pensare a lui non sar? cos? doloroso e triste, ma anzi mi verr? un sorriso.



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io non l'ho mai accettata infatti..

non me ne faro' mai una ragione

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a voi capita come me a volte di non darsi pace...come di non trovare una motivazione e un non accettare la morte di magic?


Io spesso non arrivo nemmeno a questo pensiero, perch? quando si parla di Ayrton la mia prima fulminea sensazione ? che parliamo come di qualcuno che ? tuttora un pilota che corre in F1 e che la domenica successiva lo posso vedere in pista.... E devo dire che per almeno 3-4 anni questa non era una sensazione tanto breve, ma qualcosa di molto... "pervasivo".


Qualche settimana fa Alesi era in diretta sul sito della Gazzetta e, rispondendo alle domande dei tifosi, raccont? un aneddoto divertente fra lui e Senna: il giorno del Gran Premio degli USA a Phoenix '90, dove i due diedero vita a un'appassionante duello e arrivarono primo secondo, Senna dopo la vittoria si congratul? con Alesi sul podio, e Jean gli mostr? che sotto la tuta aveva una maglietta di Senna!! Senna rimase un p? sconcertato, e gli domand? come avesse quella maglietta (visto che era un accessorio che avevano solo alla McLaren per Senna). Alesi ridendo gli disse che non doveva allarmarsi: era successo che la mattina della gara si era trovato senza maglietta sottotuta, e quelli della McLaren gliene diedero gentilmente una di Ayrton...

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Io spesso non arrivo nemmeno a questo pensiero, perch? quando si parla di Ayrton la mia prima fulminea sensazione ? che parliamo come di qualcuno che ? tuttora un pilota che corre in F1 e che la domenica successiva lo posso vedere in pista.... E devo dire che per almeno 3-4 anni questa non era una sensazione tanto breve, ma qualcosa di molto... "pervasivo".


Qualche settimana fa Alesi era in diretta sul sito della Gazzetta e, rispondendo alle domande dei tifosi, raccont? un aneddoto divertente fra lui e Senna: il giorno del Gran Premio degli USA a Phoenix '90, dove i due diedero vita a un'appassionante duello e arrivarono primo secondo, Senna dopo la vittoria si congratul? con Alesi sul podio, e Jean gli mostr? che sotto la tuta aveva una maglietta di Senna!! Senna rimase un p? sconcertato, e gli domand? come avesse quella maglietta (visto che era un accessorio che avevano solo alla McLaren per Senna). Alesi ridendo gli disse che non doveva allarmarsi: era successo che la mattina della gara si era trovato senza maglietta sottotuta, e quelli della McLaren gliene diedero gentilmente una di Ayrton...


si l'ho vista anche io



a me invece e' capitato di commuovermi il 1 maggio quando aspettavo curioso per vedere se i tg si ricordassero come mi ricordo io...e resto sempre stupito


non c'e stato tg che non gli abbia fatto un bel servizio.... idem i giornali....insomma un mito che va' oltre



io personalmente son sceso in cucina tardi e ho detto a mia madre vedrai che hanno fatto il servizio su ayrton..ho messo sky sport con il tasto verde che ripete le notizie... poi esco fuori in giardino aspettando cosi e un po distratto mia madre mi fa' corri..


e io torno... cavolo certo vederlo in tv non e come rivedere spesso e spesso su youtube... era un bel servizio con la musica di dalla...mi sono commosso !!


e' cosi.... ha significato e significhera tanto nella mia vita ayrton !

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